What is the link for "VAR checking" statements of the Vietnam Fatherland Front's Vietinbank account on support for people in typhoon and flood areas? How to use that link for checking the statement?

What is the link for "VAR checking" statements of the Vietnam Fatherland Front's Vietinbank account on support for people in typhoon and flood areas?

What is the link for "VAR checking" statements of the Vietnam Fatherland Front's Vietinbank account on support for people in typhoon and flood areas? How to use that link for checking the statement?

After the Vietnam Fatherland Front publicly disclosed the Vietcombank bank account statements regarding contributions to support the flood-affected North and the victims of No. 3 typhoon, there has been a growing interest in finding the link for checking the statement statement—i.e., verifying the contributions previously announced by various individuals and organizations with the statements published by the Vietnam Fatherland Front. However, searching for information within these bank statements can be challenging, especially when the files are large.

To assist users in quickly and conveniently obtaining information about the link check var Vietcombank, online tools for checking Vietnam Fatherland Front statements have become popular and widely used. Below are some links to check the Vietnam Fatherland Front statements along with usage instructions:

First, users can download the Vietcombank Vietnam Fatherland Front’s bank statement PDF files below:

Bank Statement Date Statement File
VIETCOMBANK From September 1-10 HERE

Then, users can perform the Vietcombank link check var according to the instructions below:

(1) Link check var statements Vietnam Fatherland Front https://var.j2team.dev

Step 1: Access the address https://var.j2team.dev

Step 2: Enter basic information to search, including:

- Name of the transferor: Enter the full name of the person who made the contribution.- Transfer content: Enter the content stated on the transfer order (e.g., Support for North,...).- Amount: Enter the exact amount contributed.- Transaction code: Enter the transaction code provided by the bank after the successful transfer.

(2) Link check var statements Vietnam Fatherland Front https://tracuusaoke.co

Step 1: Access the address https://tracuusaoke.co

Step 2: Select Vietcombank or Vietinbank.

Step 3: Enter basic information as above to search.

(3) Link check var statements Vietnam Fatherland Front https://saoke.com.vn

Step 1: Access the address https://saoke.com.vn

Step 2: Enter a keyword which is one of the basic information as above to search.

Note: These link check var statements are developed by independent individuals/groups to support users and are not the official websites of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

These link check var statements are for reference purposes only and may contain errors during data updates.

Link check var Vietcombank của MTTQ Viet Nam hỗ trợ đồng bào vùng bão lũ? Sử dụng link check var Vietcombank ra sao?

What is the link for "VAR checking" statements of the Vietnam Fatherland Front's Vietinbank account on support for people in typhoon and flood areas? How to use that link for checking the statement?? (Image from the Internet)

How is the donation fundraising for the flood-affected North regulated by the Vietnam Fatherland Front?

According to Section I of Guidance 38/HD-MTTW-BTT of 2020, the regulations are as follows:

* For regions not affected by floods:

(1) Organize fundraising:

- Depending on the actual situation, the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees, the Relief Committees of provinces, and cities report to the authorities to coordinate with the government to organize appropriate fundraising.

- The funds raised will be transferred to the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (Central Relief Committee) to be allocated to the affected regions.

(2) No fundraising organized:

In cases where fundraising cannot be organized, the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees and the provincial Relief Committees will use the remaining funds from the previous relief rounds (if any) and transfer them to the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (Central Relief Committee) for allocation to the flood-affected provinces.

* For regions directly affected by floods:The Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees and the provincial Relief Committees:

- Cooperate with the authorities and affiliated organizations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to thoroughly review the damages in terms of human and property to conduct relief activities; organize the receipt and prompt distribution of money and goods from the central government, localities, and units, individuals...

Primarily focus on urgent support for food, drinking water, environmental hygiene, arranging stable housing for families whose houses have collapsed or been swept away...

- Encourage the people in each community and locality to actively help one another.

- Regularly publicize the results of the receipt and distribution of relief money and goods; the list of individuals and households receiving money and goods to ensure transparency and public supervision; ensure prompt support to the right recipients.

- Report to the authorities and coordinate with the government, mass organizations to supervise and manage unauthorized DIY relief activities of individuals or groups to ensure fairness in relief support to the people, prevent abuse of fundraising by organizations, individuals or groups for personal gain and ensure the safety of property and life of those coming to support and assist the local people.

What are the benefits for those undertaking disaster response, natural disaster prevention, and rescue missions in Vietnam?

According to Article 19 of Decree 30/2017/ND-CP, regulations on policies for individuals mobilized to undertake disaster response and rescue missions during No. 3 typhoon in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) Individuals not receiving salaries from the state budget, while being mobilized to undertake disaster response and rescue missions as decided by the competent authority, will be entitled to the following policies:

- They will be provided with labor allowance per industry as determined by the provincial People's Committee. For unskilled labor, the minimum labor allowance rate is 0.1 times the statutory pay rate; for labor directly related to radioactive substances, biological agents, and hazardous chemicals, the minimum labor allowance rate is 0.1 times the statutory pay rate; if working from 22:00 the previous day until 06:00 the next day, the rate is doubled; if working in hazardous or dangerous conditions, they will be provided with on-site benefits as prescribed by law.

- If the mission is far from their residence without daily commuting conditions, the mobilizing agency will arrange accommodation and meals, provide transport and travel cost support or reimburse one round trip as per the travel allowances policies of the Ministry of Finance; they will also receive meal support as determined by the provincial People's Committee.

- The mobilizing agency will cover these costs.

According to Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 73/2024/ND-CP, the statutory pay rate from July 1, 2024, is 2,340,000 VND/month.

(2) Individuals receiving salaries from the state budget, while being mobilized to undertake disaster response and rescue missions as decided by the competent authority, will have their salaries and allowances paid out by their employer and will be reimbursed for travel and meal allowances; if working in hazardous and high-allowance areas, they will be entitled to the existing policies.

The above-mentioned costs are included in the regular operational budget of their organization or unit.

(3) Officers, militia, and reserve forces mobilized to undertake disaster response and rescue missions as decided by the competent authority will be entitled to the policies as prescribed by law.


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