06:51 | 24/08/2024

What is the salary paid to an intermediate statistician in Vietnam from November 15, 2023?

"What is the salary paid to an intermediate statistician in Vietnam from November 15, 2023?" - asked Mr. T.P in Ha Nam.

What is the salary paid to an intermediate statistician in Vietnam from November 15, 2023?

Under the provisions of Article 11 Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT:

Salary grading for the statistics officials

1. The salary grades for the statistics officials stipulated in this Circular apply Table 2 (Professional payroll for officials in state agencies) promulgated with Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2004, of the Government of Vietnam on salary policies for officials, public employees, and armed forces, and amended, supplemented by Decree No. 17/2013/ND-CP dated February 19, 2013, of the Government of Vietnam as follows:

a) Senior Statistician (code 23.261) applies the payroll for official category A3, group 1 (A3.1), from salary coefficient 6.20 to salary coefficient 8.00;

b) Principal Statistician (code 23.262) applies the payroll for official category A2, group 1 (A2.1), from salary coefficient 4.40 to salary coefficient 6.78;

c) Statistician (code 23.263) applies the payroll for official category A1, from salary coefficient 2.34 to salary coefficient 4.98;

d) intermediate statistician (code 23.264) applies the payroll for official category A0, from salary coefficient 2.10 to salary coefficient 4.89;

dd) Statistical Assistant (code 23.265) applies the payroll for official category B, from salary coefficient 1.86 to salary coefficient 4.06.


Under Decree 204/2004/ND-CP, the salary calculation formula for an intermediate statistician as follows:

Salary = Coefficient x Statutory pay rate


- Salary coefficient: intermediate statistician (code 23.264) applies the payroll for official category A0, from salary coefficient 2.10 to salary coefficient 4.89;

- The current statutory pay rate is 1,800,000 VND/month.

Thus, the payroll for an intermediate statistician includes:

Salary coefficient

Salary (Unit: VND)





















What is the salary of an Intermediate Statistician in the statistics specialty applied from November 15, 2023?

What is the salary paid to an intermediate statistician in Vietnam from November 15, 2023?

What are the duties of an intermediate statistician in Vietnam?

Based on the provisions of Article 8 Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT, it is regulated as follows:

Intermediate statistician (code 23.264)

1. Responsibilities

An intermediate statistician is an official specializing in statistical tasks within the state statistical organization system, performing several tasks in collecting, aggregating, analyzing, disseminating, and storing statistical information according to the standards of statistical methodology and legal regulations.

2. Duties

a) Collect statistical information through statistical reports, statistical surveys, exploiting administrative registration records, and other forms.

b) Process, aggregate, and analyze specialized statistical information assigned, suitable for usage needs.

c) Disseminate, store, and systematize data, statistical information within the assigned scope.

d) Monitor, inspect, urge organizations and individuals to provide statistical information within the specialty or field assigned according to the Law on Statistics and other relevant legal documents.


Thus, based on the above regulations, the duties of an intermediate statistician include:

- Collect statistical information through statistical reports, statistical surveys, and exploiting administrative registration records, and other forms.

- Process, aggregate, and analyze specialized statistical information assigned, suitable for usage needs.

- Disseminate, store, and systematize data, and statistical information within the assigned scope.

- Monitor, inspect, and urge organizations and individuals to provide statistical information within the specialty or field assigned according to the Law on Statistics and other relevant legal documents.

What are the general standards of quality for an intermediate statistician in Vietnam?

Under the provisions of Article 4 Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT, the general standards of quality for an intermediate statistician include the following:

- Have a firm political stance, consistent with Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, thoroughly comprehend the Party's guidelines and policies; loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; protect the interests of the Fatherland, the People.

- Fully perform the duties of an official according to the law; strictly comply with task assignments from superiors; abide by the law, maintain discipline, and administrative order; set an example in complying with the regulations of the agency.

- Be devoted, responsible, honest, objective, impartial, and exemplary in performing public duties; polite, cultured, and standard in communication and serving the people.

- Lead a healthy lifestyle, modest, united; diligent, thrifty, integrity, righteous, and selfless; not misuse public affairs for personal gain; avoid bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness, and negativity.

- Regularly have a consciousness of learning, and training to improve qualities, qualifications, and capabilities.

Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT will take effect from November 15, 2023.


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