07:49 | 23/07/2024

Organizations Assigned Tasks by the Communist Party and State at the Central Level: What Types of Agencies Are Included?

The associations assigned tasks by the Communist Party and the State at the central level include which agencies? Question from T.Q in Hanoi

Mass Organizations Assigned Tasks by the Communist Party and the State at the Central Level Include Which Agencies?

Appendix I issued together with Decision 118-QD/TW of 2023 stipulates that mass organizations include the following agencies:

(1) Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations

(2) Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts Associations

(3) Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations

(4) Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry

(5) Vietnam Cooperative Alliance

(6) Vietnam Red Cross Society

(7) Vietnam Journalists Association

(8) Vietnam Writers Association

(9) Vietnam Lawyers Association

(10) Vietnam Bar Federation

(11) Vietnam Elderly Association

(12) Vietnam Oriental Traditional Medicine Association

(13) Vietnam Association of Architects

(14) Vietnam Association of Former Youth Volunteers

(15) Vietnam Fine Arts Association

(16) Vietnam Photographers Association

(17) Vietnam Medical Association

(18) Vietnam Musicians Association

(19) Vietnam Theater Artists Association

(20) Vietnam Association of Historical Sciences

(21) Vietnam Folklore Arts Association

(22) Vietnam Blind Association

(23) Vietnam Cinematography Association

(24) Vietnam Dance Artists Association

(25) Vietnam Association of Ethnic Minority Arts and Literature

(26) Vietnam Association for the Protection of Disabled Persons and Orphans

(27) Vietnam Association for the Promotion of Education

(28) Vietnam Association for the Relief of Disabled Children

(29) Vietnam Publishers Association

(30) Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin.

Mass Organizations Assigned Tasks by the Communist Party and the State at the Central Level Include Which Agencies?

Mass Organizations Assigned Tasks by the Communist Party and the State at the Central Level Include Which Agencies?

Working Regime of Mass Organizations as Regulated?

Article 11 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 118-QD/TW of 2023 stipulates the working policies of mass organizations as follows:

Working Regime of the Organization

The organization works on the principle of collective leadership, individual responsibility, and decisions being made by the majority according to the organization's charter. Subdivisions and assisting units work according to the policies of their heads.

Thus, the working policies of the organization will adhere to the above regulations.

The organization operates on the principle of collective leadership, individual responsibility, and decisions being made by the majority according to the organization's charter.

What Are the Rights and Responsibilities of Mass Organizations as Stipulated in Decision 118-QD/TW?

Article 9 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 118-QD/TW of 2023 stipulates the rights of mass organizations as follows:

- To be provided with information and disseminated the guidelines, policies of the Communist Party, and laws of the State.

- To participate in providing opinions in the construction of mechanisms and policies directly related to the functions, tasks, powers, and areas of activity of the organization.

- To be entrusted with performing certain professional activities and public services suitable to the organization's fields of activity as prescribed.

- To participate in consultancy and policy criticism, programs, topics, and projects at the request of state agencies. To chair or participate in topics and projects related to the organization's area of activity.

- To be supported with funds by the State to perform the assigned tasks.

- To organize certain economic activities; to receive lawful resources domestically and internationally in accordance with the principles, purposes, functions, and tasks assigned; to establish cooperative relations with organizations and individuals; to participate in people's external activities and certain cooperative mechanisms as prescribed by law.

The responsibilities of mass organizations are stipulated in Article 10 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 118-QD/TW of 2023 as follows:

- To disseminate, propagate, and mobilize members and various layers of the populace to implement the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party and the laws of the State; the guidelines and decisions related to the organization and its activities; to actively participate in the country's socio-economic development programs; to perform the tasks assigned by the Communist Party and the State, thereby enhancing social consensus.

- To organize activities in accordance with the principles, purposes, functions, and tasks of the organization; to strictly supervise and manage the activities of entities belonging to the organization; to manage and use funds, assets, and various forms of funds in accordance with the regulations of the Communist Party, the laws of the State, and the organization's charter; to comply with guidance, inspection, supervision, auditing, and checking by functional agencies.

- To develop, assemble, and unite members in patriotic emulation movements and campaigns; to represent, protect, reflect, and recommend the resolution of legitimate legal rights and interests of members and various layers of the populace.

- To periodically (every 6 months, annually, or when required) send reports on the organizational situation and activities to the designated oversight and directive party agencies, the Central Office of the Communist Party, the Vietnam Fatherland Front (if the organization is a member), the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the state management bodies relevant to the organization.

- To seek opinions from the party agencies designated to oversee and direct the organization concerning annual activity programs and plans, and term congresses; to invite representatives from party agencies and other relevant government bodies to attend meetings of the party delegation (for organizations with party delegations) or the standing committee (for organizations without party delegations).

- To ensure that changes in headquarters, the establishment of representative offices, or the creation of entities under the organization are in compliance with legal regulations and reported in writing to the designated oversight and directive party agencies and relevant state management bodies.


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