Procedure for Developing, Appraising, and Issuing Training Programs of Intermediate Level and College Level
Scope of Adjustment and Subjects of Application of Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH
According to Articles 1 and 2 of Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH that stipulate the scope of adjustment and subjects of application of Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH as follows:
(1) Scope of Adjustment:
Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH regulates the process of developing, appraising, and issuing training programs at the intermediate and college levels; organizing the compilation, selection, appraisal, approval, and usage of textbooks, specifically:
- The process of developing, appraising, and issuing programs;- Organizing the compilation, selection, appraisal, approval, and usage of intermediate and college level textbooks in vocational education.
(2) Subjects of Application:
- Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH applies to colleges, intermediate schools, and other institutions registered for vocational education at the intermediate and college levels (collectively referred to as vocational education institutions).- Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH does not apply to training programs foreign education institutions issue graduation diplomas for and joint training programs with foreign countries in the field of vocational education.
What is the process of developing, appraising, and issuing intermediate and college level training programs like?
Must the intermediate and college level training programs ensure scientific, logical, systematic, practical, appropriate, and flexible attributes?
Based on the provisions in Article 3 of Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH:
Requirements for Training Programs
1. The training program must meet the prescribed minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements that students obtain upon graduation by each industry, occupation, and training level. For industries and occupations without prescribed minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements, they must meet the requirements of Circular No. 12/2017/TT-BLDTBXH dated April 20, 2017, of the Minister of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs on minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements that students obtain upon graduation at the intermediate and college levels; Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BLDTBXH dated June 15, 2023, amending and supplementing some provisions of Circular No. 12/2017/TT-BLDTBXH.
2. The list and duration of each subject and module in the training program must be identified; as well as theory time, practice time, internship time, and subject/module completion exam time.
3. Content and duration of common subjects in the training program are implemented according to the regulations of the Minister of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.
4. The training program must ensure scientific, logical, systematic, practical, appropriate, and flexible attributes; adaptable to diverse training organization methods. Professional content must meet the core and essential competencies of the occupation; elective, supplementary, and advanced competencies for students to choose according to their own needs.
5. Methods of assessing learning outcomes must be stipulated appropriate to the training organization methods, determining the levels of competency achieved by students after completing the subjects/modules of the training program.
6. The content of the training program must respond to changes in science, technology, production, business, and service demands; meet enterprise and labor market needs, appropriate to economic-social development requirements of the sector, locality, and country.
7. Ensure modernity and international integration, approaching advanced training levels of developed countries in the world; towards the requirement of greening in training and digital transformation goals.
8. Ensure interconnection with training levels in vocational education and interconnection with other training levels in the national education system.
9. Specify the conditions for implementing the training program and ensuring training quality conditions.
Therefore, based on the above provisions, the intermediate and college level training programs must ensure scientific, logical, systematic, practical, appropriate, and flexible attributes according to the requirements of the training program.
What is the structure of intermediate and college level training programs in vocational education like?
According to Article 4 of Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH the structure of intermediate and college level vocational education training programs includes the following:
- Name of the training industry/profession;- Industry/profession code (for those in the List);- Training level;- Admission subjects;- Course duration (school years);- Total knowledge volume of the course (hours, credits);- Program introduction/description of the training industry/profession;- Training objectives;- Summary table of competencies of the industry/profession in the training program;- List and duration of subjects/modules (compulsory, elective);- Detailed program of subjects/modules (compulsory, elective);- Guidance on the program usage.