03:36 | 23/09/2024

What is the purpose of the making of cadastral maps in Vietnam according to the Land Law 2024? What are the main contents of measurement and making of cadastral maps in Vietnam?

What is the purpose of the making of cadastral maps in Vietnam according to the Land Law 2024? What are the main contents of measurement and making of cadastral maps in Vietnam?

What is the purpose of the making of cadastral maps in Vietnam according to the Land Law 2024? What are the main contents of measurement and making of cadastral maps in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 50 of the Land Law 2024, the making of cadastral maps is aimed at the following purposes:

Measurement and making of cadastral maps

1. Cadastral maps serve as the basis for state management of land and the construction of a national land database. The measurement and making of cadastral maps are carried out in detail for each parcel by the administrative unit at the communal level; where no communal level administrative unit is established, they are created according to the district-level administrative unit.

2. Cadastral maps must be corrected when there are changes in the shape, size, area of the parcel, and other factors related to the content of the cadastral maps, and must be updated into the national land database.

3. The People's Committee at the provincial level is responsible for organizing the measurement, establishment, correction, management of cadastral maps in the locality, and updating them into the national land database.

4. The Government of Vietnam specifies this Article in detail.

Pursuant to Article 50 of the Land Law 2024, the making of cadastral maps is aimed at serving the state management of land and constructing a national land database.

What is the purpose of the establishment of cadastral maps according to the Land Law 2024? What are the main contents of measuring and establishing cadastral maps?

What is the purpose of the making of cadastral maps in Vietnam according to the Land Law 2024? What are the main contents of measurement and making of cadastral maps in Vietnam? (Internet image)

What are the main contents of measurement and making of cadastral maps in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Decree 101/2024/ND-CP, the cadastral map includes the following main contents:

Content and activities for Measurement and making of cadastral maps

1. The main contents of the cadastral map include:

a) Parcel: Parcel boundary, land type, parcel order number, parcel area;

b) Other elements related to the contents of the cadastral map include: Map frame; coordinate control points, elevation points; administrative boundary markers and boundary lines of administrative units at all levels; land occupation objects not forming parcels; houses and other constructions; landmarks and structures of significant orientation; planning boundary markers; boundary lines of safety protection corridors of works according to the law; explanatory notes; terrain shape or elevation annotation points (if any).


The main contents of the cadastral map include the following:

- Parcel: Parcel boundary, land type, parcel order number, parcel area;

- Other elements related to the contents of the cadastral map include:

+ Map frame

+ Coordinate control points, elevation points

+ Administrative boundary markers and boundary lines of administrative units at all levels

+ Land occupation objects not forming parcels

+ Houses and other constructions

+ Landmarks and structures of significant orientation

+ Planning boundary markers

+ Boundary lines of safety protection corridors of works according to the law

+ Explanatory notes

+ Terrain shape or elevation annotation points (if any).

How will the activities of Measurement and making of cadastral maps be conducted in Vietnam from August 1, 2024?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 4 of Decree 101/2024/ND-CP, the activities for Measurement and making of cadastral maps include:

(1) Measuring and establishing new cadastral maps for areas without cadastral maps associated with the national reference and coordinate system;

(2) Re-Measurement and making of cadastral maps for areas that have cadastral maps but have changed the boundaries of 75% or more of the parcels during land consolidation and exchange;

Areas that only have paper cadastral maps which are torn, damaged, and cannot be restored and used for digitization;

Areas with cadastral maps established by aerial photography, tacheometric survey methods with a lower map scale compared to the scale required for survey according to regulations;

Areas that have implemented land use planning to form administrative centers, urban areas, residential areas, economic zones, high-tech zones, industrial zones, export processing zones, and industrial clusters;

(3) Supplementary measurement of cadastral maps for areas that already have cadastral maps but have not been measured to close the boundary of the administrative unit, including areas previously outlined on the cadastral map but not yet measured in detail to each parcel;

(4) Corrective measurement of cadastral maps for areas that already have cadastral maps when there is a change in one or more factors regarding shape, size, area of the parcel, and other factors related to the content of the cadastral map;

(5) Digitization, transformation of the coordinate system of cadastral maps in areas that only have paper cadastral maps established in the HN-72 reference and coordinate system, now converted into digital cadastral maps in the VN-2000 national reference and coordinate system (hereinafter referred to as the VN-2000 system);

(6) Extract measurement of cadastral maps carried out separately for each parcel or multiple parcels within the scope of an extract measurement cadastral map according to the established scale for areas without cadastral maps.


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