07:46 | 23/07/2024

Sample Internship Registration Form for Notarial Practice: Which Form to Use? What Does the Internship Registration Dossier for Notarial Practice Include?

Let me ask: Which form is the Registration Form for Notary Practice Training? What does the application dossier for notary practice training include? This question is from Ms. Huyen from Bac Giang.

What Skills Are Included in Professional Notarial Practice Training?

Based on Clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP, the content of professional notarial practice apprenticeship includes notarial practice skills and the following work related to notarization:

- Skills in receiving and classifying notarization requests; skills in verifying the authenticity and legality of documents in the notarization request dossier; skills in examining and identifying the parties involved, their legal capacity, and civil act capacity to conclude contracts and transactions.

- Skills in interacting with the notary requestor, adhering to the Code of Ethics for Notarial Practice; skills in explaining the rights, obligations, and legitimate interests of the requestor, the meaning, and legal consequences of the notarial acts; skills in providing reasons when refusing notarization requests.

- Skills in researching and proposing solutions for notarization request dossiers.

- Skills in drafting contracts and transactions at the request of the notary requestor; skills in verifying the authenticity and legality of draft contracts and transactions previously prepared by the notary requestor; verification skills.

- Skills in certifying translations; skills in certifying copies and signatures in documents and texts.

- Skills in drafting testimonies.

- Skills in checking, arranging, and classifying notarized, authenticated files for archiving.

- Other skills and work related to notarization as assigned by the supervising notary.

What is the model of the professional notarial practice registration form? What does the dossier for professional notarial practice registration include?

What is the model of the professional notarial practice registration form? What does the dossier for professional notarial practice registration include? (Image from the Internet)

What is the Current Model of the Professional Notarial Practice Registration Form?

The model of the professional notarial practice registration form is Form TP-TSCC-01 issued with Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP. Below is an image of the Professional Notarial Practice Registration Form:

Download the Professional Notarial Practice Registration Form: Here.

What Does the Dossier for Professional Notarial Practice Registration Include?

Based on Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP, it is stipulated as follows:

Professional Notarial Practice Registration

1. The person requesting the apprenticeship shall submit 1 dossier directly or via post to the Department of Justice where the notarial practicing organization that accepts apprentices is located.

The dossier includes the following documents:

a) Professional Notarial Practice Registration Form (Form TP-TSCC-01);

b) Certificate of graduation from a notarial training course or certificate of completion of a notarial training course (a certified copy or a photocopy accompanied by the original for comparison).

Within 07 working days from the date of receiving a complete and valid dossier, the Department of Justice shall enter the name of the registered apprentice into the List of Notarial Apprentices of the Department of Justice (hereafter referred to as the List of Apprentices of the Department of Justice) and notify in writing the registered apprentice and the notarial practicing organization that accepted the apprenticeship; if rejected, they shall provide a written notice stating the reasons.

2. The following individuals are not allowed to register for apprenticeship:

a) Those who fall under the cases not allowed to be appointed as notaries as stipulated in Article 13 of the Law on Notarization;

b) Individuals who are currently officials and public employees (except public employees working at the Notary Office), officers, professional soldiers, defense employees in agencies and units belonging to the Vietnam People's Army; officers, non-commissioned officers, employees in agencies and units belonging to the Vietnam People's Public Security.

3. Individuals whose names are recorded in the List of Apprentices of the Department of Justice are called Notarial Practice Apprentices (hereafter referred to as Apprentices). Apprentices have the rights and obligations prescribed by the Law on Notarization and this Circular.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the dossier for professional notarial practice registration includes:

- Professional Notarial Practice Registration Form (Form TP-TSCC-01) issued with Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP.

- Certificate of graduation from a notarial training course or certificate of completion of a notarial training course (a certified copy or a photocopy accompanied by the original for comparison).


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