Contents of Self-Criticism for Party Committees, Party Organizations, Leadership and Management Collectives? What Are the Year-End Self-Criticism Contents for Communist Party Members?
Content of self-criticism for the party committee, party organization, leadership, and management collectives includes what?
Based on Clause 1, Article 6 of Regulation 124-QD/TW in 2023. Specifically as follows:
Content of self-criticism
1. Party committee, party organization, leadership, and management collectives
1.1. Compliance with the principles of organization and operation, especially the principle of democratic centralism; implementation of the working regulations.
1.2. Results of implementing the goals, targets, and tasks set out in the congress resolution, annual plans, and work programs assigned and approved by the competent authority.
1.3. Party construction, rectification, and political system building; the capacity and responsibility of the leadership and management collectives; exemplary responsibility; accountability; the fight against corruption, negativity, and wastefulness, and preventing and pushing back the manifestations of political ideology, morality, lifestyle degradation, "self-evolution", and "self-transformation" within the Party, linked with learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, and style; inspection, supervision, party discipline, and resolution of complaints, denunciations, petitions, and reflections from organizations and individuals.
1.4. Responsibility of the leadership and management collectives in performing the political tasks of the locality, organization, agency, and unit.
1.5. Issues suggested for self-criticism; overcoming the limitations and shortcomings concluded by the competent authority and pointed out in the previous self-criticism session (if any).
Thus, the year-end self-criticism content for the party committee, party organization, leadership, and management collectives is implemented according to the above-stated regulations.
Note: The year-end self-criticism content of the subjects needs to focus on clarifying the achieved results, shortcomings, limitations, weaknesses, causes, solutions, and the time for overcoming them.
Content of self-criticism for the party committee, party organization, leadership, and management collectives includes what? Year-end self-criticism content for Communist Party members? (Image from Internet)
What is the year-end self-criticism content for Communist Party members?
The self-criticism content for Communist Party members is specified in Clause 2, Article 6 of Regulation 124-QD/TW in 2023 as follows:
Content of self-criticism
2. Individuals
2.1. Individuals without leadership, management positions
a) Regarding political qualities, ethics, lifestyle; spirit of unity and internal consensus; sense of organizational discipline, exemplary responsibility, implementation of the things Communist Party members are not allowed to do; working style and manner. Relate to the manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", and "self-transformation".
b) Implementation of tasks and powers and results of performing the assigned targets and tasks for the year.
c) Implementation of annual self-cultivation, training, and striving commitments.
d) Issues suggested for self-criticism; overcoming the limitations and shortcomings concluded by the competent authority and pointed out in the previous self-criticism session (if any).
2.2. Individuals holding leadership, management positions
Self-criticize the content in Point 2.1 and the following content:
a) Results of leadership, direction, management, and administration; performance of responsibilities and tasks; level of task completion of organizations, agencies, and units under their management; ability to unite and build internal unity.
b) Responsibility at work; the spirit of dynamism, innovation, creativity, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility; handling difficult, complex, sensitive issues in performing tasks.
c) Exemplary responsibility of oneself and family; fighting against corruption, wastefulness, negativity; the esteem held by cadres and Communist Party members.
2.3. In addition to the above content, the party committee, party organization, leadership, management collectives, and individuals must self-criticize to clarify responsibility when there are signs of violations; letting arising issues of concern, involving complex and sensitive matters of public interest; receiving complaints and accusations; showing signs of internal disunity; violating principles and rules of the Communist Party; manifestations of "group interest", corruption, negativity, wastefulness, degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation"; having collectives or individuals under their management being disciplined, prosecuted; being sluggish, weak, and failing to complete assigned responsibilities and tasks.
Thus, the year-end self-criticism content for Communist Party members includes the aforementioned points.
What is the sequence of year-end self-criticism for individuals and collectives in the political system?
According to the provisions in Article 7 of Regulation 124-QD/TW in 2023 on self-criticism methods as follows:
Self-criticism methods
3. Sequence of self-criticism
3.1. For self-criticism of collectives and individual leaders and managers: Self-criticize collectives first, individuals later; the head first, deputies, and members later; the leadership and management collectives of the government, professional sectors, and mass organizations first, the party committee and party organization later.
3.2. For Communist Party members holding leadership and management positions: Self-criticize at the cell first, at the leadership collective later.
Thus, the year-end self-criticism sequence for individuals and collectives in the political system is arranged as follows:
- For self-criticism of collectives and individual leaders and managers:
+ Self-criticize collectives first, individuals later;
+ The head first, deputies, and members later;
+ The leadership and management collectives of the government, professional sectors, and mass organizations first, the party committee and party organization later.
- For Communist Party members holding leadership and management positions: Self-criticize at the cell first, at the leadership collective later.