What forms of election in the Party in Vietnam today? Will the reserve party in Vietnam members not have the right to vote in the Party congress?

Welcome to the Advisory Board. I am currently a 4th year student at a university in Hanoi. Recently, I was admitted as a reserve member of the Communist Party of Vietnam. May I ask if you have the right to vote in the party congress? What are the current forms of election in the Party in VIetnam? I would like to thank you!

A member of the standing committee may not nominate personnel outside the list nominated by the standing committee at the committee level?

Pursuant to Article 13 of Decision 244/QD-TW in 2014 of the Central Committee, the committee has the following regulations:

“Article 13. Nominations and nominations of members, standing members, Politburo members, members of the Secretariat
1- The level of members convening the congress may not nominate personnel outside the list nominated by the committee; may not stand for election and receive nomination if his/her name is not on the nomination list of the committee.
2- At meetings of the executive committee, members of the standing committee may not nominate personnel outside the list nominated by the standing committee at the level of the committee; may not stand for election and receive nomination if his/her name is not on the list of nominations of the standing committee of the Party Committee.
3- At meetings of the Central Committee, Politburo members and Secretariat members are not allowed to nominate personnel outside the list nominated by the Politburo; may not stand for election and receive nominations if his/her name is not on the Politburo's list of nominations."

Accordingly, the candidacy and nomination of members of the Standing Committee, members of the Politburo, members of the Politburo and members of the Secretariat shall comply with the above provisions.

Đảng viên dự bị không có quyền bầu cử trong đại hội Đảng viên? Có những hình thức bầu cử nào trong Đảng hiện nay?

Những hình thức bầu cử trong Đảng hiện nay? Đảng viên dự bị sẽ không có quyền bầu cử trong đại hội Đảng?

Can a reserve party in Vientam member stand for election to be elected as a delegate to the superior congress?

According to Article 14 of Decision 244/QD-TW in 2014 of the Central Committee, the committee has the following provisions:

“Article 14. To stand for election, nominate as a delegate to the immediate superior party congress
1- At the congress of party members, only official party members can stand for election at their own congress to be elected as a delegate to the superior party congress. Official party members, temporary living party members and reserve party members have the right to nominate official party members to be elected by the congress as delegates to the superior congress.
2- At the congress of delegates, only official delegates can stand for election, nominate official delegates at their own congresses for the congress to elect a delegate to the superior party congress.
3- The presidium of the congress nominates personnel to be convened by the party committee to convene the congress to prepare for election by the congress as delegates to the superior party congress.”

Thus, at the party congress, only official party members can stand for election to be re-elected delegates to the superior party congress. A reserve party member is only entitled to nominate an official party member as a delegate to the superior congress.

Only official Party members can elect delegates to the superior congress?

Pursuant to Article 15 of Decision 244/QD-TW in 2014 of the Central Committee, the committee has the following provisions:

“Article 15. Right to vote
1- Only official delegates to congresses of delegates at all levels and official party members of congresses of party members have the right to elect their own party committees and elect delegates to superior party congresses.
2- At the party congress, temporary active party members and reserve party members do not have the right to vote.”

Thus, according to this provision, reserve party members do not have the right to vote in the party congress.

What types of elections are there in the Party in Vietnam?

According to Article 3 of Decision 244/QD-TW in 2014 of the Central Committee, the current forms of election in the Party are as follows:

“Article 3. Election form
1- Secret ballot shall be carried out in the following cases:
- Electing the executive committee of the party committee or branch (hereinafter referred to as the committee level); elect the Central Executive Committee.
- Elect the standing committee, secretary, deputy secretary of the Party Committee.
- Elect the Politburo, General Secretary, Secretariat.
- To elect the inspection committee, the chairman and vice-chairman of the inspection committee.
- Electing delegates to the superior party congress.
- Collect ballots on candidates for inclusion in the electoral list.
- Introduce party members to run for leadership positions of the State, Fatherland Front and mass organizations.
2- Show of hands voting (using party membership card to vote) is done in the following cases:
- Electing executive agencies, assisting congresses and conferences (presidium of the congress, secretariat, conference president, committee for verification of delegate status, vote counting committee...).
- Approval of the number and list of elections.”

Thus, at present, in the Party, there are 02 forms of election: secret ballot and show of hands. Depending on certain cases, the appropriate form of election will be selected according to the above provisions.

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The Party in Vietnam
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