To organize a film festival or a specialized film festival, what conditions must Vietnamese agencies and organizations have?

I would like to ask what the conditions for Vietnamese agencies and organizations to organize film festivals and specialized film festivals are. Question of Mr. Quyen from Hoa Binh.

What are the conditions for Vietnamese agencies and organizations to organize film festivals and specialized film festivals?

Pursuant to Article 19 of Decree 131/2022/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating conditions for Vietnamese agencies and organizations that are not central state agencies, political organizations or socio-political-occupational organizations, provincial-level People's Committees must meet the following conditions:

- Having business registration or having functions and tasks related to cinematographic activities or being assigned or approved by a competent authority.

- The head of an agency or organization must have at least 5 years of experience in cinematographic activities. In case the head of an agency or organization fails to satisfy this condition, he/she must cooperate with the agency or organization with a qualified head who has at least 05 years of experience in cinematographic activities.

- Having financial capacity to ensure the organization of film festivals, specialized and specialized film festivals, film awards, film contests, film programs and film weeks in Vietnam.

- Having a project to organize a film festival, specialized film festival, thematic, film awards, film contests, film programs and film weeks in Vietnam and send the same notice to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism according to the provisions of point c clause 1 Article 38 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam.To organize a film festival or a specialized film festival, what conditions must Vietnamese agencies and organizations have?

To organize a film festival or a specialized film festival, what conditions must Vietnamese agencies and organizations have?

What are the applications for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals, specialized film festivals?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 38 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Film festivals, film awards, film competitions, film programs, and film weeks in Vietnam
5. Applications for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals, specialized or thematic film festivals, film awards, film competitions, film programs, and film weeks prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article are as follows:
a) Applications for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals, specialized or thematic film festivals, film awards, and film competitions include written requests for issuance of licenses according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam; plans that specify purposes, meanings, criteria, contents, organizational structure, budget, task assignment, and implementation; charters that specify participants, the structure of the award, and composition of judges;
b) Applications for issuance of licenses to organize film programs include written requests for issuance of licenses according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam; lists of films participating in film programs or film weeks; copies of Film Rating Licenses.

Thus, the applications for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals, specialized or thematic film festivals include:

- Written requests for issuance of licenses according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam;

- Plans that specify purposes, meanings, criteria, contents, organizational structure, budget, task assignment, and implementation;

- Charters that specify participants, the structure of the award, and composition of judges.

What are the procedures for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals in Vietnam according to the new regulations?

Pursuant to Clause 6, Article 38 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam, there are the following regulations on the procedures for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals in Vietnam:

Film festivals, film awards, film competitions, film programs, and film weeks in Vietnam
6. Procedures for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals, specialized or thematic film festivals, film awards, film competitions, film programs, and film weeks are as follows:
a) Agencies and organizations shall submit a dossier of applications via the National Public Service Portal, by post, or directly to the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam;
b) Within 15 days after receiving the valid application, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall issue the license; in case of refusal, notify and provide written explanations.
In case the application is subject to amendments and supplements of information at the request of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam, within 10 days after receiving the amended and supplemented application, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall issue the license.

Thus, the procedures for issuance of licenses to organize film festivals in Vietnam are as follows:

- Agencies and organizations shall submit a dossier of applications via the National Public Service Portal, by post, or directly to the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam;

- Within 15 days after receiving the valid application, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall issue the license; in case of refusal, notify and provide written explanations.

In case the application is subject to amendments and supplements of information at the request of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam, within 10 days after receiving the amended and supplemented application, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall issue the license.


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