Promoting the natural potential of the sea, strengthening health care against COVID-19 to restore economic development in Vietnam?

May I ask what measures should the National Assembly take to restore the economic development in Vietnam tourism to the sea? Thank you very much!

How to promote the potential and natural advantages of the sea to restore and develop tourism?

According to subsection 2.1, Section 2, Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the 3rd session, the 15th National Assembly promulgates as follows:

- Bringing into play the potential and natural advantages of the sea; Prioritize investment in basic investigation, capacity building and modernization of facilities to effectively serve the management of natural resources and environment of sea and islands, ensuring harmony between environmental protection and environmental protection. , conservation and sustainable development of marine biodiversity; develop the marine economy and build a society that is close to and friendly with the sea.

- Implement breakthrough tasks and solutions to adapt to climate change, sea level rise, natural disaster prevention and control, and energy transition to fulfill Vietnam's commitments at the 26th Conference of the Parties. join the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26); mobilize investment capital sources to develop low-carbon economy towards sustainable development;

- Continue to pay attention to and promote the recovery and development of tourism.

- Focus on building, preserving and developing the nation's culture; mobilizing investment resources for culture and preserving cultural heritages of typical special value.

- Interested in investing in the development of high-achieving sports.

- Continue to improve the quality of higher education; effectively implement the 2018 General Education Program, in which strengthening propaganda on the implementation of this Program; fundamentally and comprehensively renovate teaching and learning methods, especially History subjects; study the opinions of voters, the People and the National Assembly deputies, design the History subject in the upper secondary education curriculum, including the compulsory part and the elective part in a reasonable and scientific manner, ensuring ensure the highest efficiency in traditional education and personality development for students; strictly control the compilation and publication of textbooks.

- Adding textbooks to the List of goods and services valued by the State when amending the Law on Prices; In the immediate future, the Government directs the concerned ministries to take measures to reduce the cost of textbooks in accordance with socio-economic conditions; continue to implement the policy of supporting or subsidizing textbooks for students with difficult family circumstances, mountainous, highland, and ethnic minority areas according to regulations; strictly comply with regulations on reference documents, avoiding waste

Promoting the natural potential of the sea, strengthening health care against COVID-19 to restore economic development in Vietnam?

Promoting the natural potential of the sea, strengthening health care against COVID-19 to restore economic development in Vietnam? (picture from internet)

How to effectively implement the directed program on COVID-19 prevention and control?

According to subsection 2.1, Section 2, Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the 3rd session, the 15th National Assembly promulgates as follows:

- Continue to effectively implement the Program on COVID-19 prevention and control; strengthen inspection, supervision, review and evaluation of the implementation of Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15, policies on COVID-19 prevention and control to report to the National Assembly at the 4th Session (October 2022) ).

- Improve the quality and efficiency of health and population work in order to promptly meet the requirements of socio-economic development in Vietnam and disease prevention and control in the new situation. Immediately pay support for medical staff participating in epidemic prevention and control.

- To soon take measures to stabilize the organizational structure and psychology of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees working in the health sector from central to local levels in the context of many cases being handled. discipline and criminally handle in order to continue to effectively carry out the work of caring for, protecting and improving the People's health; remove obstacles and inadequacies for bidding, procurement of drugs, medical equipment and supplies;

Accelerating the implementation of programs to support labor market development and economic development in Vietnam?

According to subsection 2.1, Section 2, Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the 3rd session, the 15th National Assembly promulgates as follows:

- Effectively implementing the program to support the recovery and development of the labor market; have solutions to increase income to ensure workers and their families stabilize their lives and stick with enterprises; reduce the number of people withdrawing one-time social insurance, firmly expand the coverage of social insurance; continue to prioritize investment in vocational training, improve the quality of human resources and labor productivity, and provide high-quality vocational training;

- Continue to promote the implementation of solutions and policies to expand health insurance participants; urgently evaluate, propose solutions and roadmap to support people with difficult circumstances and low income who are not supported by the state budget to pay health insurance due to the adjustment of the list of communes and villages in the area. difficult and especially difficult areas in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; strictly control the management and use of the Health Insurance Fund, to prevent abuse, profiteering and imbalance of the Fund;

- Strengthening the care and protection of children, especially orphans and helpless children after the COVID-19 pandemic.

- To further promote mental health care for children; the prevention and combat of school violence and child abuse and the prevention and control of children's accidents and injuries, with emphasis on skills in preventing drowning, ensuring safety in cyberspace;

The above are measures to promote the natural potential of the sea, strengthen health and prevent COVID-19 to restore economic development in Vietnam that the Central Committee issued.

Resolution 63/2022/QH15 takes effect from July 31, 2022.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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