Vietnam: Before the expiry date of the current press card, when is the application for consideration of issuance of press cards required to be submitted?

"Before the expiry date of the current press card, when is the application for consideration of issuance of press cards in Vietnam required to be submitted?" - asked Ms. Thy (Kien Giang)

Before the expiry date of the current press card, when is the application for consideration of issuance of press cards in Vietnam required to be submitted?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular 31/2021/TT-BTTTT on applications, procedures for issuance of press cards as follows:

Applications, procedures for issuance of press cards
1. An agency applying for issuance of press cards shall send 1 dossier of applications including:
a) A declaration of application for a press card declared by the applicant according to Form No. 1;
b) A digital copy (if the application is sent on the Information Portal of the Ministry of Industry and Communications) or a copy (if the application is sent directly or by post) of the bachelor's degree or a college diploma or higher in case the applicant is an ethnic minority prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 27 of the Press Law (this does not apply to press card change cases in the new period)
c) A digital copy (if the application is sent on the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Information and Communications) or a copy (if the application is sent directly or by post) of the recruitment decision or labor contract and other related documents (documents approved by competent agencies showing the time of payment of social insurance at press agencies, working agencies or showing the payment, salary/wages/remuneration/royalties on a monthly basis) proving the working time of at least 2 years at the press agency that applies for press cards or at district-level broadcasting stations, and equivalences;
d) A list of published and broadcasted press works for cases prescribed in Clause 5 and Clause 6 Article 26 of the Press Law (Form No. 2);
dd) A consolidated list of applicants applying for press cards (Form No. 3).
2. The agency applying for issuance of press cards shall send its application before November 11 and April 21 every year or before September 1 of the last year of the duration of press cards for consideration of issuance of press cards.
3. The Ministry of Industry and Communications shall grant press cards on January 1 and June 21 every year; If the dossier of applications is rejected, agencies prescribed in Clause 2 Article 5 of this Circular shall respond and provide explanations on the public service portal of the Ministry of Industry and Communications or in writing.

Thus, before the expiry date of the current press card, the agency applying for issuance of press cards shall send its application before September 1 of the last year of the duration of press cards for consideration of issuance of press cards.

The Ministry of Industry and Communications shall grant press cards on January 1 and June 21 every year.

What is the time limit of applying for re-issuance of press cards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Circular 31/2021/TT-BTTTT on applications, procedures for re-issuance of press cards as follows:

Applications, procedures for re-issuance of press cards
1. The press agency, working agency of an applicant applying for re-issuance of a press card shall send 1 dossier of applications including:
a) Application of the applicant (Form No. 6);
b) A written report on the loss of the press card of the applicant certified by the public security of the town, commune, ward (Form No. 7);
c) In case press cards are broken, send the old cards to the Ministry of Information and Communications (agencies prescribed in Clause 2 Article 5 of this Circular).
2. Within 20 days after receiving the valid dossier of applications, the Ministry of Industry and Communications shall consider re-issuing the press card. If the dossier of applications is rejected, agencies prescribed in Clause 2 Article 5 of this Circular shall respond and provide explanations on the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Industry and Communications or in writing.

Accordingly, within 20 days after receiving the valid dossier of applications, the Ministry of Industry and Communications shall consider re-issuing the press card as prescribed.

In what cases will press cards be revoked in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 6, Article 28 of the 2016 Press Law, press cards be revoked in the following cases:

- Violating the regulations on journalist’s occupational ethics, journalistic professional activities, information in newspapers or improper use of press card causing serious outcome;

- Being prosecuted by the proceeding conducting agency. Where the competent agency decides to suspend the investigation or the case to that journalist or from the day the effective judgment declares that journalist is not guilty or free from criminal liability, the state management agency over the press shall return the press card to this person.

- Being disciplined from the form of caution or heavier or two times of reprimand in 02 consecutive years in accordance with the law on public servants and officials and the law on labor;

- Leaving from job without returning his press card.


Press cards in Vietnam
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