11:07 | 17/03/2023

What are the contents and principles of outdoor advertising planning in Vietnam? What documents are included in the outdoor advertisement planning dossier?

I would like to know what the contents and principles of outdoor advertising planning in Vietnam are. - Question from Ms. Anh Tuyen (Gia Lai)

What are the contents and principles of outdoor advertising planning in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the 2012 Law on Advertising in Vietnam, the contents and principles of outdoor advertising planning are as follows:

The outdoor advertising planning must specify the location, design, size, material and quantity of the means of advertising on the national roads, provincial roads, district roads and means of advertising in urban areas.

The development outdoor advertising planning must comply with the following principles:

- Conformable with law provisions on advertising, construction, traffic and other relevant law provisions;

- Conformable with the local construction planning, ensuring the urban scenery, traffic safety and social order;

- Ensuring the stability, transparency and feasibility;

- Ensuring the unanimity and harmony among the localities at the intersection on national and provincial roads;

- Prioritizing the advertising locations consistent with the existing planning; if the adjustment of the planning causes damage to organizations and individuals, the planning approval agency is responsible for offering compensation as prescribed by law;

- Obtaining the opinion from organizations and individuals participating in the advertising activities and from the people.What are the contents and principles of outdoor advertising planning in Vietnam? What documents are included in the outdoor advertisement planning dossier?

What are the contents and principles of outdoor advertising planning in Vietnam? What documents are included in the outdoor advertisement planning dossier? (Image from the Internet)

What documents are included in the outdoor advertisement planning dossier?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 of Decree No. 181/2013/ND-CP, an outdoor advertisement planning dossier consists of:

- A written request for approval for the planning;

- A written request for approval for the planning;

- A draft scheme for outdoor advertising planning that consists of:

+ Analysis and assessment of natural conditions and socio-economic conditions that affect local outdoor advertising and its impact on national defense and security;

+ Analysis and assessment of local outdoor advertising;

+ Targets of outdoor advertising planning;

+ Estimated area of land for outdoor advertising boards according to the planning;

+ Plans for space and infrastructure for outdoor advertising in urban areas;

+ Suggestions of formats of outdoor advertising that need priority and resources;

+ 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 map of outdoor advertisements;

+ Implementation plan and estimated budget;

+ Opinions and explanations of relevant organizations and individuals.

What are the regulations on formulation, assessment, and implementation of outdoor advertisement planning in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 18 of Decree No. 181/2013/ND-CP stipulating the process of formulation, assessment, and implementation of outdoor advertisement planning in Vietnam as follows:

The People’s Committee of the province shall formulate, assess, and implement the outdoor advertisement planning in the following order:

- Draft the outdoor advertising planning project;

- Seek opinions from relevant organizations and individuals;

- Complete the dossier and approve the outdoor advertising planning;

- Announce the decision on approval and post the project together with its drawing at the People’s Committees, and make announcement on the local media;

- Organize the implementation of the planning and invite bids for outdoor advertising locations within the planning in accordance with the law on procurement.

When is it necessary to adjust the outdoor advertising planning in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of Decree No. 181/2013/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Adjustment to outdoor advertising planning
1. Outdoor advertising planning shall be adjusted when the local socio-economic development planning is adjusted.
2. Outdoor advertising planning shall be adjusted based on the analysis and assessment of the implementation of the previous planning.
3. The People’s Committees of the provinces shall approve the adjustment to outdoor advertising planning in accordance with Article 17 and Article 18 of this Decree.

According to the above regulations, the outdoor advertising planning shall be adjusted when the local socio-economic development planning is adjusted.


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