Who is considered for issue of press card in Vietnam? What are the conditions and standards to be considered for issue of press card in Vietnam?

I would like to ask who is considered for issue of a press card. – Question of Hieu (Binh Phuoc)

Who is considered for issue of press card in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 26 of the 2016 Press Law of Vietnam stipulating that the subjects to be considered for issue of press card are:

- The general director, deputy general director, director, deputy director, editor-in-chief and deputy chief editor of press agencies and news agencies.

- Head of department, deputy head of department of press operation of press agencies and news agencies.

- Reporters and editors of press agencies and news agencies.

- Cameraman, director of broadcasting and television programs, (excluding movies) of units issued with the press operation permit in the field of broadcasting and television and documentary production of the State.

- Reporter, editor and person in charge of activities of reporter, editor at the broadcasting station and television station at district level or the equivalent.

- Persons who have been issued with the press card but transferred to perform another job but still make journalistic products that are used or are certified by the press agency shall be considered for issue of press card in the following cases:

+ Are mobilized to work at the units which do not carry out the direct press activities of the press agency;

+ Are transferred to carry out the teaching of specialized press at the university education establishments in accordance with the provisions of the Law on university education;

+ Are transferred to work as full-time officials at the journalist association at all levels or directly carry out the state management over the press.

Who is considered for issue of press card in Vietnam? What are the conditions and standards to be considered for issue of press card in Vietnam?

Who is considered for issue of press card in Vietnam? What are the conditions and standards to be considered for issue of press card in Vietnam?

What are the conditions and standards to be considered for issue of press card in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 27 of the 2016 Press Law of Vietnam stipulating the conditions and standards to be considered for issue of press card are:

The persons working at the press agencies are considered for issue of press card must meet the following conditions and standards as follows:

- Are the Vietnamese citizens and are permanently residing in Vietnam;

- Having graduated from university; in case of being the ethnic minority people who are carrying out the publications of printed newspapers, broadcasting and television programs, special column of online newspaper in the language of ethnic minority language, such persons must graduate from college or have higher education.

- In case of issue of card for the first time, there must be the working time for 02 consecutive years or more at the press agency requesting the issue of card by the time of consideration for issue of card, except for the editor-in-chief of scientific magazine and other cases as stipulated by law;

- Are recommended for issue of card by the press agency or the current agency.

Reporter, editor and person in charge of activities of reporter, editor at the broadcasting station and television station at district level or the equivalent must meet the conditions and standards as follows:

- Are the Vietnamese citizens and are permanently residing in Vietnam;

- Having graduated from university; in case of being the ethnic minority people who are carrying out the publications of printed newspapers, broadcasting and television programs, special column of online newspaper in the language of ethnic minority language, such persons must graduate from college or have higher education.

- Are recommended for issue of card by the press agency or the current agency.

- Are the permanent collaborator of the broadcasting and television station of province and centrally-run city;

- Have at least twelve journalistic products which have been broadcast on the broadcasting station and television station of province and centrally-run city in 01 year by the time of consideration for issue of card.

- In case of issue of card for the first time, there must be the working time for 02 consecutive years or more at the broadcasting station and television stations or the equivalent by the time of consideration for issue of card.

- Are recommended for issue of card by the broadcasting station and television station of province and centrally-run city.

Which cases are not considered for issue of press card in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 27 of the 2016 Press Law of Vietnam, the following cases are not considered for issue of press card:

- Are not the subjects specified in Article 26 of this Law;

- Have committed the provisions on journalist’s occupational ethics;

- Have been disciplined from the form of reprimand or heavier in accordance with the regulations of law on public servants and officials and the law on labor but the duration of 12 months is not yet expired by the time of consideration for issue of card;

- Are the persons concerned in the cases without the conclusion from the competent state agencies.

- Have been convicted by a judgment which has taken legal effect of the Court and their criminal records have not yet been removed;

- Their press cards are revoked due to violation of legal regulations but the time of card revocation is not over 12 months from the date of decision issue by the time of consideration for issue of card.

What are the rights and obligations of journalists in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 25 of the 2016 Press Law of Vietnam stipulating the rights and obligations of journalists in Vietnam as follows:

The journalists have the following rights:

- Carry out the press activities in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam or in foreign countries in accordance with the laws and is protected by law in occupational activities;

- Have the right to exploit, provide and use information in press activities as stipulated by law;

- Have the right to come to the organizations and agencies for journalistic professional activities. When coming there to work, the journalists only present their press card. The agencies and organizations shall provide the journalists with documents not under the state secrets or individual privacy and other secrets as prescribed by law.

- Have the right to carry out the journalistic professional activities in the public trials; are arranged the separate area for operation; make direct contact with the persons conducting the proceedings and persons involving in the proceedings to obtain information and make interview as stipulated by law;

- Are provided with training and retraining to improve the political level and journalistic professional skills;

- Refuse to take part in developing or creating the journalistic works in contradiction with regulations of law.

The journalists have the following obligations:

- Provide truthful information on reality of the country and the world in line with the interests of the country and people; reflect the legitimate opinions and aspiration of people;

- Protect the viewpoint, policies, guidelines and law of the Party and the State; detect, propagandize and protect the active factors; struggle to prevent and fight against the wrong thoughts and acts.

- Must not abuse the name of journalist to harass and commit the law.

- Must correct and make apology in case of providing false information, distorting, slandering or hurt the prestige of organizations and agencies, honor and dignity of individuals;

- Take responsibility before law and before the head of press agency for the contents of their journalistic products and acts of law violation;

- Comply with regulations on journalists’ occupational ethics.


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