Vietnam: What are the responsibilities of sellers when using electronic invoices generated from POS cash registers?

What are the responsibilities of sellers when using electronic invoices generated from POS cash registers? - Question of Mr. Tin (Gia Lai)

Who does the electronic invoice generated from POS cash registers apply to?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 8 of Circular 78/2021/TT-BTC of Vietnam stipulating authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities as follows:

Authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities
2. When enterprises, household businesses or individual businesses that pay taxes according to tax declaration method provide goods or services directly to consumers according to such business models (as shopping mall, supermarket, retailing of consumer goods, foods and drinks, restaurants, hotels, retailing of modern medicines, entertainment and relaxation services and other services), they may use either e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities or authenticated e-invoices or unauthenticated e-invoices.

Thus, when enterprises, household businesses or individual businesses that pay taxes according to tax declaration method provide goods or services directly to consumers according to such business models, they may use either e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities or authenticated e-invoices or unauthenticated e-invoices.

Vietnam: What are the responsibilities of sellers when using electronic invoices generated from POS cash registers?

Vietnam: What are the responsibilities of sellers when using electronic invoices generated from POS cash registers?

What are the regulations on the application and content of e-invoices generated from POS cash registers?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 8 of Circular 78/2021/TT-BTC of Vietnam, authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities must comply with the rules laid down in Article 11 of Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP, specifically as follows:

- Invoices printed out from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities must be recognizable;

- Digital signatures on such invoices are optional;

- The spending on goods or services written in the invoice (or is described in the scanned invoice or the information search result on the e-invoice page in the Web Portal of the General Department of Taxation) which is generated by a POS cash register may be defined as an expense supported by adequate legal invoices and records upon determination of tax obligations.

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 8 of Circular 78/2021/TT-BTC of Vietnam, an authenticated e-invoice generated from a POS cash register that is digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities shall have the following contents:

- The seller’s name, address and TIN;

- Information about the buyer, if requested (personal identification number of TIN);

- Name of good/service, unit price, quantity and payment price. If an organization or enterprise pays taxes according to credit-invoice method, the selling price exclusive of VAT, VAT rate, total VAT payable, and total amount payable exclusive of VAT;

- Issuance date of the invoice;

- Code of the tax authority.

Thus, an authenticated e-invoice generated from a POS cash register that is digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities shall have the quite simple contents and this helps a lot in the process of use because it is possible to enter the invoice proposal information in accordance with regulations.

What are the responsibilities of sellers when using electronic invoices generated from POS cash registers?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 6, Article 8 of Circular 78/2021/TT-BTC of Vietnam, the responsibilities of sellers are as follows:

Authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities
6. Responsibilities of sellers that use authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities:
a) Apply for use of authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities in accordance with Article 15 of Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP;
b) Issue authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities as prescribed in Article 11 of Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP and this Article;
c) Use codes in the form of a series of characters issued by Vietnamese tax authorities when issuing authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers that are digitally connected to Vietnamese tax authorities to ensure the continuity and unity;
d) Transfer data on authenticated e-invoices generated from POS cash registers to Vietnamese tax authorities within the day in which such invoices are issued through data receipt, transmission and storage service providers.

Thus, sellers must comply with the above regulations when using electronic invoices generated from POS cash registers.


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