Vietnam: Cash collection to be stopped using in Vietnam from August 1, 2022? Is it necessary to stick identification cards for cars to use non-stop electronic toll collection?

May I ask if it will be mandatory to stick identification cards for cars in order to use non-stop electronic toll collection in Vietnam? If so, can I pay in cash? Thanks!

Cash collection to be stopped using in Vietnam from August 1, 2022?

According to Directive 11/CT-TTg 2022 of the Prime Minister of Vietnam, directing:

"Recently, the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, the People's Committees of the provinces, and centrally-run cities of Vietnam together with BOT project investors, non-stop electronic toll collection (ETC) service providers, and Relevant units have drastically invested in toll collection systems in the form of ETC at toll stations nationwide according to the provisions of Decision 19/2020/QD-TTg dated 17 June 2020 by the Prime Minister of Vietnam, ensuring inter-connection, synchronous and convenient for people and vehicles participating in traffic.
However, up to now, the number of vehicles with identification cards and using ETC toll services is still low, which has not yet promoted the effectiveness of the ETC toll collection system.
To speed up the process of gluing identification cards to vehicles and cars, in order to maximize the efficiency of the ETC toll collection system in accordance with the requirements of the National Assembly in Resolution No. 62/2022/QH15 dated June 16. By 2022, contributing to reducing traffic congestion and transparency in toll collection activities, towards eliminating one-stop toll collection (using cash), the Prime Minister of Vietnam requested:
1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of agencies attached to the Vietnamese Government, and presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities of Vietnam; requesting the heads of agencies and socio-political mass organizations at central and local levels to continue directing the application of identification cards to all vehicles and cars under the management of the agency, units (including affiliated units) under the direction of the Prime Minister of Vietnam in Official Dispatch No. 155/CD-TTg dated February 22, 2022; No one-stop toll collection (cash) from August 1, 2022..."

Thus, in this directive, the Government requires not to use the one-stop toll collection (cash) from August 1, 2022.

Vietnam: Cash collection to be stopped using in Vietnam from August 1, 2022? Is it necessary to stick identification cards for cars to use non-stop electronic toll collection?

Is it necessary to stick identification cards for cars to use non-stop electronic toll collection in Vietnam?

According to Directive 11/CT-TTg 2022 of the Prime Minister, directing as follows:

"2. Ministry of Transport
- Direct the toll collection service provider to well organize the affixing of identification cards for means of transport, ensuring it is quick and convenient (note the announcement on the mass media and listing at the public transport toll stations with phone numbers and contact addresses to facilitate the pasting of cards as well as receiving feedbacks from traffic participants); continue to improve and improve service quality to meet the increasing requirements of society; thoroughly overcome technical errors, especially identification card errors at ETC toll stations.
- Direct motor vehicle registration units, toll-collecting traffic infrastructure investors, and relevant agencies and units to strengthen coordination with toll collection service providers in affixing identification cards. the name of the means of transport upon arrival for registration; study the option of sticking identification cards as a mandatory procedure in the registration process of road motor vehicles.
- Research to open electronic communication channels and hotline phone numbers to receive feedbacks from people and businesses on the operation of the ETC toll collection system.
3. The Ministry of Public Security directs the Traffic Police Department and the Public Security of units and localities to arrange forces to coordinate with the Ministry of Transport, local functional agencies and relevant agencies and units. related to traffic regulation in the area of ​​ETC toll station; strictly according to the provisions of law for vehicles that intentionally violate ETC toll collection activities, causing traffic disorder and safety, especially in the period after August 1, 2022 (when the toll stations fee for terminating manual toll lanes to switch to ETC toll collection and maintaining only 1 mixed toll lane at each toll station).
4. The Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Transport and the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities, and the press agencies will step up the propaganda work to create consensus so that the people, enterprises actively use the ETC toll service in accordance with the law, moving towards eliminating the one-stop fee collection using cash..."

What are the responsibilities of vehicle owners and vehicle drivers when participating in the toll collection system in Vietnam?

According to Directive 11/CT-TTg 2022 of the Prime Minister, directing as follows:

"5. Vehicle owners and vehicle drivers urgently apply identification cards to their vehicles and fulfill all conditions to participate in the ETC toll collection service in order to contribute to improving the efficiency of the toll collection system. ETC; Do not operate a vehicle that is not eligible for the ETC toll service to move into the ETC toll lanes, causing traffic jams. In case of detecting an inadequacy of the ETC toll collection system that affects the normal circulation of vehicles, immediately report it to the toll collection service provider and competent state agencies to handle in accordance with the law."

As such, the Prime Minister directs not to use the form of toll collection in cash, mandatory to stick identification cards for cars for non-stop electronic toll collection from August 1, 2022.


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