07:46 | 23/07/2024

Successful Candidates in the Professional Title Promotion Examination Determined According to Current Regulations

Successful candidates in the professional title promotion exam are determined as follows? Question from An in Hue.

How are successful candidates in the professional rank promotion exam determined?

Pursuant to Article 40 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, the following provisions apply:

Determining successful candidates in the professional rank promotion exam

1. Candidates must answer correctly at least 50% of the questions for each subject specified in Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of Article 39 of this Decree, unless exempt from the exam.

2. Candidates must achieve a total score of at least 50 in the specialized professional subject specified in Clause 4 of Article 39 of this Decree. For a rank I promotion, candidates must score at least 100 points (in which both the project proposal writing and project defense tests must score at least 50 points each) and ranked in descending order of points within the allocated quota for rank promotion.

3. In cases where two or more candidates have the same total score in the specialized professional subject for the final rank promotion quota, the following priorities will determine the successful candidate: Female public employees; public employees from minority ethnic groups; older public employees (based on date, month, and year of birth); public employees with longer working experience.

If the successful candidate still cannot be determined, the head of the agency or unit authorized to organize the professional rank promotion exam, in consultation with the head of the agency managing the public employees, will decide the successful candidate based on the recommendation of the managing authority.

4. Results from previous professional rank promotion exams will not be carried over to subsequent exams.

5. Announcing the results of the professional rank promotion exam for public employees:

a) Within 10 days from the completion of the grading, the Exam Council must report the exam results to the head of the authorized agency or unit and publish the results on the electronic information portal or website of the organizing authority. A written notice must also be sent to the agency or unit that nominated the public employees for the exam, notifying them of the exam results.

b) Within 15 days from the announcement of the exam results, candidates have the right to submit a request for re-evaluation of the general knowledge, foreign language, and computer science exams (for paper-based tests) and the written test in the specialized professional subject. The Exam Council has 15 days from the end of the re-evaluation request period to establish a Grading Re-evaluation Committee, conduct the re-evaluation, and announce the results.

c) No later than 5 working days from the announcement of the re-evaluation results, the Exam Council must report the final exam results and the list of successful candidates to the head of the organizing authority for approval.

d) No later than 5 working days from the approval decision, the Exam Council must notify the results and the list of successful candidates in writing to the agency or unit that nominated the public employees for the exam.

Thus, successful candidates in the professional rank promotion exam must correctly answer at least 50% of the questions for each subject and achieve a total score of at least 50 in the specialized professional subject.

How are successful candidates in the professional rank promotion exam determined?

How are successful candidates in the professional rank promotion exam determined according to current regulations?

How is the council for the professional rank promotion exam or review regulated?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 38 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Council for the professional rank promotion exam or review

1. The council for the professional rank promotion exam or review is established by the head of the organizing agency or unit. The council consists of 5 or 7 members, including:

a) The Chairman of the Council is the head or deputy head of the organizing agency or unit;

b) The Vice Chairman of the Council is the head or deputy head of the department responsible for personnel of the organizing agency or unit;

c) Council members are professionals related to the organization of the professional rank promotion exam or review, appointed by the head of the organizing agency or unit, including one member who also serves as the Secretary of the Council.

The council for the professional rank promotion exam or review comprises 5 or 7 members, including the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and other council members.

What are the contents of the scheme for organizing the professional rank promotion exam or review?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 37 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, the scheme includes the following contents:

- The number and structure of public employees according to the current professional ranks and the number of public employees needed for the positions within the professional rank promotion quota.- The list of public employees meeting the standards and conditions for nomination to the exam or review.- The projection of council members participating in the professional rank promotion exam or review.- The standards, conditions, content, and format of the exam or review.- The projected time, location, and other necessary details for organizing the professional rank promotion exam or review.


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