08:59 | 20/08/2024

Vietnam: Abolishment of the requirement for Grade I cinematographers to have foreign language proficiency Level 4 from August 15, 2022

From August 15, 2022, does the position of Grade I cinematographers have any requirements regarding foreign language proficiency?

What are the current standards for the position of Grade I cinematographers in Vietnam?

Based on Article 15 of Circular 46/2017/TT-BTTTT (some regulations have been invalidated by Point c Clause 2 Article 11 of Circular 03/2021/TT-BTTTT), the regulations are as follows:

"Article 15. Grade I cinematographers

1. Responsibilities:

- To be the main author in terms of imaging and primarily responsible for the artistic and technical quality of the film, footage;

- To preside over the formulation of processes, professional regulations, and techniques in cinematography; to preside over the compilation of documents, and contents of professional training programs for lower-level cinematographers;

- To lead the direction, editing, analysis, and handling of scripts; build script ideas, technical solutions, artistic intentions, and creative techniques during the creation of the work to achieve the highest artistic content and quality for the film;

- To discover and assess new artistic trends and cinematic forms at home and abroad;

- To develop technical plans, ensuring the quality of cameras, supporting equipment, materials serving the filming process, and storing and preserving data after filming;

- To strictly adhere to the unit's internal rules, regulations, and cinematography working principles.

- To preside over setting goals, content, programs, materials, and organizing professional training for lower-level cinematographers;

- To participate in the council for the evaluation of appointment or promotion of professional titles for lower-level cinematographers.

2. Training and fostering qualifications:

a) Possess a university degree or higher specialized in cinematography;

b) Have basic IT skills as per the regulations in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT;

c) Have a foreign language proficiency level 4 (B2) as per the regulations in Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDĐT;

d) Possess a certificate of professional title standards for Grade I cinematographers.

3. Standards of professional competence:

a) Proficiently grasp the guidelines, policies, laws of the Communist Party and the State on culture and arts; significant political and social events; cultural and artistic achievements domestically and internationally;

b) Master the professional domain; various types of literature and art; characteristics and features of combined arts, related scientific and technical fields; sociology and effectively apply them in creating artistic images;

c) Proficiently know the legal regulations on labor protection, technical safety in practice and performance, and other relevant legal regulations;

d) Have led or participated in at least 04 (four) works recognized by the specialized art and scientific council or awarded; or participated in at least 02 (two) theoretical, research works on professional domain science (ministerial, provincial, or equivalent level);”

the standards for the position of Grade I cinematographers are implemented according to the above regulations.

No longer mandatory for Cameraman Category I to have foreign language level 4 from August 15, 2022?

Vietnam: Abolishment of the requirement for Grade I cinematographers to have foreign language proficiency Level 4 from August 15, 2022

Vietnam: Will the requirement for Grade I cinematographers to have foreign language proficiency level 4 be removed?

Based on Clause 13 Article 1 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BTTTT, some regulations on the standards for the position of Grade I cinematographers have been amended as follows:

"Article 1. Amendments and supplements to certain articles of Circular No. 46/2017/TT-BTTTT dated December 29, 2017, by the Minister of Information and Communications stipulating the professional title standards for public employee sound technicians, presenters, film editors, and cinematographers in the information and communications sector

13. Article 15 is amended in Clauses 2, 3, and supplemented with Clause 4 as follows:

“2. Training and fostering qualifications

a) Possess a university degree or higher specialized in cinematography;

b) Have a certificate of professional title standards for cinematographers.

3. Standards of professional competence

a) Understand the guidelines, policies, laws of the Communist Party and the State on culture and arts; significant political and social events; cultural and artistic achievements domestically and internationally;

b) Master the professional domain; various types of cultural arts; characteristics and features of combined arts, related scientific and technical fields; sociology and effectively apply them in creating artistic images;

c) Proficiently know the legal regulations on labor protection, technical safety in practice and performance, and other relevant legal regulations;

d) Have basic IT skills, use either a foreign language or ethnic minority language as required by the job position.”

Moving forward, the position of Grade I cinematographers only needs to use a foreign language and is no longer required to have foreign language proficiency level 4 as currently mandated.

What are the regulations on taking exams and considering promotion to the position of Grade I cinematographers in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 13 Article 1 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BTTTT, the regulations are as follows:

"Article 1. Amendments and supplements to certain articles of Circular No. 46/2017/TT-BTTTT dated December 29, 2017, by the Minister of Information and Communications stipulating the professional title standards for public employee sound technicians, presenters, film editors, and cinematographers in the information and communications sector

13. Article 15 is amended in Clauses 2, 3, and supplemented with Clause 4 as follows:

4. Requirements for public employees to take exams or consider promotion to Grade I cinematographers

a) Have held the position of Grade I cinematographersI or equivalent for at least 06 years (72 months). In case of equivalent duration, there must be at least 01 year (12 months) holding the position of Grade I cinematographersI up to the deadline for filing the application for the exam or promotion;

b) While holding the position of Grade I cinematographersI or equivalent, have led or participated in filming at least 02 (two) works that have won awards at ministerial level or equivalent or higher; or participated in at least 02 (two) research projects, programs in specialized scientific research at ministerial, provincial level or equivalent or higher that have been issued or accepted by competent authorities."

the exams and promotion considerations for the position of Grade I cinematographers are implemented according to the above requirements.

Circular 07/2022/TT-BTTTT will take effect from August 15, 2022.


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