What are the duties of employment service centers in Vietnam in 2023?

What are the duties of employment service centers in Vietnam in 2023? - N.P.T (Ha Giang, Vietnam)

What are the duties of employment service centers in Vietnam in 2023?

Article 7 of Decree 23/2021/ND-CP stipulates the duties of employment service centers as follows:

Duties of employment service center
1. Counseling activities, including:
a) Providing counsel and orientation regarding career and national occupational skill qualification framework for employees choosing professions and training plans suitable to their capabilities and aspirations;
b) Providing job counsels in order for employees to choose job positions suitable to their capabilities and aspirations; counsels on job application skills; self-employment and domestic and foreign job search;
c) Providing employers with counsels on recruitment, placement and management of employees; on administration and development of jobs, and human resource development;
d) Providing employees and employers with counsels on labor and employment policies.
2. Job recommendation to employees.
3. Labor outsourcing and recruitment upon employer’s request, Including:
a) Recruiting employees through pre-employment tests to select qualified employees meeting the requirements of employers;
b) Supplying employees at employer’s request;
c) Introducing employees to enterprises licensed to send Vietnamese workers abroad under contracts, organizations and individuals investing in foreign countries or public service units under the control of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental bodies that are assigned the tasks of sending Vietnamese workers to work abroad under contracts according to the provisions of the Law on Vietnamese Laborers under Contracts.
4. Collecting and providing labor market information.
5. Analyzing and forecasting the labor market.
6. Implementing unemployment insurance policies under regulations of the Law on Employment.
7. Providing training in interview, job search and other skills; vocational education in accordance with law.
8. Implementing employment-related programs and projects.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the duties of employment service centers in 2023 include:

- Providing counsel and orientation regarding career and national occupational skill qualification framework for employees choosing professions and training plans suitable to their capabilities and aspirations.

- Providing job counsels in order for employees to choose job positions suitable to their capabilities and aspirations; counsels on job application skills; self-employment and domestic and foreign job search.

- Providing employees with counsels on labor and employment policies..

- Job recommendation to employees.

In addition, the employment service centers also have the following duties:

- Collecting and providing labor market information.

- Analyzing and forecasting the labor market.

- Implementing unemployment insurance policies under regulations of the Law on Employment.

- Providing training in interview, job search and other skills; vocational education in accordance with law.

- Implementing employment-related programs and projects.

In addition, for employers, the employment service centers also supply and recruit workers upon employer's request, including:

- Recruiting employees through pre-employment tests to select qualified employees meeting the requirements of employers;

- Supplying employees at employer’s request;

- Introducing employees to enterprises licensed to send Vietnamese workers abroad under contracts, organizations and individuals investing in foreign countries or public service units under the control of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental bodies that are assigned the tasks of sending Vietnamese workers to work abroad under contracts according to the provisions of the Law on Vietnamese Laborers under Contracts.

What are the duties of employment service centers in Vietnam in 2023? (Image from the Internet)

What are the organizational structure of employment service centers in Vietnam?

Article 8 of Decree 23/2021/ND-CP stipulates the organizational structure of employment service centers as follows:

- Leadership of an employment service center includes a Director and Deputy Directors. The number of Deputy Directors shall be subject to the Government's regulations on establishment, reorganization and dissolution of public service units.

- Based on workload, nature and characteristics of each employment service center, the person having competence in deciding the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of the center shall regulate the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the center.

The establishment of departments, divisions and other constituent organizations that are not public service units (hereinafter referred to as departments) under the control of the employment service center shall conform to the Government's regulations on establishment, reorganization and dissolution of public service units.

- Employment service centers shall follow the autonomy mechanism of public service units as prescribed by law.

What are the responsibilities of employment service centers in Vietnam in 2023?

Article 13 of Decree 23/2021/ND-CP stipulates the responsibilities of employment service centers as follows:

- Providing job counseling and introduction for employees and providing free labor market information.

- Ensuring the quality of public employment services according to the criteria and standards prescribed by competent state agencies.

- Organizing job transaction activities, building data on job seekers and job openings to build a connection between labor supply and demand.

- Complying with laws on organization and operation of employment service centers.

- Every 6 months and annually, reporting on employment service activities using the Form No. 05 of Appendix I to Decree 23/2021/ND-CP, and sending reports to direct supervisory authorities and the Departments of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of the places where employment service centers’ offices are located. 6-month reports must be sent before June 20 while annual reports must be sent before December 20.


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