Vietnam: What day is September 21? September 21, 2024, falls on which day of the week? September 21, 2024, falls on which date of the lunar calendar?

Vietnam: What day is September 21? September 21, 2024, falls on which day of the week? September 21, 2024, falls on which date of the lunar calendar?

Vietnam: What day is September 21? September 21, 2024, falls on which day of the week? September 21, 2024, falls on which date of the lunar calendar?

Below is the calendar for September 2024 (Gregorian calendar):

September 2024 starts from September 1, 2024 (Sunday) corresponding to July 29, 2024, in the lunar calendar and ends on September 30, 2024 (Monday) corresponding to August 28, 2024, in the lunar calendar.

**** September 21, 2024, in the Gregorian calendar is August 19, 2024, in the lunar calendar. September 21, 2024, is Saturday.

September 21 every year is the International Day of Peace.

The International Day of Peace is also known as World Peace Day, International Day for Peace, and International Day Against War. It is a day to honor peace, call for an end to war, violence, and injustice.

Therefore, September 21, 2024, is the International Day of Peace.

The above information is for reference purposes only.

What is September 21?

What day is September 21? (Internet image)

Will employees in Vietnam be entitled to paid leave on September 21, 2024?

Based on Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019 regulating public holidays as follows:

Public holidays

1. Employees are entitled to a day off with full pay on the following public holidays:

a) New Year's Day: 01 day (January 01 in the Gregorian calendar);

b) Lunar New Year: 05 days;

c) Victory Day: 01 day (April 30 in the Gregorian calendar);

d) International Labor Day: 01 day (May 01 in the Gregorian calendar);

dd) National Day: 02 days (September 02 in the Gregorian calendar and 01 adjacent day before or after);

e) Hung Kings' Commemoration Day: 01 day (March 10 in the lunar calendar).

2. Foreign Employees in Vietnam are entitled to 01 traditional New Year's Day and 01 National Day of their home country in addition to the holidays specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

3. Annually, based on practical conditions, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam decides the specific days off for Tet and National Day stipulated in Point b and Point dd, Clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, based on the above regulations, September 21, 2024, is not a holiday that Employees are entitled to a day off with full pay as stipulated by the State.

If September 21, 2024, falls on a regular working day, Employees are required to work and are not entitled to a day off.

However, Employees may be allowed to take a day off if the company policy stipulates a holiday on September 21, 2024.

Additionally, Employees who wish to take leave on September 21, 2024, may apply for either paid or unpaid leave.

What are the roles and responsibilities of individuals and units participating in United Nations peacekeeping activities?

Based on Article 7 of Resolution 130/2020/QH14 regulating tasks and powers of individuals and units involved in United Nations peacekeeping operations as follows:

(1) Individuals and units participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations have the following tasks:

- Perform tasks in the field of participation as assigned by the United Nations competent authority according to the agreement between Vietnam and the United Nations;- Advise the competent authority of Vietnam on enhancing the capacity to participate in the United Nations peacekeeping force and other related areas;- Protect the prestige and reputation of Vietnam; promote the historical values, culture, and image of Vietnam and its people; respect the laws, authorities, people, and customs of the host country or region where Vietnamese forces are involved;- Perform other tasks assigned by the competent authority of Vietnam.

(2) Individuals and units participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations have the following powers:

- Use weapons, explosives, support tools, equipment, facilities, and vehicles provided by Vietnam and the United Nations as per regulations to perform tasks;- Other powers as stipulated by Vietnamese law, United Nations regulations, and the agreement between Vietnam and the United Nations.

In 2024, employees in Vietnam shall be entitled to fully paid days off on which public holiday?

Based on Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019, in 2024, employees shall be entitled to fully paid days off on the following public holidays

(1) New Year's Day: 01 day (January 01 in the Gregorian calendar);

(2) Lunar New Year: 05 days;

(3) Victory Day: 01 day (April 30 in the Gregorian calendar);

(4) International Labor Day: 01 day (May 01 in the Gregorian calendar);

(5) National Day: 02 days (September 02 in the Gregorian calendar and 01 adjacent day before or after);

(6) Hung Kings' Commemoration Day: 01 day (March 10 in the lunar calendar).

Foreign Employees in Vietnam, in addition to the above-mentioned holidays, are entitled to 01 traditional New Year's Day and 01 National Day of their home country.

Annually, based on practical conditions, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam decides the specific days off for Lunar New Year and National Day.


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