What are the responsibilities of employees and workers for compliance with requirements concerning safety at construction sites in Vietnam?

What are the responsibilities of employees and workers for compliance with requirements concerning safety at construction sites in Vietnam? - Q.A (Hanoi, Vietnam)

What are the responsibilities of employees and workers for compliance with requirements concerning safety at construction sites in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 15 of Decree 06/2021/ND-CP stipulating the responsibilities of employees and workers for compliance with requirements concerning safety at construction sites as follows:

- Implement employees’ responsibilities under laws on occupational safety and hygiene.

- Reporting to competent persons when detecting risks of occupational unsafety during the construction process.

- Refusing to perform the assigned work if they see that such work causes occupational unsafety or they are not provided with adequate personal protective equipment as legally prescribed.

- Only agreeing to perform the works with strict requirements on occupational safety and hygiene after being trained in occupational safety and hygiene (OSH) practices and granted OSH cards.

- Participating in rescue of victims or mitigation of consequences of occupational accidents or incidents causing unsafety at work.

- Implementing other responsibilities under laws on occupational safety and hygiene.

What are the responsibilities of employees and workers for compliance with requirements concerning safety at construction sites in Vietnam?

What is the management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements at construction sites in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Decree 06/2021/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements
1. Machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety requirements which are used in construction works must undergo technical safety testing and inspection conducted by qualified organizations and individuals in accordance with the laws on occupational safety and hygiene.
2. Organizations and individuals participating in technical inspection of occupational safety must use online software to manage the inspection database (hereinafter referred to as software) specified in Clause 3 of this Article to update the database with latest information about machines and equipment subject to strict requirements on occupational safety that are used for construction activities after having been tested.
3. The Ministry of Construction shall assume the following responsibilities:
a) Developing, managing, updating software and instructing, requiring organizations and individuals engaged in the technical inspection of occupational safety to use the software;
b) Publishing information about the organizations granted the Certificates of conformance to regulations on provision of the technical inspection of occupational safety on the software;
c) Publishing information about individuals who are granted Certificates of inspector on the software.

According to the above regulations, machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety requirements which are used in construction works must undergo technical safety testing and inspection conducted by qualified organizations and individuals in accordance with the laws on occupational safety and hygiene..

What are the contents of the general plan on safety at construction sites in Vietnam?

Based on Appendix III issued with Decree 06/2021/ND-CP regulating the content of the general plan on safety in construction works as follows:

- Policy on labor safety management

Basic principles of labor safety management; provisions of law; planning, dissemination and implementation.

- Organizational chart of the labor safety management department; responsibilities of relevant organizations and individuals.

- Regulations on organizing labor safety training

Provide training for people in charge of labor safety, people in charge of labor safety, and workers; Regular and unscheduled training plans.

- Regulations on daily, weekly, monthly or periodic working procedures for jobs with specific requirements to ensure labor safety.

- Requirements for ensuring safety in site organization.

General requirements; travel and transportation routes; loading materials, fuel, construction components and other related site organization requirements.

- Regulations on measures to ensure specific labor safety on construction sites.

Measures to prevent accidents related to falls; measures to prevent accidents related to flying and falling objects; measures to prevent accidents related to structural collapse; Measures to prevent accidents related to machinery and equipment used in construction; measures to prevent accidents related to electricity and welding; Measures to prevent accidents related to construction on and under water; measures to prevent accidents related to underground construction; measures to prevent accidents related to fire and explosion; Measures to prevent accidents for communities and neighboring structures; measures to prevent traffic accidents and other related measures to prevent occupational accidents.

- Regulations on equipping, providing, managing and using personal protective equipment

Helmet; safety belts and vests; means of protection for eyes, ears, face, hands and feet; life jacket; breathing mask, gas mask; first aid box and other related tools and equipment.

- Health and working environment management

Health management system, occupational hygiene, labor environment monitoring and other systems related to health management and labor environment.

- Regulations on response to emergency situations

Communication network and relevant emergency response procedures.

- Process for monitoring and reporting on labor safety management on a regular and irregular basis

Monitor and report on the implementation of the overall plan on labor safety; Report on the situation of labor accidents and incidents causing unsafe labor in construction works; Share information about accidents and incidents to raise workers' awareness.

- Appendices, forms, and images attached for implementation.


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