07:46 | 23/07/2024

New Prominent Policies on Social Insurance and Official Salaries Effective from April 2023

<h3>Your question from An in Hue</h3><strong>What new prominent policies concerning social insurance and official wages come into effect from April 2023?</strong>

Adding Occupational COVID-19 to the List of Occupational Diseases Covered by Social Insurance Effective from April 1, 2023?

This is the central focus of Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT, which amends Circular 15/2016/TT-BYT on occupational diseases covered by social insurance.

Specifically, it adds guidelines on diagnosing and assessing occupational COVID-19 as stipulated in Appendix 35 issued together with Circular 15/2016/TT-BYT.

According to the diagnostic and assessment guidelines for occupational COVID-19 (Appendix 35), factors causing occupational COVID-19 include:

- Exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the workplace environment.

- The causative factors are recorded in one of the following documents:

+ The record of occupational exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus as specified in Appendix 36 issued together with Circular 15/2016/TT-BYT (supplemented by Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT).

+ Document assigning participation in disease prevention, service, and relief for people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus confirmed and sealed by the head of the unit, and other appropriate documents issued by competent state authorities.

+ Assessment of occupational exposure factors specified in Section VI, Form 04, Appendix 3 issued together with Decree 44/2016/ND-CP.

+ Record of exposure to harmful elements causing acute occupational diseases as specified in Appendix 5 issued together with Circular 28/2016/TT-BYT.

Prominent new policies on social insurance, official wages effective from April 2023

Prominent new policies on social insurance, official wages effective from April 2023?

Guidance on Job Positions, Staffing Norms, and Public Employee Structure by Job Title in Public Health Service Providers

According to Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT issued on February 17, 2023, and effective April 5, 2023, providing guidance on job positions, staffing norms, and public employee structure by job title in public health service providers.

The principles and bases for determining job positions, staffing norms, and public employee structure by job title in public health service providers are stipulated as follows:

- Job positions, staffing norms, and public employee structure by job title are determined according to the principles specified in Articles 3 and 4 of Decree 106/2020/ND-CP.

- The minimum staffing number in medical examination and treatment facilities is determined based on the approved number of beds, adjusted according to the average bed utilization rate over the past 3 years. In preventive medicine facilities and forensic medical facilities, it is based on the population size, adjusted for the nature and volume of work of each facility and local geographic, economic, and social characteristics. In testing and inspection facilities, it is determined and adjusted according to the average number of testing samples per year. In Emergency Centers 115, it is determined according to the number of ambulances in the center.

- The staffing norms specified in Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT are the minimum staffing numbers public health service providers need to ensure quality health services and the rights of public employees and workers regarding work hours and rest periods as stipulated by law.

Depending on the workload and financial capability, public health service providers may arrange for more staff to improve the quality of health services and ensure efficiency.

- The staffing norms specified in Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT serve as the basis for health facilities to develop annual staffing plans.

Regulations on Entry Quality Assessment for Officials Effective from April 10, 2023?

According to Decree 06/2023/ND-CP, the organization of entry quality assessment for officials is stipulated as follows:

- The Ministry of Home Affairs is the competent authority to assess entry quality for officials.

- The entry quality assessment for officials is organized biannually in July and November each year.

- Before January 31 each year, the Ministry of Home Affairs announces the plan for organizing entry quality assessments for officials on the Ministry's electronic information portal and the entry quality assessment information page.

- If recruiting agencies need an entry quality assessment, they must develop and announce a plan according to Article 7 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP and accept registration forms for assessment on their electronic information portals, compiling lists of candidates to send to the Ministry of Home Affairs for organizing the assessment.

No later than 30 days from the receipt of the list, the Ministry of Home Affairs will conduct the assessment.

Job Titles and Salary Classification for Cultural Propagandist Public Employees Effective from April 10, 2023?

Circular 02/2023/TT-BVHTTDL regulates the codes, standards, job titles, and salary classification for cultural propagandist public employees issued on February 21, 2023, effective from April 10, 2023.

It stipulates three job titles for cultural propagandist public employees, including:

- Principal Cultural Propagandist, Code: V.10.10.34- Cultural Propagandist, Code: V.10.10.35- Intermediate Cultural Propagandist, Code: V.10.10.36

* Standards for Professional Ethics of Cultural Propagandist Public Employees:

- Responsible for assigned tasks, adhering to legal regulations, and fully performing the duties of public employees in their professional activities.

- Passionate about the profession, honest, objective, straightforward; working scientifically, with clear opinions; maintaining humility and decorum when interacting with the public; fighting against wrongful and negative actions; practicing thrift, combating waste.

- Fostering solidarity, actively, and proactively cooperating with colleagues to accomplish assigned tasks.

- Continuously learning, practicing to improve qualities, qualifications, and capabilities.


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