Latest form Application for renewal/re-issuance of Fatherland's Degree attribution in Vietnam? Pursuant to the application for renewal/re-issuance of the National Diploma attribution in Vietnam?

Hello editor, because of the flood, my grandfather's certificate of fatherland attribution was badly damaged for fear of not being able to receive the allowance, I want to apply for a replacement of my grandfather's fatherland diploma for attribution in Vietnam. according to which model? What conditions are re-issued? Thank you!

How to issue and exchange the National Diploma attribution in Vietnam?

According to Article 23 Decree 131/2021/ND-CP guiding the Ordinance on Incentives for people with meritorious services to the revolution stipulates on granting and exchanging national National Diploma attribution in Vietnam as follows:

- Conditions for granting and exchanging national diplomas for attribution in Vietnam

: For sacrifices that have been awarded the Fatherland Certificate attribution of the Minister of National Defense, the Certificate of "Grateful Fatherland" of the Minister of War Invalids and War Veterans has not been changed to the Fatherland Diploma attribution granted by the Prime Minister.

+ Relatives who have received preferential treatment from December 31, 1994 or earlier.

- The grounds for granting and exchanging Vietnam's national diplomas are as follows:

+ The original Vietnamese national diplomas of the Minister of National Defense, the Gratitudes of the Minister of War Invalids and Veterans Affairs.

+ One of the papers proving that the relative has received preferential treatment: Decision on allowance; preferential allowance books; a list of payment of monthly benefits or lump-sum benefits upon death notification signed by the beneficiary; other papers issued and certified by a competent authority made from December 31, 1994 or earlier.

- Dossier and procedures:

+ Individuals who are holding the original Certificate of Fatherland attribution in Vietnam of the Minister of National Defense, Certificate of "Grateful Fatherland" of the Minister of War Invalids and Veterans, make an application. made according to Form No. 16, Appendix I of this Decree, enclosed with the papers specified in Clause 2 of this Article, and sent to the People's Committee of the commune where the deceased permanently resided before joining the revolution or enlisting in the army.

+ The People's Committee of the commune, within 05 working days, is responsible for certifying the declaration, summarizing, making a list and submitting a report together with the original certificate to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

- In case the original license cannot show the information due to illiteracy or damage, the commune-level People's Committee is responsible for publicly posting it in the village or commune to collect people's opinions, and announce it on mass media. local publications for at least 40 days and make a record of the results of public posting. Within 12 days from the date on which the results are publicly posted, a meeting of the Council to certify the commune-level meritorious persons must be held to consider the cases in which there are no complaints or denunciations from the people. the minutes of the meeting for review and approval, and the written request enclosed with the minutes of the results of the public posting and the minutes of the review meeting of the Council certifying the commune-level meritorious people, and send it to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs together with the original certificate.

+ The Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for:

- Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of complete papers, it must check, review and make a list of cases that are sufficient according to Form No. 83 Appendix I to this Decree, with a written request to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, enclosed with the original certificate; In case the original diploma cannot show the information as a basis for issuance and replacement due to lack of writing, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall send a written request to the competent authority requesting assessment.

- Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of the assessment results, if there are sufficient grounds, the Department shall send a written request to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, enclosed with the original diploma and assessment results.

Within 12 days from the date of receipt of the Fatherland Certificate attribution, the person shall be responsible for the management number, make an extract of the martyr's dossier, keep the old diploma and related papers in the file, and send it to the Certificate of Honor. attribution to the proposer.

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, within 30 days from the date of receipt of all documents, is responsible for checking, synthesizing, making a list and submitting it to the Government Office for submission to the Prime Minister for approval. execute the decision to grant and change the "Fatherland attribution". Within 20 days from the date of receipt of the decision on granting a diploma, it is responsible for printing and transferring it to the Government Office to stamp the "Fatherland's merit" stamp and send it to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

Latest form Application for renewal/re-issuance of Fatherland's Degree attribution in Vietnam? Pursuant to the application for renewal/re-issuance of the National Diploma attribution in Vietnam?

Latest form Application for renewal/re-issuance of Fatherland's Degree attribution in Vietnam? Pursuant to the application for renewal/re-issuance of the National Diploma attribution in Vietnam?

How to re-issue the National Diploma attribution in Vietnam?

According to Article 24 Decree 131/2021/ND-CP guiding the Ordinance on Incentives for people with meritorious services to the revolution stipulates the re-issuance of "Fatherland's merits" as follows:

- Re-issuance of "Fatherland's merits" in cases after: lost; Missing information due to blur or damage.

- Dossier and procedures for re-issuance of the "Fatherland attribution" certificate:

+ The representative of the martyr's relatives or the beneficiary of the martyr's worship allowance shall make an application using Form No. 16, Appendix I of this Decree, and send it to the People's Committee of Vietnam. Commune-level residents where they permanently reside (enclose the old license if still available).

+ The People's Committee of the commune within 05 working days is responsible for certifying the declaration, summarizing, making a list and submitting it to the Division of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.

+ The Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs within 05 working days from the date of receipt of complete documents, is responsible for making and sending a list with the prescribed papers to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs. where to manage martyr records.

+ The Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for:

- Within 30 days from the date of receipt of complete documents, it must check and compare the martyr's dossier, make a list of re-issue of the "Fatherland attribution" certificate. according to Form No. 83, Appendix I of this Decree, for those who fully meet the conditions and have complete information written on the martyr's death notice enclosed with a written request to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

- Within 12 days from the date of receiving the re-issued "Fatherland Attribution" Certificate, send the "Fatherland Attribution" Certificate to the applicant.

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Government Office shall comply with the responsibilities specified at Point dd, Clause 2, Article 23 of this Decree.

How is the application form for the renewal/re-issuance of a National Diploma attribution in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Form No. 18, Appendix I issued together with Decree 131/2021/ND-CP guiding the Ordinance on Incentives for people with meritorious services to the revolution, specifying the application form for the renewal/re-issuance of a Fatherland Diploma, stating: companies in Vietnam as follows: 

Download the form: here.


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