Can workers in Vietnam rent houses in industrial zones and economic zones? How to implement temporary stay and stay in industrial zones?

I am a workers in Vietnam working at an industrial park in Ho Chi Minh City. Currently, I have just returned to work after the Covid-19 epidemic, so finding a house for rent makes it difficult for me. I heard that workers in Vietnam can rent houses in economic industrial zones in the near future, is that true? Looking forward to support!

Workers in Vietnam rent houses in industrial zones and economic zones?

According to Article 29 Decree 35/2022/ND-CP stipulates the development of housing, service facilities and public utilities for workers in Vietnam in industrial parks and economic zones as follows:

- The State encourages encourage organizations and individuals to invest in housing construction so that employees working in industrial parks and economic zones can rent, buy or hire-purchase; Housing, service works and public facilities for employees working in industrial parks and economic zones invested and built must meet construction standards and regulations, standards on area and quality. construction quality, aesthetics, safety and environment as prescribed by law.

- People's Committees at all levels are responsible for creating favorable conditions for employees to develop housing, service works and public utilities for employees working in industrial parks and economic zones to use medical, educational, social, cultural and sports services in the area. Provincial-level People's Committees are responsible for formulating plans for development of housing, service facilities and public utilities for employees working in industrial parks and economic zones associated with the system development plan. industrial parks, economic zones in the provincial planning and ensure the land fund to implement the plan.

- Encourage investors to implement investment projects on construction and business of infrastructure of industrial parks and functional zones in economic zones, and investors to implement investment projects in industrial parks and economic zones. buy, rent, lease-purchase housing for employees working in industrial parks or economic zones to use, rent, buy back, and sub-lease.

- The assurance of land fund for construction of houses, service works and public utilities for employees working in industrial parks and economic zones shall comply with the provisions of law on social housing and regulations on social housing. specified in this Decree.

- In case the land area for development of houses, public service facilities and facilities for employees working in the industrial park is located adjacent to the industrial park, the provincial People's Committee shall approve the construction planning of the industrial zone. in association with the planning of construction of residential areas, service works and public utilities for employees working in industrial parks.

Thus, employees will be able to rent houses in the industrial zone of the economic zone to facilitate working in the industrial zone and the economic zone and also to meet other public services as prescribed.

Can workers in Vietnam rent houses in industrial zones and economic zones? How to implement temporary stay and stay in industrial zones?

Can workers in Vietnam rent houses in industrial zones and economic zones? How to implement temporary stay and stay in industrial zones?

How do workers in Vietnamtemporarily stay and stay in industrial parks?

According to Article 25 Decree 35/2022/ND-CP stipulates that employees in Vietnam temporarily reside and stay in industrial parks as follows:

- There is no permanent place of residence in the industrial park as prescribed by the law on residence.

- Experts and workers are allowed to temporarily stay or stay at accommodation establishments in industrial parks to serve production and business activities of enterprises and comply with the following regulations:

+ For experts: If the employee is Vietnamese, he/she shall temporarily reside or stay in accordance with the provisions of the law on residence;

+ Foreign experts and workers shall temporarily reside in Vietnam according to the provisions of law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.

- Accommodation is built in the service land area of ​​the industrial park; ensure a safe distance from the environment according to the provisions of the law on construction and other relevant regulations of law; ensure security and order and do not affect production and business activities of enterprises in industrial parks.

- In case of force majeure due to direct impact of natural disasters, environmental disasters, fires, epidemics, wars, demonstrations, riots or other emergencies, experts and employees are allowed to stay at enterprises, stay at enterprises in industrial parks according to the following provisions:

- For experts, Vietnamese workers are allowed to stay at enterprises in industrial parks according to the provisions of law. on residence;

- For experts, foreign workers are allowed to stay in the enterprise in the industrial park for less than 30 days and must make a declaration of temporary residence in accordance with the law on entry and exit. foreigners' entry, transit and residence in Vietnam.

How to manage public assets formed from the state budget in industrial parks?

According to Article 28 Decree 35/2022/ND-CP formed from the state budget in industrial parks and functional zones in economic zones:

assetsare formed from the state budget capital in industrial parks and economic zones and are identified as public property, the management, use and handling shall comply with the provisions of law on management and use of public assets. public product.

- Investors implementing investment projects on construction and infrastructure business of industrial parks and functional zones in economic zones are supported by the state budget to invest in infrastructure works or other items. In industrial parks, functional zones in economic zones are responsible for maintaining, maintaining and operating the infrastructure works or work items to serve the investment, production and business activities of the enterprises. investors, organizations and individuals in industrial parks, functional zones in economic zones.

In this case, the investor is not allowed to include the value of public property in the total investment capital of the investment project on construction and business of infrastructure of the industrial park, functional areas in the economic zone and the cost to calculate land rental prices, land sub-lease prices, and fees for using infrastructure for investment projects in industrial parks and functional zones in economic zones.

- Investors are entitled to calculate the cost of refunding the state budget into the total investment capital of investment projects on construction and business of infrastructure of industrial parks, functional zones in economic zones and land rental price. , land sublease price, fees for using infrastructure for investment projects in industrial parks, functional zones in economic zones in case the State recovers the capital from the state budget that has supported them. investment support for industrial parks and functional zones in economic zones.

- In case of equitization of state-owned enterprises, the handling of assets formed from the state budget that has supported investment in industrial parks and functional zones in economic zones shall comply with the provisions of law. legislation on management and use of state capital invested in production and business in enterprises and equitization.

- In case of transfer of investment projects or other forms of investor change, the plan for handling public property (if any) must be approved by a competent authority before carrying out the procedures for changing investors. according to regulations of the Law.

Decree 35/2022/ND-CP takes effect from July 15, 2022.


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