07:50 | 23/07/2024

New Salary Table for Military Officers at General Level from July 01, 2024, under the 2024 Salary Reform according to Resolution 27?

How will the new salary table for army officers at the rank of general be from July 01, 2024, when the 2024 salary reform according to Resolution 27 takes effect? Your question from T.Q in Hanoi.

New Salary Table for Military Officers at General Rank from July 1, 2024, What Are the Changes According to the 2024 Salary Reform under Resolution 27?

Based on the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, which proposes salary reform including the creation of 03 new salary tables for the military based on job positions, titles, and leadership positions to replace the current salary system; the transition from old salary rates to new ones ensures salaries will not be lower than current salaries, including:

- 01 salary table for military officers, officers, non-commissioned officers in police services (according to rank, title, and military rank or grade);

- 01 salary table for professional soldiers, technical specialists in the police;- 01 salary table for defense workers, police workers (maintaining the salary correlation of armed forces compared to administrative officials as of now).

Accordingly, as per the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, the salary structure for military officers at the general rank, upon implementing the salary reform, will include:

- Basic salary (approximately 70% of the total salary fund);- Allowances (approximately 30% of the total salary fund);- Bonus (bonus fund accounts for approximately 10% of the annual total salary fund, excluding allowances).

Therefore, after implementing the salary reform expected from July 1, 2024, the salary for military officers at the general rank will be structured as follows:

| Military Officer Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances (if any) + Bonus (if any). || --- |

The new salary table for military officers at the general rank will be built based on the following factors:

- Abolishing the statutory pay rate and the current salary coefficient, establishing a specific amount for the basic salary in the new salary table.- Expanding the salary ratio as a basis for determining specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approximating the salary ratio in the enterprise sector consistent with State resources.- Perfecting policies for regular salary increases and early salary increases in accordance with the new salary table regulations.

Thus, the new salary table for military officers at the general rank, after implementing the salary reform expected from July 1, 2024, will be built based on the above factors according to job position, title, and leadership position to replace the current salary system; transitioning from old to new salary rates, ensuring no less than the current salary received.

New Salary Table for Military Officers at General Rank from July 1, 2024, What Are the Changes According to the 2024 Salary Reform under Resolution 27?

New Salary Table for Military Officers at General Rank from July 1, 2024, What Are the Changes According to the 2024 Salary Reform under Resolution 27?

Current Salary for Military Officers at the General Rank

Pursuant to Section 1 Table 6 issued with Decree 204/2004/ND-CP regulating the salary coefficient for military officers as follows:

| Serial Number | Military Rank | Salary Coefficient || --- | --- | --- || 1 | General | 10.40 || 2 | Senior Lieutenant General | 9.80 || 3 | Lieutenant General | 9.20 || 4 | Major General | 8.60 || 5 | Colonel | 8.00 || 6 | Senior Lieutenant Colonel | 7.30 || 7 | Lieutenant Colonel | 6.60 || 8 | Major | 6.00 || 9 | Captain | 5.40 || 10 | Senior Lieutenant | 5.00 || 11 | Lieutenant | 4.60 || 12 | Second Lieutenant | 4.20 || 13 | Sergeant Major | 3.80 || 14 | Sergeant | 3.50 || 15 | Corporal | 3.20 |

The salary coefficient for military officers at the general rank is regulated as follows:

- General in the Army has a salary coefficient of: 10.40;- Senior Lieutenant General in the Army has a salary coefficient of: 9.80;- Lieutenant General in the Army has a salary coefficient of: 9.20;- Major General in the Army has a salary coefficient of: 8.60;

According to Article 3 of Circular 41/2023/TT-BQP, the salary of military officers at the general rank is calculated as follows:

Actual Salary = Statutory Pay Rate x Current Salary Coefficient

The current statutory pay rate is 1,800,000 VND/month

Therefore, the salary for military officers in the Army at the general rank will be as follows:

- General in the Army will receive a salary of: 18,720,000 VND/month or more;- Senior Lieutenant General in the Army will receive a salary of: 17,640,000 VND/month or more;- Lieutenant General in the Army will receive a salary of: 16,560,000 VND/month or more;- Major General in the Army will receive a salary of: 15,480,000 VND/month or more.

*Note: The above-mentioned salary does not include allowances and salary increments according to regulations.

How Many Ranks Do Military Officers at the General Rank Have?

Pursuant to Article 10 of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army 1999, the system of military rank is as follows:

System of military ranks for officers

The system of military ranks of officers consists of three levels, twelve grades:

1. Officer level has four grades:

Second Lieutenant;


Senior Lieutenant;


2. Field grade officers have four grades:


Lieutenant Colonel;

Senior Lieutenant Colonel;


3. General officers have four grades:

Major General, Rear Admiral of the Navy;

Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral of the Navy;

Senior Lieutenant General, Admiral of the Navy;


Thus, according to the aforementioned regulations, military officers at the general rank in the Army have 4 military grades:

- Major General, Rear Admiral of the Navy;- Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral of the Navy;- Senior Lieutenant General, Admiral of the Navy;- General.


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