How much are the penalties imposed upon an employee for failing to submit timely reports when detecting any OSH risks in Vietnam?

How much are the penalties imposed upon an employee for failing to submit timely reports when detecting any OSH risks in Vietnam? - An (Hue, Vietnam)

How much are the penalties imposed upon an employee for failing to submit timely reports when detecting any OSH risks in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of Decree 12/2022/ND-CP regulating violations of regulations on reports when detecting any OSH risks as follows:

Violations against regulations on occupational safety and health (OSH)
1. A fine ranging from VND 500.000 to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed upon an employee for failing to submit timely reports to responsible person when detecting any OSH risks which may cause occupational accidents or occupational diseases.
2. A fine ranging from VND 1.000.000 to VND 3.000.000 shall be imposed upon an employer for failing to submit reports or lately submitting reports on OSH as prescribed by law.
3. A fine ranging from VND 5.000.000 to VND 10.000.000 shall be imposed upon an employer for commission of one of the following violations: failing to make statistical reports on occupational accidents; failing to submit periodic reports or submitting inadequate, inaccurate or late reports on occupational accidents and occupational diseases; failing to submit periodic reports or submitting inadequate, inaccurate or late reports on serious technical incidents threatening OSH in accordance with regulations of law.

Thus, if an employee fails to submit timely reports to responsible person when detecting any OSH risks which may cause occupational accidents or occupational diseases, a fine ranging from VND 500.000 to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed.

How much are the penalties imposed upon an employee for failing to submit timely reports when detecting any OSH risks in Vietnam?

What is a safety threat may cause damage to occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 6, Article 3 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene 2015, it is stipulated as follows:

Interpretation of terms
For the purposes of this Law, these terms below shall be construed as follows:
6. Safety threat means a technical breakdown of machinery, equipment, materials or substances that exceeds permitted technical safety threshold, occurs during the course of work and causes damage to or likely to cause damage to humans, assets and environment.

Thus, it can be understood that a safety threat means a technical breakdown of machinery, equipment, materials or substances that exceeds permitted technical safety threshold, occurs during the course of work and causes damage to or likely to cause damage to humans, assets and environment.

What are the obligations of employees in terms of occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 6 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene 2015, the rights and obligations of employees in terms of occupational safety and hygiene are as follows:

Rights and obligations of employees in terms of occupational safety and hygiene
2. Every employee with labor contracts has obligations to:
a) Conform to internal regulations, process and measures for occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace; stick to agreements on occupational safety and hygiene in his/her labor contract or collective bargaining agreement;
b) Use and preserve his/her personal protective equipment; occupational safety and hygiene equipment at the workplace;
c) Report hazards of safety threat, occupational accidents and occupational diseases; proactively give emergency aid, cope with breakdowns, or occupational accidents according to the plan for responses to breakdowns and emergency rescue or emergency respond or under orders from the employer or a competent agency.

Thus, every employee with labor contracts has obligations to:

- Conform to internal regulations, process and measures for occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace; stick to agreements on occupational safety and hygiene in his/her labor contract or collective bargaining agreement;

- Use and preserve his/her personal protective equipment; occupational safety and hygiene equipment at the workplace;

- Report hazards of safety threat, occupational accidents and occupational diseases; proactively give emergency aid, cope with breakdowns, or occupational accidents according to the plan for responses to breakdowns and emergency rescue or emergency respond or under orders from the employer or a competent agency.


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