07:32 | 24/09/2024

What are types of motor vehicles in Vietnam under the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024?

What are types of motor vehicles in Vietnam under the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024?

What are types of motor vehicles in Vietnam under the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024?

Based on Article 34 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024, motor vehicles include:

(1) Automobiles, including:

- Vehicles with four or more wheels powered by an engine, designed and manufactured to operate on roads, not running on tracks, used for carrying people, goods, towing trailers, semi-trailers, or specially constructed for specific functions, which can be connected to an electric wire;

- Three-wheeled vehicles with a curb weight greater than 400 kg;

- Automobiles excluding motorized four-wheelers for carrying people;

- Motorized four-wheeled goods vehicles;

(2) Trailers which are non-powered vehicles designed and manufactured to operate on roads, towed by automobiles; the majority of the trailer's total weight does not rest on the towing vehicle;

(3) Semi-trailers which are non-powered vehicles designed and manufactured to operate on roads, towed by tractor trucks and a significant portion of their total weight rests on the tractor truck;

(4) Motorized four-wheeled people carriers which have four or more wheels, powered by an engine, designed and manufactured to operate on roads, constructed to carry people, with a design speed not exceeding 30 km/h, and can carry a maximum of 15 people (excluding the driver);

(5) Motorized four-wheeled goods vehicles which have four or more wheels, powered by an engine, designed and manufactured to operate on roads, constructed to carry goods, with the engine and cargo compartment mounted on a single frame, having a maximum of two rows of seats and can carry up to 05 people (excluding the driver), with a design speed not exceeding 60 km/h and a curb weight not exceeding 550 kg;

In case of using an electric engine, the engine power should not exceed 15 kW;

(6) Motorcycles, including two- or three-wheeled vehicles powered by an engine, designed and manufactured to operate on roads, excluding mopeds; for three-wheeled vehicles, the curb weight should not exceed 400 kg;

(7) Mopeds which are two- or three-wheeled vehicles powered by an engine, designed and manufactured to operate on roads, with a design speed not exceeding 50 km/h;

If powered by an internal combustion engine, the displacement should not exceed 50 cm3;

If powered by an electric motor, the motor power should not exceed 04 kW;

Mopeds do not include motorized bicycles;

(8) Vehicles similar to the types mentioned above.

Motor vehicles according to the Road Traffic Safety and Order Law 2024 include which types?

What are types of motor vehicles in Vietnam under the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the requirements for participation in road traffic in Vietnam?

Based on Article 35 of Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024:

Requirements for participation in road traffic

1. Motor vehicles, special-purpose motorcycles participating in road traffic must meet the following conditions:

a) Certified for vehicle registration and attached with vehicle license plates according to the law;

b) Ensure technical safety and environmental protection standards as per the law.

2. Transport business automobiles must be equipped with a tracking device. Automobiles carrying eight or more people (excluding the driver) in transport business, tractor trucks, and ambulances must be equipped with a tracking device and driver image recording device.

3. Intelligent transport vehicles must meet the conditions specified in Clause 1 of this Article and be licensed by the competent authority.

4. Vehicles with foreign license plates operating in Vietnam must comply with the provisions of Article 55 of this Law.

5. The Government of Vietnam shall detail Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Article; stipulate the operating conditions for rudimentary vehicles.

6.  Provincial People's Committees shall stipulate the operating range of rudimentary vehicles, motorized four-wheeled goods vehicles, and motorized four-wheeled people carriers in the local area.

Thus, motor vehicles participating in road traffic must meet the following conditions:

- Certified for vehicle registration and attached with vehicle license plates according to the law;

- Ensure technical safety and environmental protection standards as per the law.

What are regulations on service life of motorized vehicles in Vietnam?

Based on Article 40 of Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 regulating the service life of motorized vehicles in Vietnam:

- The usage duration of motor vehicles is calculated from the year of manufacture until the end of December 31 of the usage expiration year.

- The usage duration of altered vehicles is regulated as follows:

+ Vehicles with a usage limit modified to a vehicle without a usage limit shall apply the pre-modification usage limit;

+ Vehicles without a usage limit modified to a vehicle with a usage limit shall apply the post-modification usage limit;

+ Passenger cars with a capacity of 09 or more people (excluding the driver), specially-used passenger cars modified into goods vehicles (including specially-used goods vehicles);

Motorized four-wheeled people carriers modified into motorized four-wheeled goods vehicles shall apply the post-modification usage limit.

- Cases where the usage duration is not applicable to motor vehicles include:

+ Motorcycles, mopeds, passenger cars with a capacity of up to 08 people (excluding the driver), specially-used automobiles, trailers, and semi-trailers;

+ Military and police motor vehicles used for national defense and security purposes.

Note: Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 takes effect in Vietnam from January 1, 2025; Clause 3 Article 10 of Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 takes effect from January 1, 2026.


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