07:48 | 23/07/2024

How long without paying union dues before a Union Member is subject to disciplinary expulsion from the Union?

How long does a Trade Union member have to not pay union fees before being disciplined and expelled from the Trade Union? This is a question from Luan in Binh Phuoc.

How long does a Union member fail to pay union fees before being disciplined and expelled from the Union?

Based on Clause 3, Article 25 of the Discipline Regulations within the Union organization issued together with Decision 5130/QD-TLD in 2022 which stipulates violations and disciplinary actions for union members as follows:

Violations and disciplinary actions for union members

1. Union members who violate one of the following cases shall be subject to disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand:

a) Failing to comply with and implement the Charter of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, resolutions, decisions, regulations, plans, work programs... of the union levels causing minor consequences.

b) Not attending 50% or more of union meetings in a year.

c) Failing to pay union fees for 6 consecutive months without a valid reason.

2. Union members who violate one of the following cases shall be subject to disciplinary action in the form of a warning:

a) Having been disciplined as specified in point a, Clause 1 of this Article but reoffend or commit a first-time violation causing serious consequences.

b) Not attending 70% or more of union meetings in a year.

c) Failing to pay union fees for 9 consecutive months without a valid reason.

3. Union members who violate one of the following cases shall be subject to disciplinary action in the form of expulsion:

a) Having been disciplined as specified in point a, Clause 2 of this Article but reoffend or commit a first-time violation causing very serious consequences.

b) Not attending 90% or more of union meetings in a year.

c) Failing to pay union fees for 12 consecutive months without a valid reason.

Thus, according to the above regulations, union members who do not pay union fees for 12 consecutive months without a valid reason will be subject to disciplinary action in the form of expulsion.

How long does a Union member fail to pay union fees before being disciplined and expelled from the Union?

How long does a Union member fail to pay union fees before being disciplined and expelled from the Union? (Image from the Internet)

Can a union member rejoin the union after being expelled?

Based on point d, Clause 1, Article 3 of the Charter of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor issued together with Decision 174/QD-TLD in 2020 which stipulates procedures for joining the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, union membership cards, and union membership transfer as follows:

Procedures for joining the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, union membership cards, and union membership transfer

1. Procedures for joining the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor

a. Workers must submit a voluntary application to join the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

b. The executive committee of the grassroots union or grassroots union considers, decides, and recognizes or admits union members.

c. In places without a union organization, workers submit an application to join the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor through the movement board for establishing grassroots unions as stipulated in Article 14 of this Charter or submit an application to the higher-level union to be considered for joining the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

d. Union members who have left the union, if wishing to rejoin the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, must submit an application to rejoin the union, which will be considered for readmission by the higher-level union.


Union members who have been expelled from the union, if wishing to rejoin the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, must submit an application to rejoin the union, which will be considered for readmission by the higher-level union.

What are the responsibilities of a union member when joining the Union?

Based on the provisions of Article 19 of the Union Law 2012 which stipulates as follows:

Responsibilities of union members

1. Comply with and implement the Charter of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, resolutions of the Union; participate in union activities, and build a strong union organization.

2. Study to improve political, cultural, professional, and occupational skills; cultivate the qualities of the working class; live and work according to the Constitution and laws.

3. Unite and assist coworkers in improving their professional skills and effectively engage in labor activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers and the union organization.

Union members have the following responsibilities when joining the Union:

- Comply with and implement the Charter of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, resolutions of the Union; participate in union activities, and build a strong union organization.

- Study to improve political, cultural, professional, and occupational skills; cultivate the qualities of the working class; live and work according to the Constitution and laws.

- Unite and assist coworkers in improving their professional skills and effectively engage in labor activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers and the union organization.


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