The People's Procuracy shall guide the implementation of digital signatures in Vietnam and verify the statistical reports in Vietnam sent through the data transmission system?

I would like to ask how is the implementation of digital signature and authentication of statistical reports sent through the data transmission system of the People's Procuracy currently guided? Hope to get your questions answered as soon as possible.

What is the purpose of digital signature in Vietnam and authentication of statistical reports sent through the data transmission system of the People's Procuracy?

Pursuant to Part 1 of Instruction 31/HD-VKSTC in 2022, which stipulates the purpose of digital signature implementation in Vietnam and authentication of statistical reports in Vietnam sent through the data transmission system of the People's Procuracy aimed at:

- Strengthening the application of information technology, promoting digital transformation, improving the quality of statistical work of the People's Procuracy; expand the application of digital signatures, strictly and fully implement regulations related to the management, use and storage of digits in the People's Procuracy.

- Request statistical reports according to the statistical reporting regime of the Sector, which are not on the list of confidential documents made by electronic data, and sent to the Supreme People's Procuracy (People's Procuracy) via the data transmission system. Industry and authenticate documents using digital signatures.

- This guide applies to units under the Supreme People's Procuracy and People's Procuracy at all levels; not yet applied to military procuracies at all levels.

The People's Procuracy shall guide the implementation of digital signatures in Vietnam and verify the statistical reports in Vietnam sent through the data transmission system?

The People's Procuracy shall guide the implementation of digital signatures in Vietnam and verify the statistical reports in Vietnam sent through the data transmission system?

Verify the submitted statistics through the Sector's data transmission system?

Pursuant to Section 4, Part II of Guidance 31/HD-VKSTC in 2022, stipulates the authentication of statistics sent through the sector's data transmission system as follows:

- At the end of the time limit for sending statistical reports, the units shall send 01 copy of the Report (according to the form) signed with a digital signature in Vietnam to confirm the implementation of the statistical report, commitment to legal responsibility, accuracy of statistics transmitted to the Supreme People's Procuracy.

- In case of data correction, the units shall send additional reports, explain the correction and retransmit the data after correction within the time limit specified in Section 3, Part II of this Guide.

- Confirmation report; Additional reports and explanations (if any) must be signed and certified by the leader of the unit using digital signatures and sent to Department 2 at email address No printing is required and the paper report is mailed.

- Documents guiding the installation and use of digital signatures are posted in the "Notifications" and "Statistics and Information Technology" sections of the Portal of the Supreme People's Procuracy.

Instructions for making, transmitting, sending and correcting data in statistical reports in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Sections 1, 2, 3, Part II of Guidance 31/HD-VKSTC in 2022, guiding the preparation, transmission, sending and correction of data in statistical reports in Vietnam as follows:

Make statistical reports

- The construction, collection, synthesis and reporting of statistics must comply with the provisions of Article 5 of the Statistical Reporting Regime issued together with the Institute's Decision No. 560/QD-VKSTC dated 13/11/2013 of the Institute. Chief of the Supreme People's Procuracy.

- Sources for developing statistical reports based on the system of professional records, business books, databases and other official sources of the People's Procuracy.

- The form of making statistical reports entirely by electronic data.

Transmit, send statistical reports

- By the deadline for submitting statistical reports as prescribed in Article 6 of the Statistical Reporting Regime, the units shall transmit and send statistical reports through the sector's data transmission system, without requiring printing and sending of statistical reports. in paper form by mail.

Editing data in statistical reports

The adjustment of data in the statistical report shall be made within 05 days from the end of the time limit for sending the monthly statistical report; 10 days from the end of the time limit for sending statistical reports 6 months, 12 months.

Organizations responsible for verifying statistical reports in Vietnam sent through the data transmission system of the People's Procuracy?

Pursuant to Part III of Instruction 31/HD-VKSTC in 2022, the following agencies are responsible for organizing the authentication of statistical reports in Vietnam sent through the data transmission system of the People's Procuracy as follows: after:

- Department 2 shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units in, reviewing and requesting the Government Cipher Committee to issue, amend and supplement digital signature information for leaders at the departmental level and above and individuals. do accounting work and have to sign digitally at units under the Supreme People's Procuracy. Deadline for completion is June 30, 2022.

- The Chief Procurator of the Senior People's Procuracy, the People's Procuracy of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall direct the implementation of the above guidance contents; proactively review and request the Government Cipher Committee to issue, amend and supplement digital signature information for the Institute leaders under their management. Deadline for completion is June 30, 2022.

- During the implementation of this Guide, if there are any problems, the units should promptly report them to the 2nd Department of the Supreme People's Procuracy (Contact point: Mr. Nguyen Quang Minh, phone number: 0904945499) for guidance. , coordinated resolution.

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