To obtain a vote of confidence for leading cadres in Vietnam, must consider practical experience and political, ethical, and lifestyle qualities?

Hello editors. I am learning about getting votes of confidence with leading cadres in Vietnam. So let me ask about getting a vote of confidence for leaders, what factors need to be considered? Thank!

How to get a vote of confidence for leaders?

According to Article 1 of Regulation 262-QD/TW of 2014 on obtaining votes of confidence for leading members of the Party Committee and leading cadres in Vietnam in the Party, State, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations The Assembly stipulates the principle of taking a vote of confidence as follows:

- The collection of votes of confidence for leading members of the Party Committee and leading cadres in Vietnam in the Party, State, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations must ensure the principle of the Party's unified leadership. staffing and management of staff; uphold the responsibilities of all levels of party committees, party organizations, leadership collectives and heads of all levels; The polling of confidence votes is carried out periodically in the third year between the term of party congresses at all levels.

- Ensuring democracy, objectivity, fairness and transparency in taking votes of confidence and using the results of votes of confidence; strictly prohibit and strictly handle the mobilization, manipulation or other acts of influence to falsify the credit rating or take advantage of votes of confidence to damage collective and individual reputation, cause division, internal disunity.

- The results of the vote of confidence for cadres are publicized in the leadership collective at the same level (standing committee at the committee level, party cadre committee, party union, leaders of agencies and units) and reported to competent authorities. manage and decide on that cadre's title.

- The vote of confidence is one of the important reference information channels for the evaluation and use of staff. Comrades with low trust, depending on the level, will consider not planning a higher position or resigning, dismissing the position, not waiting for the end of the term, the end of working age.

To obtain a vote of confidence for leading cadres in Vietnam, must consider practical experience and political, ethical, and lifestyle qualities?

To obtain a vote of confidence for leading cadres in Vietnam, must consider practical experience and political, ethical, and lifestyle qualities?

What is the scope and subjects of the vote of confidence in leaders at all levels and in Party and State agencies?

According to Article 2 of Regulation 262-QD/TW of 2014 on collecting votes of confidence for leading members of the Party Committee and leading cadres in Vietnam in the Party, State, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations The Association stipulates the scope of subjects to take the vote of confidence as follows:

- Scope: The vote of confidence is conducted for leading members of Party committees at all levels and leading cadres in Vietnam in the Party, State, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations from China. central to the level with affiliated units.

- The subject of the vote of confidence

+ Member of the Politburo, member of the Secretariat; members of standing committees at all levels.

+ Cadres holding leadership positions in Party, State, Fatherland Front agencies and socio-political organizations from the central level to the level with affiliated units (department level and equivalent or higher in relevant departments). ministries, central branches; departmental, district and equivalent levels in provinces and centrally run cities).

- Time to take the vote of confidence

The vote of confidence is carried out periodically in the 3rd year (the middle year of the party congresses at all levels). As follows:

+ Collect votes of confidence for titles elected or approved by the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels in accordance with the National Assembly's regulations.

+ Collecting votes of confidence for leadership positions at party committees shall be conducted after taking votes of confidence for positions elected or approved by the National Assembly or People's Councils at all levels.

+ Collecting votes of confidence for other leading and managerial positions shall be conducted after the preliminary review of the first 6 months of the third year in the middle of the term of the Party congresses at all levels

How is the content of taking the vote of confidence and summarizing the results of the vote of confidence for leaders?

According to Article 7 of Regulation 262-QD/TW of 2014 on collecting votes of confidence for leading cadres in Vietnam of the Party Committee and leading cadres in the Party, State, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations The Assembly stipulates the content of the vote of confidence as follows:

- Political qualities, ethics, lifestyle

+ Political stances, views and ideas in the implementation of the Party's guidelines and resolutions; the observance of principles and regulations of the Party, policies and laws of the State.

+ Sense of responsibility at work; service attitude to the people; comply with the assignment of the organization.

+ Honesty, pure motivation, fairness, fairness, objectivity, upholding principles at work; ability to gather internal solidarity and self-criticism.

+ The fight against corruption and personal gain; the example of themselves and their spouses and children in morality, lifestyle and observance of policies and laws.

+ Prestige among officials, party members and people.

- Practical competence

+ Leadership results concretize the guidelines and resolutions of the Party, policies and laws of the State into the assigned fields.

+ Dynamic, decisive, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility in leadership and administration; ability to forecast and handle difficult and complex situations within the scope of responsibility.

+ Results, quality of advice and proposals on the assigned field.

+ Volume, quality and efficiency of work according to assigned responsibilities and tasks; the level of task completion of the affiliated organizations, agencies and units within the scope of their charge.

+ Results of leading cadre work and building cadres of localities, agencies and units; capacity to detect, train and employ virtuous and talented people at work.

+ Leadership results in preventing and combating corruption, wastefulness, and negativity; handling applications, complaints and denunciations in the field and scope of responsibility.

Thus, for leading members of the Party Committee and leading cadres in the Party, State, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, regulations on the content of taking votes of confidence must consider including: both competence and moral character.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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