Vietnam: Latest e-invoice registration form? How should business households use e-invoices?

From 01/01/2022 I want to switch to declare method. So how is a business household to be a declared household in Vietnam? How do households declare the use of e-invoices?

What is the size of business households and individuals in terms of revenue and labor to pay tax according to the method of a declaration according to the Law on Tax Administration of Vietnam?

Clause 5, Article 51 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019 stipulates:

"Article 51. Flat tax payable by household businesses and individual businesses
1. Tax authorities shall determine the flat tax payable by household businesses and individual businesses who fail to comply with or fully comply with regulations on accounting, invoices and documents, except for the cases in Clause 5 of this Article.
2. Tax authority shall impose flat tax according to declarations of household businesses and individual businesses, the database of tax authorities, and comments of Tax Advisory Council of the commune.
3. Flat tax shall be imposed by calendar year (or by month for seasonal business). Flat tax shall be published in the commune. The taxpayers shall inform the tax authority when changing their business lines or scale, suspend or shut down the business in order to adjust the flat tax.
4. The Minister of Finance shall specify the bases and procedures for determination of flat tax payable by household businesses and individual businesses.
5. Household businesses and individual businesses whose revenues and employees reach the upper limit for extra-small enterprises prescribed by regulations of law on small and medium enterprises shall do accounting and declare tax."

Vietnam: Latest e-invoice registration form? How should the business households use e-invoices?

Vietnam: Latest e-invoice registration form? How should business households use e-invoices?

How does a business household pay tax according to the declaration method according to Circular 40/2021/TT-BTC of Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 3 of Circular 40/2021/TT-BTC, business households, and individuals pay tax according to the declaration method:

- Large-scale business households and individuals

- Business households and individuals do not meet the requirements of large scale but choose to pay tax according to the declaration method.

How do households declare the use of e-invoices according to Vietnamese regulations?

At Question 12, the Manual on Electronic Invoices No. 2 of the Tax Department of Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam issues the following instructions:

- In case when being notified by the tax authority to switch to using e-invoices according to the provisions of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP and Circular No. 78/2021/TT-BTC, the business household shall pay tax according to the following method. The declaration method must send a declaration of registration for the use of e-invoices, made according to Form No. 01/DKTD-HDĐT, to the tax authority via an e-invoice service provider.

- When the declarant is approved by the tax authority to use the electronic invoice with the tax authority's code, it must destroy the purchased invoice from the tax authority. Business households need to contact the tax authorities directly managing them for guidance.

- Declaring households need to prepare information infrastructure conditions, including computers/smart devices (smartphones, tablets) that can connect to the internet, digital signatures, and electronic invoicing software.

Application form for registration of electronic invoices (Form 01/DKTD-HDĐT) of Vietnam?

The registration declaration for the use of electronic invoices, made according to Form No. 01/DKTD-HDĐT issued together with Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, is prescribed:

Download the template: Here

Download Handbook on Electronic Invoice No. 2: Here.


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