Distinguish valid and invalid ballots in the election of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

Hello advisory board, I have the following question: during the election in the Communist Party of Vietnam, many people will be given electoral votes. So how will the vote be considered valid?

Distinguish valid and invalid ballots in the election of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of Decision 244-QD/TW of 2014 of the Central Executive Committee, regulations on electoral votes are as follows:

“Article 17. Voting ballots
1- The ballot must be printed with the full names of the people on the electoral list (where it is not possible to print ballots, the congress's vote counting committee shall write the electoral register on the ballot paper); stamp of the party convening the congress in the upper left corner of the ballot, the branch under the grassroots party committee (or part of the party committee), then the stamp of the grassroots party committee.
If a voter does not vote for anyone on the electoral roll, he/she must cross out both the full name and the full name of the person he/she does not vote for.
In case the voting list has no balance, the votes are divided into 4 columns: ordinal number; first and last name; agree; disagree. Voters mark an X in the agree or disagree box corresponding to the person's first and last name on the electoral roll.
2- Valid and invalid coupons:
- A valid vote is a vote issued by the vote counting committee, with enough or insufficient votes; votes in which there is only one person on the electoral roll, the voter ticks an X in one of the two boxes agreeing or disagreeing; multiple votes without balance, the voter puts an X in both boxes (agree and disagree) or no X in both boxes (agree and disagree) of a person or a person number of people on the electoral roll.
- Invalid votes are votes not issued by the vote counting committee; votes more than the specified number; cast no vote for anyone on the multi-voting list; put an X in both the agree box and the disagree box on the electoral roll with only one person; votes from outside the electoral roll; coupons marked or multi-ink; signed or written form.”

Accordingly, the form of the ballot and the validity of the ballot shall comply with the above provisions.

Phân biệt phiếu bầu cử hợp lệ và phiếu bầu cử không hợp lệ trong bầu cử Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam?

Distinguish valid and invalid ballots in the election of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

What is the maximum number of candidates left over in the election?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Decision 244-QD/TW in 2014 of the Central Executive Committee, the balance and electoral list are regulated as follows:

“Article 16. Regulations on balances and electoral lists
1- The number of candidates on the electoral list at the committee level and the standing committee at the committee level must be greater than the number to be elected; the maximum number of participants decided by the congress (conference) but not more than 30% of the number to be elected, in which the party committee convening the congress (conference) prepares the number of personnel at the committee level and the standing committee has the balance from 10% to 15%.
2- The list of candidates prepared by the committee to convene the congress (conference) is the official list of nominations for the congress (conference).
3- The General Meeting (conference) discussed and voted to make the following list:
- In case the list includes personnel nominated by the party convening the meeting, nominated by a delegate of the congress (conference) and the candidate does not have a balance of 30% of the number to be elected, the congress (conference) shall recommendations) to decide (that list can be used as an electoral roll).
- In case the list includes personnel nominated by the convening party committee, nominated by a delegate of the congress (conference) and the candidate is 30% more than the number to be elected, then the congress (conference) must be consulted. ) about the people nominated by the congress (conference) delegates and candidates. Based on the results of consultation, select according to the number of votes that agree from high to low to make a list of voters with a maximum balance of not more than 30% of the number to be elected.
In case the election list has a balance of 30% but at the end of the list there are many people with the same number of votes, the congress (conference) shall consider and decide on the selection according to party structure, age, or may decide to the balance is 30% higher than the amount to vote.
4- The electoral roll is arranged in alphabetical order of names A, B, C...; if there are many people with the same name, they will be sorted by last name; if they both have the same surname, they will be sorted by middle name; If all three of these data match, the person with the higher party age is ranked first.
5- In case it is necessary to vote for the number of 1 person, the electoral list is 2 people; to vote for the number of 2 people, the electoral list is 3 people; If the number of votes is taken from 3 or more people, the polling list must have a maximum balance of no more than 1/3 of the number to be elected.
6- If voting once is not enough for the prescribed number, whether to vote again or not shall be decided by the congress (conference). The list for the next election must have the balance taken according to the results of the previous election from highest to lowest of those who have not been elected.

Thus, the regulations on the balance and the electoral roll are made according to the above content.

When will the list of candidates in the Party election be published?

Pursuant to Article 18 of Decision 244-QD/TW of 2014 of the Central Executive Committee, which stipulates as follows:

“Article 18. List of excerpts of candidates
From district and equivalent congresses and above, before conducting official voting, the congress's presi- save first.”

Thus, the provision of an extract list of the candidates in the election shall comply with the above provisions.


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