Effective agricultural development: at least 35 million tons of rice to be produced annually to ensure national food security in Vietnam?

As far as I know, there’s a new resolution on agricultural and rural development issued by the National Assembly of Vietnam. What is the target on annual rice production of Vietnam according to this resolution? Thank you!

What is the direction of effective agricultural development of the Central Committee of Vietnam?

According to subsection 2, Section IV of Resolution 19-NQ/TW in 2022 on agricultural and rural development, issued by the Central Committee as follows:

"- Restructure agriculture to be substantive and effective, to exploit and bring into play the advantages of tropical agriculture, the potentials and advantages of each region, region and locality. Step up the accumulation and concentration of land; develop agriculture in the direction of modernity, concentrated commodity cultivation, large-scale, ensure food safety on the basis of application of advanced science and technology, digital transformation, mechanization, and automation. and closely associate agriculture with industry and services, production with preservation, processing and consumption of agricultural products; encourage the development of green, organic, circular agriculture, program one commune per product (OCOP), reduce greenhouse gas emissions... Continue to invest, renovate, upgrade and build new infrastructure for agricultural production, giving priority to works and projects serving agricultural restructuring, and responding to climate change.

- Develop the industry of producing high-yield, high-quality plant and animal breeds, resistant to diseases, and adapting to climate change; conservation and development of high-value indigenous varieties; have an appropriate mechanism to promote institutes, schools and enterprises to research, select and breed varieties; improve self-reliance in animal feed production; step up research and master the production technology of vaccines, veterinary drugs, plant protection drugs, agricultural equipment and supplies. Reorganize production, strongly develop the farm economy and cooperative economy, focus on cooperatives and agricultural enterprises; promote linkages and cooperation along the value chain, enhance added value. Develop synchronously and effectively a technical system specialized in veterinary medicine, plant and animal protection and quarantine, and food safety management. Strictly manage the quality of agricultural materials, improve the efficiency of disease prevention and control. Build safe and quality food supply chains; strictly handle violations in the production and trading of agricultural materials and food safety."

Effective agricultural development: at least 35 million tons of rice to be produced annually to ensure national food security in Vietnam?

How to develop agriculture in Vietnam in terms of farming and livestock?

According to subsection 2, Section IV of Resolution 19-NQ/TW in 2022 on agriculture, farmers and rural areas, issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- In terms of cultivation, crop structure should be changed to suit advantages and market demands, adapt to climate change, and form large-scale and specialized cultivation areas.

+ In terms of policies on management and use of rice land towards flexibility and efficiency; convert inefficient rice land to more efficient production of crops and livestock; strictly protect the land fund specialized in rice, annually produce at least 35 million tons of rice to ensure national food security. Step up the application of advanced production technologies and processes, reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides of inorganic origin; encourage the use of fertilizers and pesticides of organic origin.

- In terms of animal husbandry, develop high-tech industrial animal husbandry; support for farming, eco-friendly farms.

+ Resolutely move livestock production out of concentrated residential areas. Develop specialty varieties, organic breeding to create products with high economic value and competitive advantages.

+ Arrange suitable land funds for livestock development, especially in rice-growing localities.

+ Thoroughly handle the use of banned substances, abuse of antibiotics and chemicals of unknown origin in livestock production; strengthen the capacity and operational efficiency of the veterinary system to meet the requirements of disease prevention and control.

How to develop agriculture in Vietnam in terms of fisheries and forestry?

According to subsection 2, Section IV of Resolution 19-NQ/TW in 2022 on agriculture, farmers and rural areas, issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- In terms of fisheries, develop aquaculture in the sea and on land in the direction of industry and ecology; strengthen disease control, antibiotic residues.

+ Synchronously implement solutions to protect, develop and exploit aquatic resources sustainably, in accordance with international standards and practices; improve the efficiency of offshore fishing in association with the protection of national sovereignty over seas and islands; resolutely overcome the situation of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; to step up investment in infrastructure construction and fisheries services.

- In terms of forestry, strengthen the management, protection and development of forests, restore natural forests in association with biodiversity conservation, landscape protection and ecological environment. Launch the planting movement forests according to the master plan and annual plan.

+ Develop the forest economy, with a specific mechanism to ensure both protection and development of forests, while creating livelihoods and improving incomes and living standards of people living in forested areas.

+ Promote socialization, develop carbon market, rapidly increase forest area certified for sustainable forest management. Improve the quality of planted forests, focus on developing large timber forests and specialty forests, basically meeting domestic demand and serving as raw materials for export processing.

+ Strictly protect special-use forests and protection forests, focusing on developing coastal forests. Review and change the area of ​​forest land that is practically non-forested to land for agricultural and fishery production in combination with forestry production in accordance with the planning. Develop the wood processing industry and high-class wood products so that Vietnam becomes a center for processing and exporting wooden furniture in the world.

- In terms of the salt industry, invest in upgrading infrastructure and technology, develop production, process and diversify salt products; adopt appropriate policies to ensure livelihoods and raise incomes for salt farmers.

Thus, in the above Resolution, the Central Executive Committee gave instructions: renew the policy of management and use of rice land towards flexibility and efficiency; convert inefficient rice land to more efficient production of crops and livestock; strictly protect the land fund specialized in rice, annually produce at least 35 million tons of rice to ensure national food security.


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