People are not required to present or submit household registration books during the process of handling administrative procedures in Vietnam?

Does the Government of Vietnam have a directive that people do not have to present and submit household registration books during the process of handling administrative procedures? - Question from Mr. Quy (Binh Dinh)

People do not have to present or submit household registration books during the process of handling administrative procedures in Vietnam?

On February 23, 2023, the Prime Minister of Vietnam signed and promulgated Directive 05/CT-TTg in 2023 on accelerating the implementation of the Project on developing the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication serving digital transformation in the period of 2022 - 2025, vision to 2030 in ministries, branches and localities in 2023 and the following years.

In particular, one of the notable contents emphasized by the Prime Minister of Vietnam in Directive 05/CT-TTg in 2023 is as follows:

- Ministries, branches and localities must thoroughly understand and direct agencies and organizations in the process of handling administrative procedures to not require people to present and submit household registration books in accordance with the 2020 Residence Law and guiding documents of the 2020 Residence Law.

- Simultaneously request ministries, branches and localities to coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in researching and applying chip-based citizen ID cards, VNeID application and exploiting the national database on population; integrate information in the National Database on Population, Citizen ID Cards and Electronic Identity Accounts to gradually replace all types of citizenship papers, first of all, replacing paper household registration books and temporary residence books from January 1, 2023.

The deadline is March 2023.

- In addition, the Government also requested ministries, branches and localities in June 2023, to upgrade and complete information technology infrastructure to meet requirements; completing the connection between the information system for settlement of administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels with the national database on population serving the settlement of administrative procedures and public services according to Decree 107/2021/ND-CP of the Government.

People are not required to present or submit household registration books during the process of handling administrative procedures in Vietnam?

People are not required to present or submit household registration books during the process of handling administrative procedures in Vietnam? (Image from the internet)

The Government of Vietnam asked the Ministry of Public Security to step up the issuance of personal identification numbers and chip-based citizen identity cards?

In Directive 05/CT-TTg in 2023, the Prime Minister of Vietnam requested the Ministry of Public Security to step up the issuance of personal identification numbers and chip-based citizen identity cards, specifically:

The Ministry of Public Security is assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries, agencies and localities in, developing a National Data Center Project and submitting it to the Government in April 2023 at the latest.

At the same time, promote the issuance of personal identification numbers, chip-based citizen identity cards for eligible citizens, regularly implemented; standardize, update and share information in the National Database on Population with ministries, branches and localities.

Strengthening support for people to perform public services using citizen information, especially in the first time giving up paper household registration books and temporary residence books. Ensure integration, standardization, updating and sharing of information in the National Population Database with ministries, branches and localities.

Expeditiously integrate and provide online public services related to residency on the National Public Service Portal, prioritizing public services on permanent residence registration, temporary residence registration, and residence information confirmation. The deadline is June 2023.

The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Information and Communications, and the Ministry of Public Security. Planning and Investment, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of National Defense, State Bank of Vietnam, Government Inspectorate, Vietnam Social Insurance... authenticate population data with national databases, specialized databases to clean data and connect, share to serve administrative procedures, provide public services. The deadline is June 2023.

The Ministry of Public Security continues to improve the VNeID application, striving to grant 40 million electronic identification accounts to people by June 2023. Propagandize and mobilize people to use VNeID application and diversify utilities (electronic health book, judicial record, petition to reflect, stay, temporarily residence, integrate documents such as health insurance cards, driver's licenses, etc.) for people to participate in using, striving to integrate 70% of electronic health records, displaying at least 30 million VNeID accounts.

Coordinating with the State Bank of Vietnam in the application of residential information, authentication and electronic personal identification for non-cash payment activities, authentication of bank account holder information, authentication of unsecured loan information. The deadline is June 2023.

How to request the Ministry of Health to update group data of basic medical information into the National Insurance Database?

In Directive 05/CT-TTg in 2023, the Prime Minister of Vietnam also requested the Ministry of Health to urgently perform the following tasks:

- Organize statistics, update information and data on doctors, doctors, hospitals, health stations, pharmacies, hospital beds, medical equipment, etc. to serve the state management, ensuring compliance with the provisions of law. The deadline is June 2023.

- Continue to review, compare, update and clean COVID-19 vaccination data with the National Population Database, ensuring accuracy and compliance with law.

- Directing medical facilities to update group data of basic medical information into the National Insurance Database according to regulations; connecting and sharing health examination results data through the infrastructure of Vietnam Social Insurance to perform public services of granting and re-granting driving licenses; agreed with the Vietnam Social Insurance and the Ministry of Public Security on sharing some basic information fields of the electronic health book displayed on the VNeID application in accordance with the law. The deadline is March 2023.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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