03:20 | 11/02/2023

Vietnam: What things should be noted when finalizing PIT in 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs?

I would like to ask what should be noted when finalizing PIT in 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs in Vietnam? Asked Tra Huong from Duc Trong.

Which entity will finalize PIT in case the employee has quit his/her job in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 6 Article 8 of Decree 126/2020/ND-CP and subsection 3 Section I of Official Dispatch 883/TCT-DNNCN in 2022, the conditions for authorizing personal income tax finalization are determined as follows:

- Individuals with income from wages and wages sign labor contracts for 03 months or more at a place and are actually working there at the time income-paying organizations and individuals make tax finalization, even if they do not work for 12 months of the year.

In case an individual is an employee who is transferred from the old organization to the new organization because the old organization merges, consolidates, divides, separates, converts the type of enterprise or the old organization and the new organization in the same system, the individual is authorized to finalize taxes for the new organization.

- Individuals with income from wages and wages sign labor contracts for 03 months or more at a place and are actually working there at the time the organization or individual pays tax finalization income, even if they do not work for 12 months of the year;

At the same time, the average income in other places in the month of the year is not more than 10 million VND and has been deducted personal income tax at the rate of 10% if there is no tax finalization requirement for this income.

- Individuals who are foreigners who terminate their working contracts in Vietnam declare tax finalization to tax authorities before leaving the country.

According to the above content, employees who have quit their jobs will not be in the cases authorized to finalize personal income tax.

In subsection 1, Section I of Official Dispatch 883/TCT-DNNCN in 2022, there are instructions as follows: Resident individuals with income from wages and wages from two or more places but do not meet the conditions authorized for finalization as prescribed must directly declare PIT finalization to tax authorities if there is an additional amount of tax payable or an overpaid tax amount. refund or offset on the next tax return period.

Thus, according to the above provisions, the finalization of PIT for employees who have quit their jobs will be directly carried out by the employee.

Vietnam: What things should be noted when finalizing PIT in 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs?

Vietnam: What things should be noted when finalizing PIT in 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs?

What is the online PIT finalization order 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs in Vietnam?

To finalize PIT 2023 online, employees who have quit their jobs follow the following steps:

Step 1: Visit the website of the General Department of Taxation at the address https://canhan.gdt.gov.vn/

Step 2: Log in to the system and score personal information:

- Tax identification number

- Date of issuance of tax identification number

- Provincial/Municipal Tax Authority

- Tax administration

Step 3:

- After logging in, click "Tax finalization" – > "Online tax declaration" –> Fill in the required information.

- In particular, the items marked (*) are the contents that must be filled in.

Step 4: After completing the content – > click "Complete declaration"

Step 5: Load the declaration by pressing "XML Dump" on the screen

Step 6:

- Submit the declaration by clicking "Submit declaration" –> Enter the test code –> click "Continue".

- The system will check the declaration and the information on the declaration. Upon completion, the system will notify the successful filing of the declaration.

After completing the online PIT return, the employee will print the submitted declaration into 02 copies and sign it.

After that, file your tax withholding documents and tax returns at the Tax Office that has submitted the online declaration to complete.

The deadline for self-finalization of PIT in 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs is 30/04/2023. However, according to the schedule of holidays, the above-mentioned settlement period will be moved to the first working day after the holiday period.

What does the PIT finalization dossier 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs include in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Point a, Clause 1.1 subsection 1, Section IV of Official Dispatch 883/TCT-DNNCN in 2022, the PIT finalization dossier 2023 for employees who have quit their jobs includes:

- Personal income tax finalization declaration form No. 02/QTT-TNCN issued together with Appendix II of Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC

- Appendix of family deduction list for dependents form No. 02-1/BK-QTT-TNCN issued together with Appendix II of Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC

- Copies (copies from the original) of documents proving the amount of tax deducted, temporarily paid during the year, the amount of tax paid abroad (if any).

+ In case the income-paying organization does not issue tax withholding documents to individuals because the income-paying organization has ceased its operation, the tax authority shall base on the database of the tax industry to consider processing tax finalization documents for individuals without being required to have tax withholding documents.

+ In case organizations and individuals pay income using electronic PIT withholding documents, taxpayers shall use an expression of electronic PIT withholding documents (paper copies printed by taxpayers themselves converted from original electronic PIT withholding documents issued by organizations, individuals pay income sent to taxpayers).

- A copy of the Tax Withholding Certificate (stating which income tax return was paid) issued by the income-paying agency or a copy of the bank document for the amount of tax paid abroad certified by the taxpayer in the case prescribed by foreign law, foreign tax authorities do not issue certificates confirming the amount of tax paid.

- Copies of invoices and documents proving contributions to charitable funds, humanitarian funds, education promotion funds (if any).

- Documents proving the amount paid by the unit or organization paying income abroad in case the individual receives income from international organizations, embassies, consulates and receives income from abroad.

- Dependent registration dossier (if the deduction is calculated for dependents at the time of tax finalization for dependents who have not yet registered dependents).


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