07:43 | 23/07/2024

Development of Agriculture, Rural Areas, and Farmers is the Responsibility and Central Task of the Entire Political System and Society

I reside in a very remote rural area and currently see other places developing, which makes me want my hometown to develop as well. However, I am not aware of the new policies on rural development that the National Assembly has passed. Thank you!

Directive of the Communist Party on the development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers is a responsibility and key task of the entire political system and society?

According to subsection 1 of Section II of Resolution 19-NQ/TW of 2022 on agriculture, farmers, and rural areas:

- Agriculture, farmers, and rural areas are three closely related, inseparable elements; they play a very important role in the cause of renewal, construction, and defense of the Fatherland; they are the foundation and great force in socio-economic development, environmental protection, climate change adaptation, maintaining political stability, ensuring national defense and security, preserving and promoting the cultural values and people of Vietnam, meeting the requirements of international integration.

- Industrialization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas are among the top important tasks of the country's industrialization and modernization process.

- The country's resources must continue to prioritize investment in agriculture, farmers, and rural areas. Ensuring harmonious development between rural and urban areas, between regions, and localities; closely linking the development of industry and services with agriculture, between sustainable rural development and the urbanization process in the direction of "ecological agriculture, modern rural areas, civilized farmers."

- Developing agriculture and rural areas, improving the material and spiritual life of farmers and rural residents is the responsibility and key task of the entire political system and society under the leadership of the Communist Party; emphasizing the role and responsibility of party committees, party organizations, especially the leaders; the effectiveness and efficiency of state agencies.

- Promoting the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Vietnam Farmers' Association, and political-social organizations in supervision, social critique, mobilizing members, and the public to actively participate in the development of agriculture and rural areas.

Developing agriculture, rural areas, and farmers is the responsibility and key task of the entire political system and society?

Developing agriculture, rural areas, and farmers is the responsibility and key task of the entire political system and society? (Source: Internet)

What is the role of agriculture in rural development?

According to subsection 3 of Section II of Resolution 19-NQ/TW of 2022 on agriculture, farmers, and rural areas:

"Agriculture is a national advantage and the support for the economy. Developing efficient, sustainable agriculture with integrated multi-values is oriented towards increasing value addition and competitiveness, linked with promoting the development of processing industries, post-harvest preservation, and expanding agricultural markets domestically and internationally; ensuring food safety, national food security, and protecting the ecological environment; encouraging the development of green, organic, circular agriculture.

- Shifting strongly from agricultural production to agricultural economy, aligning with market demands.

- Leveraging regional and local advantages, organizing agricultural production and business based on value chains, grounded in science, technology, and innovation."

What is the role of farmers in rural development?

According to subsection 2 of Section II of Resolution 19-NQ/TW of 2022 on agriculture, farmers, and rural areas:

"Farmers are the subjects and the center of agricultural, rural economic development, and new rural construction. Linking farmer class construction with agricultural development and the rural industrialization and urbanization process. The highest goal in agricultural and rural development is to comprehensively enhance the material and spiritual life of farmers and rural residents.

- Focus on building Vietnamese farmers into comprehensive, civilized, patriotic, united, self-reliant, innovative individuals who have aspirations for building a prosperous, happy homeland and country; with education, knowledge, and advanced organizational production capability, civilized lifestyle, social responsibility, respect for law, environmental protection; enjoying achievements of socio-economic development, gradually accessing urban services."

What is the role of rural construction?

According to subsection 4 of Section II of Resolution 19-NQ/TW of 2022 on agriculture, farmers, and rural areas:

"Building modern, prosperous, happy, democratic, and civilized rural areas; having synchronous socio-economic infrastructure; a green, clean, beautiful environment; healthy, rich cultural life imbued with national identity; ensuring political security, order, and social safety.

- Agricultural and rural development must be linked with the space of tangible and intangible cultural heritage; protecting the values of wet rice civilization and the noble cultural identity.

- The planning of rural socio-economic development needs to focus on balanced, synchronous development of agriculture, industry, and services, linked with restructuring labor, creating livelihoods, local employment, increasing income for farmers and rural residents, ensuring national defense, security, and strengthening the grassroots political system, especially in strategic, remote, border, island areas, and ethnic territories. Building new rural areas more profoundly, substantially, effectively, and sustainably.

- Effectively managing and utilizing land and water resources, protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity, and sustainably developing ecosystems. Proactively preventing and combating natural disasters, adapting to climate change, ensuring agricultural production and safety for the people."

Thus, the above Resolution clearly states that developing agriculture, rural areas, and improving the material and spiritual life of farmers and rural residents is the responsibility and key task of the entire political system and society under the leadership of the Communist Party; emphasizing the role and responsibility of party committees, party organizations, especially leaders; the effectiveness and efficiency of state agencies.


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