04:01 | 10/03/2023

Vietnam: If the employees in the enterprise are called by the locals to go to military training for 1 month, does the enterprise have to pay a salary?

I would like to ask if the employees in the enterprise are called by the locals to go to military training for 1 month, does the enterprise have to pay a salary? Question from Ms. My (Da Lat)

If the employees in the enterprise are called by the locals to go to military training for 1 month, does the enterprise have to pay a salary?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 30 of the 2019 Law on Military Reserve Forces in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Compensation and other incentive policies granted to reserve servicemen during the period of concentration for training, practice, mobilization or combat readiness assessments in response to the situations in which general or local mobilization is not required
1. Pay and allowance policies granted to reserve servicemen shall be regulated as follows:
a) Reserve servicemen currently working, learning or on duty at entities or organizations, and receiving wages or salaries from the state budget, shall be entitled to full payment of these wages and salaries, allowances, subsidies, benefits, travel fees and fares by entities or organizations where they are working, learning or on duty. If the rate of wage or salary or allowance is lower than the rate of wage, salary or allowance applied to the People’s Army, units of the People’s Army shall be liable for differential amounts;
b) Reserve servicemen that are not classified as those subject to point a of this clause shall be entitled to daily allowance calculated based on base pay rates applied to officers, career servicemen on active service or equaling the rate of allowance based on specific military ranks of non-commissioned officers or soldiers on active duty; fares and travel allowance paid to servicemen on active duty.

Thus, reserve servicemen currently working, learning or on duty at entities or organizations, and receiving wages or salaries from the state budget, shall be entitled to full payment of these wages and salaries, allowances, subsidies, benefits, travel fees and fares by entities or organizations where they are working, learning or on duty.

As for the employees in the enterprise who are called by the locals to go to military training for 1 month, the enterprise does not have to pay a salary.

However, employees in the enterprise will be entitled to daily allowance calculated based on base pay rates applied to officers, career servicemen on active service or equaling the rate of allowance based on specific military ranks of non-commissioned officers or soldiers on active duty; fares and travel allowance paid to servicemen on active duty.Vietnam: If the employees in the enterprise are called by the locals to go to military training for 1 month, does the enterprise have to pay a salary?

Vietnam: If the employees in the enterprise are called by the locals to go to military training for 1 month, does the enterprise have to pay a salary? (Image from the Internet)

If an employee in an enterprise is called by the local to go to military training for a month, will his/her family receive an allowance?

Pursuant to Article 31 of the 2019 Law on Military Reserve Forces in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Allowance and support policies granted to reserve servicemen’s families
Reserve servicemen’s families shall be entitled to allowance or other support policies when they are mobilized for training, practice, mobilization or combat readiness assessments in response to the situations in which general or local mobilization is not required under the Government’s regulations.

At the same time, based on Article 5 of Decree No. 79/2020/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Allowances granted to reserve servicemen’s families
Reserve servicemen’s families specified in Clause 3, Article 2 of this Decree are entitled to the following allowances:
1. Allowance
a) The allowance of 160,000 VND/day applies to families of reserve military personnel who are working, studying, working in agencies and organizations and receiving salaries from the state budget.
b) The allowance level of 240,000 VND/day applies to the family of reserve servicemen who are not specified at Point a of this Clause.
c) In case a reserve soldier falls ill or has an accident, he or she goes for medical examination and treatment, the reserve soldier's family is entitled to an allowance, provided that the time to focus on training, rehearsals, and tests on readiness to mobilize, fight and mobilize.
2. Implementation organization
After finishing the training, drills, and tests of readiness to mobilize, fight and mobilize, the unit directly trained, rehearsed, checked the readiness to mobilize, be ready to fight and mobilize to make a list of reserve soldiers; confirm the number of days to focus on training, drills, checking readiness for mobilization, combat readiness and mobilization; The allowance for the family of a reserve soldier shall be sent to the Military Command of the district where the reservist is called to pay the allowance for the family of the reservist.

Thus, the family of reserve servicemen is entitled to a subsidy and the allowance is 240,000 VND/day

In addition to the salary and allowance regime, what other policies do employees going to military training enjoy?

Pursuant to Article 30 of the 2019 Law on Military Reserve Forces in Vietnam, in addition to the salary and allowance regime, employees attending military training are also entitled to the following policies:

- Reserve servicemen shall be allocated or borrow military equipment and personal stuff, and shall be entitled to allowance for meal costs according to existing support policies granted to officers, career servicemen, non-commissioned officers and soldiers on active duty.

- If reserve servicemen currently working, learning or on duty at entities or organizations who are on annual leave are summoned for training, practice, mobilization or combat readiness assessment, or are mobilized in cases where the situation in which general or local mobilization is not necessary arises, they may take the remaining leave days after completing their duty or take complimentary leave when appropriate.

- If reserve servicemen who are injured or dead on duty are recognized as war invalids or revolutionary war martyrs, they and their families shall be entitled to reward and other policies prescribed in laws on relief policies for persons rendering meritorious services to the revolutionary war.

- If reserve servicemen work under (extreme) arduous, hazardous or dangerous conditions according to labor legislation, they may be entitled to remuneration and other compensation policies as so applied to other workers working under the same condition.

- If reserve servicemen participating in social insurance or health insurance programs are sick, suffer from accidents, are dead or incapacitated, they shall be entitled to benefits or covers prescribed in legislation on social or health insurance; if they are not participating in these insurance programs, they shall be entitled to receive other support policies from the Government.


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