03:28 | 14/03/2023

On what date will leaders of the Vietnam Social Security receive citizens every month? In what cases will the Vietnam Social Security refuse to receive citizens?

"On what date will leaders of the Vietnam Social Security receive citizens every month?" - asked Mr. Lanh (Quang Ninh)

On what date will leaders of the Vietnam Social Security receive citizens every month?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 1 of the Rules for receiving citizens of the Vietnam Social Security issued together with Decision 972/QD-BHXH in 2016, the schedule of receiving citizens of leaders of the Vietnam Social Security is as follows:

Time and place for receiving citizens
3. Schedule of receiving citizens of leaders:
The General Director or Deputy General Director of Vietnam Social Security receives citizens periodically on the 20th of every month. In case it coincides with public holidays, Tet holidays, and weekends, the receipt of citizens shall be conducted on the next working day; the unexpected receipt of citizens shall be conducted at the urgent request or at the request of the Director off the Inspection Department.

Accordingly, the General Director or Deputy General Director of Vietnam Social Security receives citizens periodically on the 20th of every month.

In case, the date of receiving citizens coincides with public holidays, Tet holidays, or weekends, the receipt of citizens shall be conducted on the next working day;

In addition, the unexpected receipt of citizens shall be conducted at the urgent request or at the request of the Director of the Inspection Department.

What is the schedule of receiving citizens at the Vietnam Social Security?

Pursuant to Clauses 1 and 2, Article 1 of the Rules for receiving citizens of the Vietnam Social Security issued together with Decision 972/QD-BHXH in 2016, the time and place of receiving citizens are as follows:

About the time of receiving citizens:

On working days of each week (except public holidays, Tet holidays, and weekends). At the end of working hours, citizens who come to make complaints, denunciations, petitions, and reflections are not allowed to stay at the headquarter of receiving citizens.

- Morning: From 08:00 to 11:30;

- Afternoon: From 13:30 to 16:30.

About the place of receiving citizens:

At the headquarter of the Vietnam Social Security: No. 150 Pho Vong, Phuong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi.

In what cases will the Vietnam Social Security refuse to receive citizens?

Article 4 of the Rules for receiving citizens of the Vietnam Social Security issued together with Decision 972/QD-BHXH in 2016, the cases in which citizens are refused as follows:

Cases of refusal to receive citizens
The person receiving citizens may refuse to receive citizens coming to the place of receiving citizens in the following cases:
1. A citizen who is in a state of inability to control his/her behavior due to substance use, who suffers from a mental illness or another illness that results in the loss or limitation of his/her ability to control his/her behavior.
2. A citizen who commits acts of threatening or insulting agencies, organizations, persons receiving citizens, or duty executors or commit other violations against the regulations of the place of receiving citizens.
3. A citizen who makes complaints or denunciations against cases that have properly settled policies and laws, have been examined, reviewed, and notified in writing by competent state agencies, and have been received, explained, and instructed but still deliberately make complaints or denunciations prolonged.
4. Other cases as prescribed by law.

Thus, the person receiving citizens may refuse to receive citizens coming to the place of receiving citizens in the following cases:

- A citizen who is in a state of inability to control his/her behavior due to substance use, who suffers from a mental illness or another illness that results in the loss or limitation of his/her ability to control his/her behavior.

- A citizen who commits acts of threatening or insulting agencies, organizations, persons receiving citizens, or duty executors or commit other violations against the regulations of the place of receiving citizens.

- A citizen who makes complaints or denunciations against cases that have properly settled policies and laws, have been examined, reviewed, and notified in writing by competent state agencies, and have been received, explained, and instructed but still deliberately make complaints or denunciations prolonged.

- Other cases as prescribed by law.

What regulations are citizens making complaints or denunciations at the Vietnam Social Security required to comply with?

Citizens making complaints or denunciations at the Vietnam Social Security are required to comply with the provisions of Clause 2, Article 2 of the Rules on receiving citizens promulgated together with Decision 972/QD-BHXH in 2016 as follows:

- Clearly state your name, address, and present documents at the request of the person receiving citizens;

- Have a proper and respectful attitude towards the person receiving citizens;

- Truthfully present the facts, provide information and documents related to the contents of complaints, denunciations, petitions, and reflections; sign or certify only those presentations that have been recorded by the person receiving the citizen;

- Strictly abide by the rules of receiving citizens and instructions of the person receiving citizens;

- In case many citizens make the same complaint, denunciation, petition, and reflection on the same content, a representative must be appointed to present them;

- Take responsibility before the law for the contents of their complaints and denunciations.


Vietnam Social Security
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