09:10 | 18/09/2024

What are details of Introduction of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam? What are the content of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam?

What are details of Introduction of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam? What are the content of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam?

What are details of Introduction of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam? What are the content of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam?

The agenda for the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools (Content for the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools) is as follows:

Agenda for the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools (Content for the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools):


1) Attendance Check, Announcement of the Reasons, Introduction of Delegates

2) Appointment of the Meeting Secretary

3) Approval of the Meeting Content

- Brief report on the results of the school year 20....- 20.... (of the school, of the class)

- Comments on the capability, perception, and learning and training attitudes of each student.

- Implementation of the tasks for the school year 20....- 20....; Discuss and agree on the method of cooperation between families and schools for student education.

- Agree on the purchases, contributions, and private investments in education for the school year 20....- 20.....


1) Results of the school year ..........-20.... of the school

1.1. On the education quality of students.

- On student character: ......./....... students = 100% rated as good.

- On knowledge: …/....... students = 99.8% rated as meeting requirements or higher

- On capability: ......./....... = 100% rated as meeting requirements or higher

- Students completing the Elementary program:

- Students completing class programs:

- Students awarded certificates of merit:

- Students promoted to the next grade:

1.2. On excellent students at various levels through exchange programs.


1.3. On outstanding teachers at Provincial, District levels.


1.4. Competitive title achievements

2) Results of the school year ..........-20.... of class....

3) Comments on each student regarding perception, capability, strengths, consciousness...

4) Tasks for the school year 20....- 20....

a) General tasks

Continue implementing the action program of the Ministry of Education and Training on fundamental, comprehensive reforms in education and training.

Enhancing discipline, quality, and efficiency of work in elementary education institutions, and promoting learning and emulating the moral example of Ho Chi Minh;

Continue guiding the management and organization of teaching according to knowledge and skills standards; adjust the teaching content to suit the psychological characteristics of elementary school students; strengthen moral education, life skills education for students; effectively implement the new elementary school model; implement first-grade Vietnamese teaching according to the education technology program.

Encourage creativity and emphasize the responsibilities of teachers and educational administrators.

b) Specific tasks

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Agenda for the Parent-Teacher Meeting at the Beginning of the Elementary School Year 2024-2025? Content for the Elementary School Parent-Teacher Meeting at the Beginning of the Year 2024-2025?

What are details of Introduction of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam? What are the content of the parent meeting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for primary schools in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is the schedule for the school year 2024-2025?

According to Article 1 of Decision 2045/QD-BGDDT of 2024 stipulating the issuance of the timeframe plan for the school year 2024 - 2025 for preschool education, general education, and continuing education nationwide as follows:

- Students start school at the earliest 1 week before the opening ceremony. Particularly for grade 1, students start school at the earliest 2 weeks before the opening ceremony.

- The opening ceremony is held on September 5, 2024.

- The first semester ends before January 18, 2025, the school year is completed and ends before May 31, 2025.

- Consider recognizing elementary school program completion and middle school graduation before June 30, 2025.

- Complete enrollment for the first grades before July 31, 2025.

- The high school graduation exam in 2025 is expected to take place on June 26 and June 27, 2025.

- Other national exams are organized according to the regulations and guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training.

What are the responsibilities and rights of parents in Vietnam?

Based on Article 8 of the Charter of the Parent Representative Committee issued together with Circular 55/2011/TT-BGDĐT clearly stating the responsibilities and rights of parents as follows:

(1) Responsibilities of parents:

- Coordinate with the school in managing and educating students and implementing the tasks set by the Parent Representative Committee.

- Coordinate with the class teacher, subject teachers to take care of, manage, encourage students to actively, voluntarily study and train, comply with the school's regulations and rules.

- Be responsible for the mistakes and shortcomings of their children according to the law and implement the recommendations of the class Parent Representative Committee in cooperation with the school to care for, manage, and educate students.

(2) Rights of parents:

- Parents have the rights stipulated in Article 95 of the Education Law, have the right to propose to the school to create conditions for their children to study and train;

- Nominate, elect themselves to the class Parent Representative Committee;

- Refuse to support when proposed by the class Parent Representative Committee, the school Parent Representative Committee for contributions, if they do not volunteer.

- Implement or not implement content that has not reached consensus in the general meeting of parents or the meeting of the Parent Representative Committee.


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