07:47 | 23/07/2024

One-Time Social Insurance Benefit for Foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City: What Are the Entitlements? What are the Procedures for One-Time Social Insurance Benefit for Foreigners?

I would like to inquire about the one-time social insurance benefit level for foreign nationals in Ho Chi Minh City. - question from Mr. Loc Hai (Tay Ninh)

One-time Social Insurance Benefits for Foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City

Based on Section 3 of Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022, the regulations are as follows:

3. One-time Social Insurance Benefits:

Calculated according to the number of years of social insurance contributions as stipulated in points b and c of clause 2, Article 60 of the Social Insurance Law No. 58/2014/QH13 dated November 20, 2014.

The Social Insurance Agency of Ho Chi Minh City notifies units employing foreigners in the city to be aware and guide their employees./.

Simultaneously, based on the provisions of Article 60 of the Social Insurance Law 2014, the regulations are as follows:

One-time Social Insurance Benefits


2. The one-time social insurance benefit is calculated according to the number of years of social insurance contributions, with each year calculated as follows:

a) 1.5 months of the average monthly salary paid for social insurance for the years before 2014;

b) 02 months of the average monthly salary paid for social insurance for the years from 2014 onward;

c) For periods less than one year, the one-time social insurance benefit equals the amount paid, with a maximum of 02 months of the average monthly salary paid for social insurance.

3. The one-time social insurance benefit calculated under clause 2 of this Article does not include the State's support for voluntary social insurance, except for the case specified in point c of clause 1 of this Article.

4. The effective date for calculating one-time social insurance benefits is the date stated in the decision by the social insurance agency.

Accordingly, the one-time social insurance benefit for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City is calculated based on the number of years contributed, with each year calculated as follows:

- 02 months of the average monthly salary paid for social insurance for the years from 2014 onward;

- For periods less than one year, the one-time social insurance benefit equals the amount paid, with a maximum of 02 months of the average monthly salary paid for social insurance.

How to calculate the one-time social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City? What are the required documents for foreigners to claim one-time social insurance benefits?

Required Documents for Claiming One-time Social Insurance Benefits for Foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City

Based on Section 1 of Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022, the regulations are as follows:

1. Required Documents for One-time Social Insurance Benefits:

- The original social insurance book with the contributions finalized.

- The application form 14-HSB.

- Authorization documents as per current legal regulations (if applicable).

In case of life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, paralysis, ascites due to cirrhosis, leprosy, severe tuberculosis, or HIV/AIDS, an extract/summary of the medical record indicating the inability to self-serve is required; for other illnesses, a medical assessment report from the Medical Assessment Council (Gioi Dinh Y Khoa - GDYK) indicating a labor capacity reduction of 81% or higher and the inability to self-serve is needed.

In case of paying the GDYK fee, the invoice, fee receipt documents, and an itemized list of assessment contents from the GDYK institution are required.

Note: When submitting the one-time social insurance benefit documents, foreigners must present their passport translated into Vietnamese and notarized as per Vietnamese legal regulations.

The required documents for claiming one-time social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City include:

- The original social insurance book with the contributions finalized.

- The application form 14-HSB.

- Authorization documents as per current legal regulations (if applicable).

In case of life-threatening illnesses, an extract/summary of the medical record indicating the inability to self-serve is required.

In case of other illnesses, a medical assessment report from the Medical Assessment Council (GDYK) indicating a labor capacity reduction of 81% or higher and the inability to self-serve is needed.

In case of paying the GDYK fee, the invoice, fee receipt documents, and an itemized list of assessment contents from the GDYK institution are required.

Submission and Processing Timeline for One-time Social Insurance Benefits for Foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City

Based on Section 2 of Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022, the regulations are as follows:

- Submission timeline:

Within 10 days from the termination of the labor contract or the expiration of the work permit, professional practice certificate, or practice license (whichever comes first), if the worker does not continue working under the labor contract or is not granted an extension, the worker must submit the required documents to the social insurance agency.

- Processing timeline:

Within 5 working days from the date of receiving the complete documents as per regulations, the social insurance agency is responsible for processing and organizing the payment for the worker. If not approved, the agency must provide a written explanation with clear reasons.

The submission and processing timeline for one-time social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City are as follows:

- Submission timeline: Within 10 days from the termination of the labor contract or the expiration of the work permit, professional practice certificate, or practice license (whichever comes first), if the worker does not continue working under the labor contract or is not granted an extension.

- Processing timeline: Within 5 working days from the date of receiving the complete documents as per regulations, the social insurance agency is responsible for processing and organizing the payment for the worker.

In case of non-approval, a written explanation with clear reasons must be provided.


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