07:46 | 23/07/2024

Law on Land Reforms to be Presented for Approval at the 6th National Assembly Session? How many projects are expected to be presented to the National Assembly for comments during the 6th session?

Question: Will the amended Land Law be presented for approval at the 6th session of the National Assembly? How many projects are expected to be submitted for comments to the National Assembly in the 6th session? - Inquiry from Ms. Hanh (Hue)

Amended Land Law to be presented for approval at the 6th session of the National Assembly? How many projects are expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for opinions during the 6th session?

Based on the content of the Proposal from the Government of Vietnam regarding the 2024 legislative and ordinance development program; and adjustments to the 2023 legislative and ordinance development program of the Ministry of Justice. Here

In Item 2 of the Draft Legislative and Ordinance Development Program for 2024, and adjustments to the 2023 Legislative and Ordinance Development Program attached to the Proposal, it is mentioned as follows:

- The amended Land Law will be submitted to the National Assembly for the second opinion at the 5th session;

- The amended Land Law will be presented to the National Assembly for approval at the 6th session.

Additionally, at the 6th session, the following projects will also be submitted to the National Assembly for opinions: the amended Social Insurance Law; the amended Archives Law; the Geology and Minerals Law; the Defense, Security, and Industrial Mobilization Law; the Urban and Rural Planning Law; and the Industrial Development Law.

Amended Land Law to be presented for approval at the 6th session of the National Assembly? How many projects are expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for opinions during the 6th session?

Amended Land Law to be presented for approval at the 6th session of the National Assembly? How many projects are expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for opinions during the 6th session?

What are the 09 contents currently being solicited for public opinion in the draft amended Land Law?

Currently, the amended Land Law is seeking opinions on the draft content.

In subsection b, Item 2, Section II of the issuance plan attached to Resolution 170/NQ-CP of 2022, the 09 contents being solicited for opinions include:

(1) Land use planning and plans;

(2) Land acquisition and policies on compensation, support, and resettlement;

(3) Land fund development;

(4) Land allocation, land lease, and changes in land use purpose;

(5) Land registration, issuance of certificates, and administrative procedures, land data, and information;

(6) Financial mechanisms, land pricing policies;

(7) Management and use regimes of various types of land;

(8) Decentralization, supervision, and control of power;

(9) Land use by households.

Specifically: the content solicited for opinions corresponds to each target group as follows:

| Target Group | Contents for Opinions || --- | --- || Residents in the country and overseas Vietnamese | - Cases of land acquisition for socio-economic development in the national or public interest;

- Procedures for land acquisition, issuance of land use rights certificates, house ownership, and other property attached to land;

- Regulations on compensation, support, and resettlement;

- Expanding the limits on acquiring agricultural land use rights for households and individuals;

- Expanding the subjects eligible for transferring rice cultivation land use rights;

- Authority in resolving land disputes;

- Land policies for ethnic minorities. || Enterprises, cooperatives, business households, and other economic organizations | - Cases where the state leases land with one-time payment for the entire lease period and leases land with annual land rent payment;

- Regulations on compensation and support when the state acquires land;

- Cases of land use rights auction and project bidding with land use;

- Land use for investment projects through agreements on land use rights;

- Permitting the transfer, mortgage of lease rights in annual rent payment contracts;

- Principles for land price determination, land price tables, specific land prices;

- Cases exempted or reduced from land levy and land rent;

- Land use regimes in industrial zones. || State agencies at central and local levels; political organizations, socio-political organizations, socio-political-professional organizations, social organizations, and socio-professional organizations | - Authority in land allocation, land lease, and permission for land use change;

- On land users and land-using households;

- Basis, authority, procedures for formulating and adjusting land use planning and plans;

- Land policies for ethnic minorities;

- Cases of land acquisition for socio-economic development in the national or public interest;

- Regulations on compensation and support when the state acquires land;

- Land use for investment projects through agreements on land use rights;

- Permitting the transfer, mortgage of lease rights in annual rent payment contracts;

- Principles for land price determination, land price tables, specific land prices;

- Authority in resolving land disputes. || Experts, scientists | - Scope of regulation;

- Interpretation of terms;

- Content of land use planning and plans;

- Permitting the transfer, mortgage of lease rights in annual rent payment contracts;

- Land use regimes for multi-purpose, underground, and aerial constructions;

- Principles for land price determination, land price tables, specific land prices. |

What are the notable policies in the amended Land Law compared to the current regulations?

Based on the contents in the Draft amended Land Law, compared to the current regulations, the Draft amended Land Law features the following notable policies:

| No. | Notable Policies || --- | --- || 1 | Innovation and improvement of the quality of land use planning and plans || 2 | Completion of regulations on land allocation, land lease, and land use purpose changes || 3 | Completion of regulations on compensation, support, resettlement, and land acquisition for national defense and security; socio-economic development in the national or public interest || 4 | Improvement of mechanisms for land price determination based on market principles, and regulations on functions, tasks, and responsibilities of the agencies assigned with land price determination || 5 | Completion of financial mechanisms and land policies || 6 | Completion of regulations related to the real estate market, including the land use rights market || 7 | Completion of mechanisms and policies on the management and use of agricultural land || 8 | Establishment of legal regulations on the management and use of multi-purpose land || 9 | Promotion of administrative reform and digital transformation in land management and use; ensuring centralized, unified management, operation, connection, and information sharing from central to local levels || 10 | Strengthening inspection, examination, monitoring, and handling of violations; resolving disputes, complaints, and denunciations related to land; tightening discipline and order, preventing corruption and negativity. |


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