How to check in Vietnam, how to control overhead meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam according to new regulations?

I heard there is a new regulation on the control of aerial meteorological records, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation, so I wonder about the control over the control of meteorological documents on high including the following: What content is required by law? Thank you!

What is the monitoring and control of aerial meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam?

According to Article 3 Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulates the control and inspection of aeronautical meteorological data ships as follows:

- Document inspection is an activity to consider the completeness of the quantity and volume of meteorological documents on high altitude, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation (hereinafter collectively referred to as documents).

Document control is the process of comparing actual results in documents with regulations, standards and technical regulations in order to identify deviations and their causes, thereby correcting errors. skew the results in the document.

How to check in Vietnam, how to control overhead meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam according to new regulations?

How to check in Vietnam, how to control overhead meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam according to new regulations?

What is included in the examination of aerial meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam documents?

According to Article 5 Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulates the content of checking documents of aerial meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation as follows:

"Article 5. Contents of checking gas documents aerial object, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam
1. Receive documents and check the time of document delivery
2. Check quantity, capacity and classification: check number of copies, number of pages of paper documents, number of informatics media (data files, CDs, DVDs, storage drives, ...) of documents
3. Check the physical condition and appearance ofdocuments: check documents for damage, creases, torn, smudged, erased, incorrect text specifications (for paper documents); warping, moldy, broken, infected with viruses or not Capable of opening files on information carriers
4. Checking legality and completeness of documents: checking document origin is done by monitoring equipment provided by regulatory authority or not; parameters of the device's serial number, model number or source; check the number of items and subsections for paper documents, the number of files, the size of each document file.
5. Check to determine the status of monitoring works and monitoring equipment:
a) Check reported information about station works and technical corridors;
b) Inspection to determine the calibration, inspection, maintenance and preservation of equipment;
c) Check to determine the adequacy of consumables and equipment."

Thus, the examination of aerial meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation is carried out including includingcontents

of the control of overhead meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation include what?

According to Article 6 of 04/2022/TT-BTNMT Circular Regulations on the content of control of overhead meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation are as follows:

"Article 6. Contents of control of overhead meteorological documents, weather radar, umbrella -Thones and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam
1. Control of radio-air-sensing documents, including: methods of monitoring, calibration of means and measuring instruments; monitoring process, monitoring regime, monitoring time; data entry, data calculation, selection of characteristic values, electrical codes; rationality of data according to space, time and monitoring factors:
a) Data control and data entry at the moment of release;
b) Controlling the selection of term convection, maximum wind, maximum wind, characteristic point;
c) Control of encrypted data;
d) Control and compare data of drop moments in space and time;
dd) Controlling feature points to add or remove from the data series;
e) Control the speed of ascending (straight up) of the observation shift;
g) Control the time of data submission (transmission) and reports.
2. Controlling overhead wind documents, including: methods of monitoring and adjustment of means and measuring instruments; monitoring process, monitoring regime, monitoring time; data entry, data calculation, selection of characteristic values, electrical codes; rationality of data according to space, time and monitoring factors:
a) Controlling monitoring data;
b) Control the input of monitoring data into the software for calculation;
c) Controlling calculation results and reporting results;
d) Control the selection of maximum wind, maximum wind;
d) Controlling factors related to the ball's ascending speed;
e) Control and compare the surface meteorological data before the ball is released in space and time to consider whether the use of the ball is appropriate or not;
g) Control the weather characteristics at the end of the observation to see if the reason for the termination of the observation is appropriate or not;
h) Control the time of data submission (transmission) and reports.
3. Document control of ozone and ultraviolet radiation, including: methods of monitoring, calibration of instruments and measuring instruments; monitoring process, monitoring regime, monitoring time; calculate data and select characteristic values; rationality of data according to space, time and monitoring factors:
a) Controlling the redundancy and lack of data in tables;
b) Controlling the correctness and suitability of the monitoring regime with the solar activity cycle (seasonal, monthly and cloud and wind characteristics);
c) Control the parameters of the temperature and humidity factors of the equipment and the operating environment of the equipment;
d) Controlling the suitability of monitoring indicators and weather characteristics;
e) Controlling the time of submission (transmission) of data and reports.
4. Weather radar document control includes: completeness of documents; monitoring methods; rationality of data according to space, time and monitoring factors:
a) Control the document size according to the number of obs (ca) observed;
b) Controlling the time of submission (transmission) of data and reports;
c) Control the periodical and extraordinary reporting regime;
d) Control to determine that the monitoring method is properly implemented according to the technical requirements;
dd) Control to determine the monitoring mode;
e) Control the reasonableness according to space, detailed time to each obs observed;
g) Controlling the monitoring factors for the reasonableness, completeness and accuracy of the elements."

The above is a list of the contents of the control of high-altitude meteorological documents, weather radar, Ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam

Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT takes effect from July 18, 2022.


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