07:45 | 23/07/2024

Template Report on Labor Utilization Situation at the End of 2022? When Must Employers Submit Periodic Reports on Labor Utilization?

Template for the end of year 2022 labor usage report? When are employers required to periodically report on labor usage? - Question from Mr. Trung (Ba Ria)

When must employers report periodically on the labor utilization situation?

According to the provisions of Article 4 of Decree 145/2020/ND-CP (amended and supplemented by Clause 1 Article 73 of Decree 35/2022/ND-CP), employers must periodically report on the labor utilization situation as follows:

Labor Utilization Report

The declaration of labor utilization, periodic reporting on labor changes as stipulated in Clause 2 Article 12 of the Labor Code is specified as follows:

1. Employers declare labor utilization according to Decree No. 122/2020/ND-CP dated October 15, 2020, of the Government of Vietnam on the coordination, interconnection of procedures for registering the establishment of enterprises, branches, representative offices, declaring labor utilization, issuing social insurance unit codes, and registering the use of enterprise invoices.

2. Every 6 months (before June 5) and annually (before December 5), employers must report changes in labor to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs through the National Public Service Portal using Form No. 01/PLI Appendix I issued with this Decree and notify the district social insurance agency where the headquarters, branch, or representative office is located. In cases where employers cannot report labor changes through the National Public Service Portal, they must submit a paper report using Form No. 01/PLI Appendix I issued with this Decree to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs and notify the district social insurance agency where the headquarters, branch, or representative office is located. For labor working in industrial parks, economic zones, employers must report labor changes to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, the district social insurance agency where the headquarters, branch, or representative office is located, and the management board of the industrial park or economic zone for monitoring.

The Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs is responsible for summarizing labor changes in cases where employers submit paper reports to ensure complete information updates according to Form No. 02/PLI Appendix I issued with this Decree.

3. Every 6 months, before June 15, and annually, before December 15, the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs must report to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs on the labor utilization situation in the area through the National Public Service Portal using Form No. 02/PLI Appendix I issued with this Decree.

In cases where the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs cannot report the labor utilization situation through the National Public Service Portal, they must submit paper reports to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs using Form No. 02/PLI Appendix I issued with this Decree.

Accordingly, employers must report changes in labor to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs every 6 months (before June 5) and annually (before December 5).

Year-end labor utilization report for 2022? When must employers periodically report on the labor utilization situation?

Year-end labor utilization report for 2022? When must employers periodically report on the labor utilization situation?

Year-end labor utilization report for 2022?

According to the provisions of Clause 2 Article 4 of Decree 145/2020/ND-CP (amended and supplemented by Clause 1 Article 73 of Decree 35/2022/ND-CP), employers must submit the year-end labor utilization report for 2022 before December 5.

The year-end labor utilization report for 2022 is specified in Appendix I issued with Decree 145/2020/ND-CP as follows:

Download the year-end labor utilization report form for 2022 here.

What are the notes when writing the year-end labor utilization report for 2022?

According to guidelines in Appendix I issued with Decree 145/2020/ND-CP, when filling out the Labor Utilization Report for Employers, including enterprises, agencies, and organizations, the following information should be noted:

- At note (1), addressed to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs; the district social insurance agency where the headquarters, branch, or representative office is located

- At note (2) Job positions classified according to:

+ Column (8) Managers: This group includes leaders and managers working in various sectors and at different levels in agencies, organizations, and enterprises, holding positions with management, command, and operational authority from the central to the commune level;

+ Column (9) High-level technical specialists: This group includes professions requiring high-level professional knowledge, expertise, and experience (university or higher) in fields such as science and technology, health, education, business and management, information technology and communication, law, culture, and society;

+ Column (10) Intermediate-level technical specialists: This group includes professions requiring knowledge and experience at an intermediate level (colleges, intermediate schools) in fields such as science and technology, health, business and management, law, culture, society, information and communication, teachers, education, information technology.


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