At what age will I be able to register for recruitment of public employees in Vietnam? What are the recruitment registration conditions?

May I ask: At what age will I be able to register for recruitment of public employees in Vietnam? What are the recruitment registration conditions? - Question from Mr. Hoang (Lam Dong)

At what age will I be able to register for recruitment of public employees in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the 2010 Law on Public Employees in Vietnam on public employees; the rights and obligations of public employees; and recruitment, employment and management of public employees in public service providers.

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 22 of the 2010 Law on Public Employees in Vietnam as follows:

Recruitment registration conditions
1 A person who meets all the following conditions, regardless of nationality, gender, social status, belief and religion, may register for public employee recruitment:
a/ Bearing Vietnamese citizenship and residing in Vietnam:
b/ Reaching full 18 years of age. For a number of areas of cultural activity, arts, physical training and sports, the age eligible for recruitment may be lower as provided by law with written consent of at-law representatives:
c/ Filing an application for recruitment:
d/ Having a clear personal background;
e/ Possessing diplomas, training certificates or practice certificates or aptitude and skills relevant to the working position for which he/she applies:
f/ Being physically fit for work or tasks;
g/ Meeting other conditions required by the working position for which he/she applies and determined by the public service provider, which must not be contrary to law.

According to the above regulations, the age to apply for recruitment of public employees is 18 years or older. However, for some fields of cultural activities, arts, physical training and sports, the age to apply may be lower. Specifically, Clause 2, Article 5 of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Recruitment registration conditions
2. Persons applying for job positions in public service providers in the fields of culture, art, physical training and sports may be younger than 18 years old but must be full 15 years of age or older and be eligible for written consent of the legal representative.

Thus, according to current regulations, the age to register for recruitment of public employees is full 18 years old.

For public service providers in the fields of culture, art, physical training and sports, the age to apply is full 15 years old. At the same time, the written consent of the legal representative must be obtained.

At what age will I be able to register for recruitment of public employees in Vietnam? What are the recruitment registration conditions?

At what age will I be able to register for recruitment of public employees in Vietnam? What are the recruitment registration conditions?

What are the recruitment registration conditions?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 22 of the 2010 Law on Public Employees in Vietnam and Article 5 of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP, the conditions for registration for public employee recruitment are determined as follows:

- Bearing Vietnamese citizenship and residing in Vietnam:

- Reaching full 18 years of age. For a number of areas of cultural activity, arts. physical training and spoils, the age eligible for recruitment is full 15 years old)

- Filing an application for recruitment:

- Having a clear personal background;

- Possessing diplomas, training certificates or practice certificates or aptitude and skills relevant to the working position for which he/she applies:

- Being physically fit for work or tasks;

- Meeting other conditions required by the working position for which he/she applies and determined by the public service provider, which must not be contrary to law.

Who will be prioritized in public employee recruitment?

In Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP, there are regulations on priority subjects in public employee recruitment as follows:

Priority in public employee recruitment
1. Subjects and priority points in the entrance exam or admission:
a) Heroes of the Armed Forces, Heroes of Labor, War Invalids and beneficiaries of policies like class B invalids and war invalids: 7.5 points will be added to the second round score;
b) Ethnic minority people, military officers, police officers, professional servicemen, cipher workers who change majors, graduates of reserve officer training, graduates of military training only; commanders of the commune-level military commands of the grassroots military branch shall be conferred the rank of reserve officer who has registered for the rank of reserve officer, children of martyrs, children of wounded soldiers, children of sick soldiers, children of beneficiaries of policies such as: war invalids, children of war invalids of class B, children of resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals, children of Heroes of the Armed Forces, children of Heroes of Labor: 5 points will be added to the results of round 2;
c) Those who have completed the military service, the obligation to join the people's police, and the volunteer youth members: 2.5 points will be added to the second round score.

Thus, the above-mentioned subjects when taking the entrance exam or recruiting public employees will be given priority and added points to the results of round 2.

In case the candidate for exam admission or non-exam admission belongs to many priority categories, only the highest priority score will be added to the result of round 2.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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