07:48 | 23/07/2024

Monthly Allowance for People's Public Security Participating in the Anti-American Resistance from October 10, 2023 - How Much?

Monthly allowance for People's Public Security officers who participated in the resistance against the United States from October 10, 2023, is how much? Your question from T.S in Ha Nam.

What is the monthly allowance for People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America from October 10, 2023?

On August 25, 2023, the Ministry of Public Security issued Circular 41/2023/TT-BCA regulating the implementation of allowance policies for officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces who participated in the resistance against America with less than 20 years of service and have retired or been discharged to their locality.

Based on Clause 2, Article 4 of Circular 41/2023/TT-BCA, the monthly allowance for People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America is calculated based on the actual years of service credited. Specifically as follows:

- From 15 years to under 16 years, the allowance is 813,614 VND/person/month;

- From 16 years to under 17 years, the allowance is 854,295 VND/person/month;

- From 17 years to under 18 years, the allowance is 894,975 VND/person/month;

- From 18 years to under 19 years, the allowance is 935,656 VND/person/month;

- From 19 years to under 20 years, the allowance is 976,337 VND/person/month.

Monthly allowance for People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America from October 10, 2023

Monthly allowance for People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America from October 10, 2023

Who is eligible for the monthly allowance for People's Public Security Forces who participated in the resistance against America and have been discharged?

Based on Article 2 of Circular 41/2023/TT-BCA, the regulated subjects eligible for allowance policies are:

Applicable Subjects

1. This Circular applies to:

a) Officers and soldiers falling under the provisions of Article 2 and Clause 1, Article 8 of Decision 53/2010/QD-TTg dated August 20, 2010, by the Prime Minister of Vietnam, regulating policies for officers and soldiers who participated in the resistance against America with less than 20 years of service in the People's Public Security Forces, who have retired or been discharged to their locality (hereinafter abbreviated as Decision 53/2010/QD-TTg).

b) Units under the Ministry of Public Security, provincial and municipal police under central authority (hereinafter abbreviated as police units, localities).

c) Agencies, organizations, and individuals related to the implementation of policies for officers and soldiers as stipulated in this Circular.

2. This Circular does not apply to:

a) Cases specified in Article 3 of Decision 53/2010/QD-TTg.

b) Officers and soldiers who violated discipline and were expelled, dismissed, demoted, or deserted.

c) Police workers (public security officers).

Thus, the subjects eligible for the monthly allowance for People's Public Security Forces who participated in the resistance against America and have been discharged are officers and soldiers in the following cases:

- Officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces who participated in the resistance against America, joined the People's Public Security Forces before April 30, 1975, have less than 20 years of service in the People's Public Security Forces, have retired or been discharged to their locality, and are not receiving a monthly pension, occupational loss allowance, or veteran's policy.

- Officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces who participated in the resistance against America, joined the People's Public Security Forces before April 30, 1975, have less than 20 years of service in the People's Public Security Forces, have retired or been discharged to their locality, and subsequently worked in communes, wards, or commune-level towns.

- Officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces who have been discharged or retired to the locality and have time served in the People's Army before April 30, 1975.

What are the cases in which the People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America are eligible for the monthly allowance policies?

Based on Article 4 of Circular 41/2023/TT-BCA, the monthly allowance policies are regulated as follows:

Monthly Allowance Policies

1. Officers and soldiers specified at Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Circular, who fall into one of the following cases, are eligible for the monthly allowance policies:

a) Have a credited service time from 15 years to under 20 years;

b) Have a credited service time from 15 years to under 20 years, have retired or been discharged to their locality, and subsequently worked in communes, wards, or commune-level towns, receiving salaries from the state budget, and have mandatory social insurance but are not eligible or do not continue to contribute to voluntary social insurance to be eligible for a monthly pension as stipulated by the law on social insurance.

Thus, the People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America are eligible for the monthly allowance policies in the following cases:

- People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America with a credited service time from 15 years to under 20 years;

- People's Public Security Forces participating in the resistance against America with a credited service time from 15 years to under 20 years, have retired or been discharged to their locality, and subsequently worked in communes, wards, or commune-level towns, receiving salaries from the state budget, and have mandatory social insurance but are not eligible or do not continue to contribute to voluntary social insurance to be eligible for a monthly pension as stipulated by the law on social insurance.


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