What are the conditions that need to be ensured for setting up a grassroots CP committee at a Vietnamese military academy?

Hello LawNet, I would like to ask the following question: What are the conditions that need to be ensured for setting up a grassroots CP committee at a Vietnamese military academy? Thank you!

What are the regulations on establishment of grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells in regiments, brigades and the equivalent in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section 1 of Instruction 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 guiding the establishment of grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells in regiments, brigades and the equivalent; in battalions, squadrons, squadrons attached to divisions, naval regions, coast guard regions and the equivalent as follows:

“1- Regarding the establishment of the grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells (Clause 4, 5, 6, Section I, Part A)
- In regiments, brigade and equivalent; in battalions, squadrons, squadrons attached to divisions, naval regions, coast guard regions and the like
+ Regiments and brigades with battalions shall establish grassroots CP committee in regiments and brigades; establish CP committee in battalion and equivalent units, in brigade's chambers (where there are 30 or more party members); setting up CP cells in companies, divisions of regiments, divisions of brigade and equivalent units (where there are less than 30 party members).
+ Regiments and brigades have battalions but the number of party members is small, activities and activities are concentrated, it is possible to establish grassroots CP committee committees in regiments and brigades; set up branches in battalion, regiment's division, brigade's office and attached company.
+ Regiments that do not have battalions shall establish grassroots CP committees in the regiment; set up branches in the company, in the regiment agency and equivalent units.
+ A regiment that is on duty to protect an island shall set up a grassroots CP committee in the regiment; set up a branch in the battle group and in the division of the regiment.
+ A flotilla in a region or directly under the Navy shall establish a grassroots CP committee in the sea flotilla; establishing CP committee in the navy and equivalent units (where there are 30 or more party members); set up a CP cell at the ship, at the sea corps and equivalent units (where there are less than 30 party members).
+ Battalions, squadrons directly attached to divisions, naval regions, coast guard regions and the equivalent or higher shall establish grassroots CP committee committees at battalion and squadron levels; set up CP cells in companies, ships, infantry battalions, squadrons and equivalent units.”

Accordingly, the establishment of grassroots CP committee organizations, CP Committees and CP cells in regiments, brigades and the equivalent will be carried out according to the above-mentioned guidelines.

What are the conditions that need to be ensured for setting up a grassroots CP committee at a Vietnamese military academy?

What are the regulations on establishment of grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells in border guards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section 1 of Instruction 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 guiding the establishment of grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells in border guards as follows:

“1- Regarding the establishment of the grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells (Clause 4, 5, 6, Section I, Part A)
- In the Border Guard
+ The brigade under the Border Guard Command sets up grassroots CP committees in the brigade; set up CP committees in battalions; set up CP cells in companies and brigade rooms.
+ The squadrons of the Border Guard Command set up grassroots CP committees in the sea corps; set up CP committees in the navy; set up CP cells at the ship and a division of the squadron.”

Accordingly, the establishment of grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells in the border guard shall comply with the above guidance.

Is it necessary to meet the requirements on the number of Party members to set up a grassroots CP committee at a Vietnamese military academy?

Pursuant to Section 1 of Instruction 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 guiding the establishment of grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells at military academies as follows:

“1- Regarding the establishment of the grassroots CP committees, CP committees and CP cells (Clause 4, 5, 6, Section I, Part A)
- In academies, schools
+ At academies, officers' schools, universities, colleges, military schools of military zones, corps establish grassroots CP committees at the system, battalions, departments, faculties, specialized boards and affiliated units (where there are 30 or more party members); Where there are less than 30 party members, a CP cell shall be established. Set up CP cells in classrooms or companies of divisions and battalions and in departments and divisions of departments and faculties.
+ Military academies with student battalions shall set up grassroots CP committees at the school; set up CP Committee in battalions; set up CP cells in the company or classroom and in the department of the school, the army battalion, and the attached unit.
+ Non-commissioned officers schools, vocational intermediate schools and vocational schools with battalions of trainees shall establish grassroots CP committees at the school; set up CP Committee in battalions; set up CP cells in departments, faculties, departments, companies or classes, official agencies and battalions. Schools that do not organize student battalions, where there are 30 or more party members, shall set up a grassroots CP committee at the school; establish CP cells in a company or class, in a department, department, department, or service unit; where there are less than 30 party members, set up a CP cell.”

Thus, for academies and schools, grassroots CP committees will be established in the system, battalions, departments, faculties, specialized boards and units under the warehouse with 30 or more Party members. If there are less than 30 Party members, a CP cell will be established.


CP Committee
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