07:47 | 23/07/2024

Allowance rates for the responsibility of trade union officials at the direct superior level from July 01, 2023 - How are they calculated?

How is the responsibility allowance for trade union officials directly above the grassroots level calculated from July 1, 2023? Your question from An in Hue.

What is the level of responsibility allowance for the union officials at the grassroots level from July 1, 2023?

Based on Article 5 of the Policy Regulations issued together with Decision 5692/QD-TLD in 2022, the subjects entitled to the responsibility allowance include:

- Members of the executive committee of the union at the grassroots level;- Members of the inspection committee of the union at the grassroots level;- Members of the women's union committee at the grassroots level.

The responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level is determined according to Clause 3, Article 5 of the Policy Regulations issued together with Decision 5692/QD-TLD in 2022 as follows:

Responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level


3. The monthly responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level = (Responsibility allowance coefficient) x (Statutory pay rate as regulated by the State).

Thus, the responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level is calculated according to the formula:

Responsibility Allowance = Allowance coefficient x Statutory pay rate

In which:

- For the statutory pay rate, from July 1, 2023, the statutory pay rate will officially increase to VND 1.8 million/month according to Decree 24/2023/ND-CP.

- For the allowance coefficient, it is determined according to Clause 2, Article 4 of the Policy Regulations issued together with Decision 5692/QD-TLD in 2022 as follows:

Thus, the responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level from July 1, 2023 is calculated as follows:

| Average number of workers | Allowance for Executive Committee members | Allowance for Inspection Committee members | Allowance for Women's Union Committee members || --- | --- | --- | --- || Below 10,000 members | VND 360,000 | VND 270,000 | VND 180,000 || From 10,000 to below 30,000 members | VND 450,000 | VND 360,000 | VND 270,000 || 30,000 members or more | VND 540,000 | VND 450,000 | VND 360,000 |

How is the allowance calculated for officials concurrently holding the positions of president or vice president of the union at the grassroots level?

According to the provisions of Article 7 of the Policy Regulations issued together with Decision 5692/QD-TLD in 2022 as follows:

Allowance for concurrently holding the positions of president or vice president of the union at the grassroots level

1. Subjects entitled to concurrent allowance

a) Individuals holding leadership and management positions in professional agencies concurrently holding the position of president or vice president of the equal-ranking union.

b) Union officials at the higher level concurrently holding the position of president or vice president of the lower-level union, which is the union at the grassroots level or higher.

2. Level of concurrent allowance.

a) The concurrently holding president of the union is entitled to a monthly allowance equal to 10% of the salary and allowance subject to social insurance contribution.

b) The concurrently holding vice president of the union is entitled to a monthly allowance equal to 7% of the salary and allowance subject to social insurance contribution.

The concurrent allowance for the positions of president, vice president of the union at the grassroots level is determined as follows:

- For the concurrently holding president of the union:

Monthly allowance equals 10% of the salary and allowance subject to social insurance contribution.

- For the concurrently holding vice president of the union:

Monthly allowance equals 7% of the salary and allowance subject to social insurance contribution.

Responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level from July 1, 2023 is calculated how?

Responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level from July 1, 2023 is calculated how?

Is the responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level subject to social insurance contributions?

Based on the provisions of Article 2 of the Policy Regulations issued together with Decision 5692/QD-TLD in 2022, the principles for implementing the union officials' allowance policy are as follows:

Implementation principles

1. Ensure the correct subjects, standards, and rates within the financial resources used by the unit in accordance with the regulations of the General Confederation. The unit's allowance fund is included in the approved budget estimate and settlement publicly and transparently, with all documentation as required.

2. Full-time union officials participating in multiple levels of the executive committee, inspection committee only receive the highest responsibility allowance. Part-time union officials participating in the executive committee, inspection committee of the union at the grassroots level or higher receive the responsibility allowance of that union level. At one level of the union, officials holding multiple positions only receive the highest responsibility allowance.

3. Responsibility and concurrent allowance according to these regulations are not used to calculate social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance contributions.

4. Individuals entitled to allowances under these regulations will stop receiving allowances from the following month when they no longer hold the position or assigned duties.

5. The grassroots-level union can use up to 45% of the collected union fees retained at the grassroots level for paying responsibility allowances, concurrent allowances, and wages for full-time union officials (if any). If the 45% retained union fees are not fully used, the remaining amount can be used for member welfare activities.

Thus, according to the above provisions, the responsibility allowance for union officials at the grassroots level is not used to calculate social insurance contributions.


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