Vietnam: Leaders with two-thirds of the votes of low confidence or more will be dismissed from office without waiting for the end of the term?

Can I ask if a leader with two-thirds of the votes of low confidence or more will be dismissed from his position? Question of Mr. Nam from Lam Dong

Who is entitled to vote of confidence under Regulation 96/QD-TW of Vietnam in 2023?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Regulation 96/QD-TW of Vietnam in 2023 as follows:

Scope, subjects to collect the vote of confidence and the composition of the vote of confidence in Vietnam
1. Scope, object
- Cadres holding leading and managerial titles and positions of organizations, agencies and units in the political system from the central level to the level with affiliated units.
- Cadres who have been notified of leave of absence pending retirement or are appointed or elected in the year of polling shall not carry out the poll of confidence.
2. The composition of the vote of confidence is specified for each leading and managerial title and position in the political system (Appendix 1).
The vote of confidence conference shall only be conducted when at least 2/3 of the convened persons are present.

Thus, the subjects that will be conducted to collect confidence votes in the political system include:

- Cadres holding leading and managerial titles and positions of organizations, agencies and units in the political system from the central level to the level with affiliated units.

- Cadres who have been notified of leave of absence pending retirement or are appointed or elected in the year of polling shall not carry out the poll of confidence.

Vietnam: Leaders with two-thirds of the votes of low confidence or more will be dismissed from office without waiting for the end of the term?

Vietnam: Leaders with two-thirds of the votes of low confidence or more will be dismissed from office without waiting for the end of the term?

Leaders with two-thirds of the votes of low confidence or more will be dismissed from office without waiting for the end of the term?

The Politburo promulgates Regulation 96/QD-TW of Vietnam in 2023 on obtaining votes of confidence for leading and managerial titles and positions in the political system.

Accordingly, the regulation on the use of the results of the vote of confidence in Article 11 of Regulation 96/QD-TW of Vietnam in 2023 stipulates the use of the results of the vote of confidence as follows:

- The results of the vote of confidence are used to evaluate cadres, serve as a basis for planning, dispatching, appointing and recommending cadres for election, dismissal and implementation of regimes and policies towards cadres.

- In cases where there are more than 50% but less than 2/3 of the votes of confidence are low, the level competent to manage cadres will remove higher positions from the planning;

Consider leaving the position currently held, assigning another job or resigning or conducting a vote of confidence in accordance with regulations.

- In cases where two-thirds of the votes of confidence are low or higher, the competent authority to manage the cadres shall dismiss the current position from duty and arrange another (lower) job without waiting for the end of the term, the time limit of appointment.

- For the person who gets a vote of confidence in two places, the credit assessment of the officer will be decided by the competent authority on the basis of the overall review of the vote of confidence in each place (Newly additional content).

What are the regulations on the time for collecting a leadership vote of confidence in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Regulation 96/QD-TW of Vietnam in 2023 as follows:

Time for collecting the vote of confidence in Vietnam
The vote of confidence is carried out periodically in the 3rd year (the middle year of the party congresses at all levels), specifically as follows:
1. Collect votes of confidence for titles elected or approved by the National Assembly or People's Councils at all levels in accordance with the National Assembly's regulations.
2. Collect votes of confidence for the positions elected by the Central Committee of the Party according to the working program of the Central Committee of the Party.
3. Collecting votes of confidence for leading positions of local party committees shall be carried out after collecting votes of confidence for positions elected by people's councils at all levels.
4. Voting of confidence for other leading and managerial titles and positions shall be conducted after the preliminary review of the first 6 months of the third year in the middle of the term of the Party congresses at all levels.

Thus, the vote of confidence is carried out periodically in the third year (the middle year of the party congresses at all levels), specifically as follows:

- Collect votes of confidence for positions elected or approved by the National Assembly or People's Councils at all levels in accordance with the National Assembly's regulations.

- Collect votes of confidence for the positions elected by the Central Committee of the Party according to the working program of the Central Committee of the Party.

- Collecting votes of confidence for leadership positions at local party committees shall be conducted after taking votes of confidence for positions elected by the People's Councils at all levels.

- Collecting votes of confidence for other leading and managerial titles and positions shall be conducted after the preliminary review of the first 6 months of the third year in the middle of the term of the Party congresses at all levels.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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