04:16 | 25/09/2024

What is the application form for physical education exemption for primary school, lower and upper secondary school students in Vietnam? Where can it be downloaded?

What is the application form for physical education exemption for primary school, lower and upper secondary school students in Vietnam? Where can it be downloaded?

What is the application form for physical education exemption for primary school, lower and upper secondary school students in Vietnam? Where can it be downloaded?

The application form for exemption from physical education for primary school, lower and upper secondary school students is as follows:

DOWNLOAD: Application form for exemption from physical education in Word file

Application form for exemption from physical education for primary, secondary, and high school students

Application form for exemption from physical education for primary school, lower and upper secondary school students (Image from the Internet)

Under Which Program Does the Physical Education Course Fall?

Based on Article 3 of Decree 11/2015/ND-CP, the following is stipulated:

Physical Education Curriculum

1. The Physical Education curriculum is part of the general education, vocational education, and higher education programs; the content of physical education is part of the preschool education program, which reflects the goals of physical education; it particularly regulates the standards of knowledge, skills, scope, and structure of the physical education content, the methods and forms of organizing physical education activities, and how to assess the outcomes of the Physical Education course at each level of education or training.

2. Authority to Issue the Physical Education Curriculum

a) The Minister of Education and Training issues the Physical Education curriculum as part of the general education program, and the physical education content as part of the preschool education program;

b) Directors of universities, academies, and universities’ presidents are responsible for developing, evaluating, and issuing the training programs of their institutions, including the Physical Education curriculum as stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training;

c) Principals of colleges and intermediate schools are responsible for developing, evaluating, and issuing their institution's training programs, including the Physical Education curriculum as stipulated by the Head of the Central Government Body Managing Vocational Education.

Thus, the Physical Education curriculum is part of general education, vocational education, and higher education programs.

The content of physical education is included in the preschool education program, reflecting the goals of physical education; it regulates the standards of knowledge, skills, scope, and structure of physical education content, methods, and forms of organizing physical education activities, and how to assess the outcomes of the Physical Education course at each educational level or training degree.

What Are the Position and Objectives of Physical Education and Sports Activities in Schools in Vietnam?

Based on Article 2 of Decree 11/2015/ND-CP, the position and objectives of physical education and sports activities in schools are stipulated as follows:

- School-based physical education is a mandatory teaching content and subject, part of the education program at all levels and degrees, aimed at equipping children, students with basic motor skills, and forming a habit of exercising and sports to enhance health, physical development, and stature, thereby contributing to the comprehensive education objectives.

- Sports activities in schools are voluntary activities for students, organized as extracurricular activities, sports clubs, groups, or individuals according to their interests, gender, age, and health, aimed at perfecting motor skills, supporting physical education objectives through exercising and sports competitions, enabling students to enjoy their right to recreation and entertainment, develop sports talents, and identify and nurture sports talents.

What are regulations on Finance and Physical Facilities for Physical Education and Sports Activities in Schools in Vietnam?

Based on Article 6 of Decree 11/2015/ND-CP, the finance and physical facilities for physical education and sports activities in schools are as follows:

- Finance for physical education and sports activities in schools is ensured by the state budget according to current budget decentralization; from schools' revenue sources; sponsorships from organizations or individuals, and other legitimate revenues.

- Physical facilities for physical education and sports activities in schools include training grounds, practice fields, multifunctional gymnasiums, training rooms, swimming pools, equipment, and safety conditions to effectively implement the Physical Education curriculum and sports activities appropriate to each educational level or training degree.

- Ministries, sectors, and People's Committees at all levels are to maintain balanced investments to construct physical facilities, meeting the requirements for physical education and sports equipment for public schools under their management; also facilitating schools' use of local sports facilities for physical education and sports activities.

- People's Committees at all levels are to plan land funds for physical education and sports activities in schools according to national standards; implement preferential policies on land, tax, and credits for private schools to enable these schools to construct physical facilities for physical education and sports activities.

- Schools must ensure that investments in constructing and using physical facilities for physical education and sports activities serve their intended purposes as stipulated by the Education Law, Higher Education Law, Law on Physical Training and Sports, Vocational Education Law, and other applicable legal documents.


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