Commendation for emulation movement of good people and good deeds in Hanoi: What are the objects and dossiers of application? When is the application deadline?

Hello Advisory Board. I am living and working in Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi city. Right now, I'm hearing that the city is doing a summary of the emulation movement of good people and good deeds. So can I be considered for commendation in this movement?

Who will be rewarded in the emulation movement of good people and good deeds in Hanoi?

Pursuant to subsection 1, Section III, Guideline 05/HD-HDDTKT in 2022, issued by the Hanoi Emulation and Commendation Council on June 2, 2022, guiding the subjects to be commended in the competition movement. race good people good deeds as follows:

Only consider rewards for collectives, specifically:

- Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister: Consider and propose to boards, departments, branches, districts, districts and towns; Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, units of the City (referred to as units).

- The City's emulation flag: Including the subjects proposed to award the Certificate of Merit by the Prime Minister and the small collectives affiliated to the units of the City with the political system to the grassroots.

Thus, the emulation movement of good people and good deeds only considers rewards for the collective, not for individuals.

Commendation for emulation movement of good people and good deeds in Hanoi: What are the objects and dossiers of application? When is the application deadline?

Commendation for emulation movement of good people and good deeds in Hanoi: What are the objects and dossiers of application? When is the application deadline?

What standards must the collective meet to be rewarded in the emulation movement of good people and good deeds in Hanoi?

Pursuant to subsection 1, Section III of Guidelines 05/HD-HDDTKT in 2022, issued by the Hanoi Emulation and Commendation Council on June 2, 2022, specific criteria for commendation have been announced as follows:

General standard:

- Launching and implementing the emulation movement "Good people and good deeds"; organized preliminary, summarized the movement, proposed and was awarded the title of "Good person, good deed" or "Excellent Capital Citizen".

- Actively participate in the work of detecting, rewarding, fostering, propagating and replicating good examples, good people, good deeds (DBT, NTVT) and the City's annual contest.

- Internal solidarity, exemplary collective abiding well the Party's guidelines, State and city's policies and laws.

For the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit (maximum number of 15 collectives):

- Having at least 03 times been rewarded by the City for the work of discovering, fostering, propagating and replicating the example of the University of Information and Communications, or the organization and implementation of the City's Competition.

- For districts, towns and agencies of Newspapers, Radio and Television Stations directly under the city: There is a column to propagate the example of UEB and NTVT on the web portal of the district, district or town or has a special page or column to propagate and replicate the example of University of Information and Technology in Hanoi Newspaper, Radio and Television Station or at least 5 examples of University of Information and Communications, or 05 journalistic works selected to be included in the book "The Cottons" beautiful flowers” ​​Hanoi city.

For the City's Emulation Flag:

- For units under the City: Having at least 01 time rewarded by the City for the work of detecting, fostering, propagating and replicating the example of the University of Information and Communications, or the organization and implementation of the City's Contest. There are examples of University of Information and Communications, and NTVT of the unit selected to be included in the book "Beautiful flowers" in Hanoi city.

- For small collectives affiliated to the units: Each unit selects 01 best typical collective to propose the City to award an excellent Emulation Flag that meets common standards and is rewarded by all levels and sectors. about achievements in detecting, fostering, propagating and replicating the example of the University of Information and Communications, or the organization and implementation of the Contest, or having the individual author of the article or work that won the City's writing contest. * In addition, based on the proposal and actual achievements of each unit, the City's Emulation - Commendation Board synthesizes reports and proposes the City to consider and decide. Accordingly, in addition to the general standard, the collective requesting commendation must meet specific standards according to each form of reward such as the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit or the City's Emulation Flag.

What are the components of the application for commendation in the emulation movement?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section IV, Guideline 05/HD-HDDTKT in 2022, issued by the Hanoi Emulation and Commendation Council on June 2, 2022, guiding the application for commendation as follows:

- The commendation proposal of the commendation level.

- Minutes of the meeting to consider and reward the Emulation Council. - Commendation and commendation.

- Excerpt from the achievements of the collective or individual to propose the commendation.

- Report on achievements of the collective proposing to reward typical achievements in the emulation movement "Good people, good deeds" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the City launching the emulation movement "Good people, good deeds" ( 1992 - 2022) follow the form | 07, Decree No. 91/2017/ND-CP dated July 31, 2017 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Emulation and Commendation. Quantity: Certificate of Merit of the Prime Minister: 03 sets; City Flag: 01 set.

- Dossiers of commendation for the title of "Excellent Capital Citizen" shall comply with Clause 1, Article 7 of the Regulation on consideration and award of the title of "Excellent Capital Citizen" promulgated together with Decision No. 03/2018 /QD-UBND dated 16/01/2018 of the People's Committee | The city (accomplishment reports must be certified by the neighborhood group, residential area, the People's Committee of the ward, commune or town where the individual resides on the observance of the Party's guidelines and policies and the laws of the city). Government). Quantity: 01 set.

Accordingly, in order to be considered for commendation in the awarding ceremony, the collective needs to prepare 01 set of documents according to the above components.

When is the deadline for submitting applications for commendation in the emulation movement?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section IV of Guidelines 05/HD-HDDTKT in 2022, issued by the Emulation and Reward Council of Hanoi on June 2, 2022, the time and place for submission of documents are guided as follows: :


- Commendation for typical achievements in the emulation movement "Good people, good deeds" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the City launching the emulation movement "Good people, good deeds" (1992 - 2022); commending achievements in discovering, fostering and propagating the example of the University of Information and Communications, and rewarding achievements in organizing and participating in the Contest: Complete and submit to the City before July 15, 2022.

- Introduction and awarding the title of "Excellent Capital Citizen" in 2022:

+ Districts, towns and cities shall send dossiers to relevant departments and agencies before June 30, 2022.

+ Departments and branches send dossiers to the City People's Committee (via the Emulation - Commendation Board) before July 15, 2022.

- Commendation for the title of "Good person, good deed" in 2022: Units submit to the City for commendation before the 20th of every month.

Location: Dossier to be sent to the City Committee for Emulation - Commendation (No. 37 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi).

Thus, for the awarding of the emulation of good people, the deadline for submitting the application for commendation is July 14, 2022.

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