When converting e-invoices in Vietnam, how must business establishments preserve and store invoices? How much is the penalty for violation of invoice preservation?

May I ask, how do businesses need to store invoices when converting invoices? Will I be fined if I lose or damage an invoice, if so, how much? Looking forward to help, thanks!

How to convert e-invoices in Vietnam and electronic documents into paper invoices and vouchers?

According to Article 7 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP stipulating the conversion of e-invoices in Vietnam as follows:

"Article 7. Converting e-invoices in Vietnam and electronic documents into paper invoices and vouchers
1. Lawful e-invoices and e-documents shall be converted into paper invoices and documents upon arising economic and financial professional requirements or at the request of tax administration agencies or inspection agencies. audit, inspect, examine, investigate and in accordance with the law on inspection, examination and investigation.
2. The conversion of e-invoices and e-documents into paper invoices and documents must ensure the correct match between the contents of the e-invoices and e-documents and the paper invoices and documents after the transfer. change.
3. If an electronic invoice or electronic document is converted into a paper invoice or voucher, then the paper invoice or voucher is only valid for keeping for bookkeeping and monitoring in accordance with the law on accounting. The law on electronic transactions is not valid for transactions and payments, except for the case where the invoice is generated from the cash register with an electronic data transfer connection with the tax authority as prescribed in this Decree. ."

When converting e-invoices in Vietnam, how must business establishments preserve and store invoices? How much is the penalty for violation of invoice preservation?

When converting e-invoices in Vietnam, how must business establishments preserve and store invoices? How much is the penalty for violation of invoice preservation?

Picture: Internet

How to properly preserve and store invoices and vouchers?

According to Article 6 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP stipulating the preservation and storage of invoices and documents as follows:

- Invoices and vouchers are preserved and archived to ensure:

+ Safety, confidentiality, integrity, completeness, no change or deviation during the storage period;

+ Properly and fully archived according to the provisions of accounting law.

- Electronic invoices and electronic documents are preserved and archived by electronic means. Agencies, organizations and individuals are entitled to choose and apply the form of preservation and archiving of electronic invoices and electronic documents in accordance with the characteristics of their operations and the ability to apply technology. e-invoices in Vietnam and electronic documents must be ready to be printed on paper or searchable upon request.

- Invoices ordered by tax authorities and vouchers printed or printed by themselves must be preserved and archived in accordance with the following requirements:

+ Invoices and vouchers that have not been prepared are stored and preserved in the warehouse according to the regime of storing and preserving valuable documents.

+ Invoices and vouchers made in accounting units shall be archived according to regulations on storage and preservation of accounting documents.

+ Invoices and vouchers made in organizations, households and individuals that are not accounting units shall be stored and preserved as private property of such organizations, households and individuals

How much is the penalty for violation of invoice preservation?

According to Article 26 of Decree 125/2020/ND-CP stipulating penalties for acts of losing, burning or damaging invoices as follows:

- A warning shall be imposed for one of the following acts:

+ Losing, burning or damaging invoices that have been issued (except for those delivered to customers) in the process of using, declared and paid taxes, have documents and documents proving the purchase and sale of goods and services, and have palliative;

+ Losing, burning or damaging the wrongly made, deleted invoices and the seller has issued another invoice to replace this incorrect or deleted invoice.

- A fine ranging from VND 3,000,000 to VND 5,000,000 shall be imposed for the act of losing, burning or damaging the invoice that has been made (transferred to the customer) during the course of use, which the seller has declared and paid taxes on. dossiers, documents and vouchers proving the purchase and sale of goods and services and there are extenuating circumstances.

+ In case the buyer loses, burns or damages the invoice, there must be a record of the seller and the buyer recording the incident.

- A fine ranging from VND 4,000,000 to VND 8,000,000 shall be imposed for one of the following acts:

+ Losing, burning or damaging invoices already issued or purchased from tax authorities but not yet made;

+ Losing, burning or damaging the invoice that has been issued (remitted to the customer) in the course of use, the seller has declared and paid tax, has documents, documents and vouchers to prove the purchase and sale of goods, service;

In case the buyer loses, burns or damages the invoice, there must be a record of the seller and the buyer recording the incident.

+ Losing, burning or damaging invoices that have been made but have not yet declared tax;

The parties involved must make a record of the loss, fire or damage of the invoice.

- A fine ranging from VND 5,000,000 to VND 10,000,000 shall be imposed for losing, burning, or damaging invoices already made or declared during use or during storage, except for the cases specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article. Clauses 1, 2, 3 of this Article.

- In case of loss, fire or damage of the invoice specified in Clause 2 and Point b, Clause 3 of this Article due to the fault of a third party, if the third party performs transactions with the seller, the seller shall be subject to sanction. if a third party makes a transaction with the buyer, the buyer is subject to sanctions.

The seller or buyer and the third party make a record of the loss, fire or damage of the invoice.

Decree 123/2020/ND-CP takes effect from August 1, 2022.


E-invoices in Vietnam
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